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Difference Between Wrought Iron and Cast Iron

ironWrought Iron vs. Cast Iron

Iron decorations can really improve the beauty of your home, both inside and out. You may have heard of the names cast and wrought irons, and it’s important to know how they differ. Regardless of their differences, both items can become beautiful add-ons to your home, but keep in mind that they are not the same.

The main difference between wrought and cast iron is how they are formed. With regards to wrought iron, the metal has been constantly pounded by some tools to give its desired shape. On the contrary, cast iron is the complete opposite of wrought iron, because the iron is directly formed after the liquefied metal was poured into a preformed molding container, giving the iron its shape (after it has solidified).

Originally, wrought iron was made by smelting metal gradually at a very low temperature ‘“ take note, smelting is not just melting the metal, but also incorporating some carbons, to induce a chemical reaction to help extract the metal. The function of the hammer after the melting, is to eradicate the impure components of the metal product. This is exactly from where the name ‘wrought iron’ was derived. ‘Wrought’ is basically a word synonymous to worked iron. Due to the slow melting process at the ideal temperatures, the resultant iron is relatively pure. More so, this item is an iron that can withstand extreme weather conditions, and will not rust or corrode.

On the other side of the coin, cast iron smelting is done relatively quicker than the process for wrought iron. The temperature during this process is also increased to quicken the melting speed of the metal components. As a result, the product of the smelting process is an iron that is not as pure as the wrought iron. Cast iron can take any shape based on the molding containers. Due to its impurity, cast iron is often regarded as a ‘brittle’ iron, and is less likely to withstand against harsh environmental conditions. Cast iron will also break easily when struck by a powerful tool, such as the hammer.

Because of these differences, wrought iron is the ideal item for outdoor decorations. However, one thing is still clear; both iron types are still good decorative elements in your home.

1. Wrought iron is more stable, pure and stronger, compared to cast iron.
2. Wrought iron is smelted slowly, whereas cast iron undergoes a faster smelting process.
3. Wrought iron is best outdoors, whereas cast iron is a good indoor decorative element.

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