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Difference Between Retinol Before or After Moisturizer

If you are a beauty lover, chances are that you have come across retinol and its amazing skin benefits. Available in various forms including supplements, creams, and serums, retinol reduces aging effects by stimulating collagen production hence blurring acne and blemishes while also smoothing fine lines. While retinol is available as an over the counter and a prescription drug, the majority do not understand how to use, especially whether it should be used before or after a moisturizer.


Retinol before Moisturizer

To use retinol before a moisturizer, wash the face and when completely dry, apply a pea-size amount of retinol. Retinol should not be used on damp skin because the skin will absorb more than required and cause irritation. Finish with a moisturizer to hydrate the skin and reduce the risk of irritation.


Retinol after Moisturizer

For people with very sensitive skin, retinol may be used after moisturizer. However, a duration of about 20 minutes should be given to allow the moisturizer set in before applying retinol. These waters down retinol potency and can be effective for sensitive skin.


Similarities between Retinol before moisturizer and Retinol after moisturizer

  • When used correctly, both procedures are effective 


Differences between Retinol before moisturizer and Retinol after moisturizer


Retinol before moisturizer is a technique of applying retinol before a moisturizer to reduce on the amount absorbed by the skin, hence reducing irritation. On the other hand, retinol after moisturizer is a technique of applying retinol after a skin moisturizer, common among people with very sensitive skin.

Effect on retinol potency

While retinol before moisturizer does not affect the potency of retinol, retinol after moisturizer reduces the potency of retinol.

Retinol before moisturizer vs. Retinol after moisturizer: Comparison Table


Summary of Retinol before moisturizer vs. Retinol after moisturizer

Retinol before moisturizer is a technique of applying retinol before a moisturizer to reduce on the amount absorbed by the skin, hence reducing irritation. On the other hand, retinol after moisturizer is a technique of applying retinol after a skin moisturizer, common among people with very sensitive skin. It is important to note that retinol can cause undesirable effects in the first weeks of use such as dryness, skin peeling, redness, and peeling. This is a normal occurrence and should not discourage one from using it.

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1 Comment

  1. I use retinol cream at night. I would love to also apply my essential oils, which oils are best for lines and wrinkles and in what order would I apply them. Thank you Kathy Eckerle

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References :

[0]Image credit: https://live.staticflickr.com/3955/15028510784_46bac4de0a_b.jpg

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[2]Milady. Milady's Standard Esthetics: Advanced. Cengage Learning Publishers, 2013. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=FdwKAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA353&dq=Difference+between+retinol+before+or+after+moisturizer&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOgci9-fvlAhUKmhQKHS8IDnoQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20retinol%20before%20or%20after%20moisturizer&f=false

[3]Goodheart Herbert. Acne For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons Publishers, 2006. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=ot2C-Q_OU0AC&pg=PA106&dq=Difference+between+retinol+before+or+after+moisturizer&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOgci9-fvlAhUKmhQKHS8IDnoQ6AEIMTAB#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20retinol%20before%20or%20after%20moisturizer&f=false

[4]Small R. & Usatine R. Dermatologic and Cosmetic Procedures in Office Practice E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences Publishers, 2011. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=XFR7oNXY-NYC&pg=PA269&dq=Difference+between+retinol+before+or+after+moisturizer&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOgci9-fvlAhUKmhQKHS8IDnoQ6AEIOjAC#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20retinol%20before%20or%20after%20moisturizer&f=false

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