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Difference Between Science and Pseudo Science

scienceScience vs Pseudo Science

Science has to do with a set of proven principles, which can help explain facts and phenomena. Pseudo science on the other hand is a masquerade. It involves passing off something which does not bear scientific scrutiny as the real thing. To know if something is science there are certain indicators- the weighing of evidence, designing meaningful experiments, weighing the options, coming up with hypothesis that are then put to the test, and the resultant emergence of theories are tools with which science tries to make reliable conclusions about the physical universe. Pseudo science is something which certain people use to propound outlandish concepts and ideas , by presenting them in terms which borrow heavily from science but do not measure up to scientific scrutiny. Examples of this kind of tomfoolery abound, and many are the people who delude themselves through it. Iridology, meridian therapy, reflexology, therapeutic touch etc. are prime examples of this malaise.

Science will always heed facts, and proceed on the basis of these. Pseudo science on the other hand depends on bogus or manufactured facts which buttress the agenda of the person pushing his particular brand of pseudo fact. Science involves constantly updating one’s knowledge about facts, as new information comes to light. That is why students’ textbooks in schools see a revision every other year. Pseudo science suffers from no such constraints as facts are inaccurate to start with, and there is no incentive or inclination to arrive at the truth.

Scientific research is always meticulous and looks to obtain validation from several authentic sources. Pseudo science on the other hand is sloppily researched and depends on other pseudo science texts or religious and mythological works which mostly have nothing to do with the fact of the matter. Science uses rational criteria to arrive at a conclusion. Pseudo science first comes up with a fanciful hypothesis that may appeal to one’s emotions and be fantastical in its implications; and then goes on to collect evidence that will somehow support this hypothesis.

Science will always try and present an argument by supporting it with facts and evidence. All that pseudo science will have is rhetoric, propaganda and misrepresentation and very little or no evidence.

1. Science involves working with a set of proven principles, which can help explain facts and phenomena. Pseudo science on the other hand is a masquerade. It involves passing off something which does not bear scientific scrutiny as the real thing.
2. To know if something is science there are certain indicators- the weighing of evidence, designing meaningful experiments, weighing the options, coming up with hypotheses that are then put to the test, and the resultant emergence of theories are tools with which science tries to make the reliable conclusions about the physical universe. Pseudo science is something which certain people use to propound outlandish concepts and ideas , by presenting them in terms which borrow heavily from science but do not measure up to scientific scrutiny.
3. Science will always heed facts, and proceed on the basis of these. Pseudo science on the other hand depends on bogus or manufactured facts which buttress the agenda of the person pushing his particular brand of pseudo fact.
4. Science involves constantly updating one’s knowledge about facts, as new information comes to light. Pseudo science suffers from no such constraints as facts are inaccurate to start with, and there is no incentive or inclination to arrive at the truth.

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