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Difference Between Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Major Depression vs Bipolar Disorder

Some years ago, people have difficulty discerning between Major Depression and Manic Depression. Before, a more integrated and standardized definition was created and doctors and psychiatrists had their own interpretation on the conditions that I have mentioned. Both of them contain the word depression. We all know that this word signifies an individual’s lack of drive, activity, and ability to continue performing normal functioning. But what is the real difference between the two?

Before we go on, there is still one question that needs to be answered. When does depression become a problem and not just a normal feeling that all individuals undergo at one point in their lives? In fact, feeling depressed is not a wrong thing and does not necessarily mean that you already have a problem. Depression is a common emotion that all of us feel, although this depends on how we interpret it to be. You may feel depressed from a simple reason, such as a failure in one test, being scolded by your boss, or unable to meet your deadlines. Almost all individuals have different reasons to be depressed about, but it does mean we have a problem, because we all have different ways to cope with this. Rather, how we handle our depression and what it has done to our lives may be the reason of our problem.

Depression may now be considered a clinical problem when a person has the inability to cope with it, and it has lasted for a significant amount of time already,disrupting the normal activities of that person. Only when this happens that a professional is needed to diagnose and assess the type of depression the person has. Thus, major depression and a Bipolar disorder are differently diagnosed.

Major depression is diagnosed when a person exhibits inability to cope for more than 6 months. During this time, that person has continuously felt depressed and has now shown no care for the self. This leads to alterations in normal functioning, and leads to a decreased self-esteem. The person shows depressive episodes all of the time, which could lead to a risk in committing suicide.

On the other hand, a Bipolar disorder was once considered as a manic depression. In this case, the patient displays mania and frightfulness, as well as times of depression. This is different from a major depression in the sense that the patient can shift moods readily. Thereby, it is vital that utmost care must be maintained to prevent harm during these sudden shifts in the mood.

You can read further about this topic since only basic details are provided here.


1. Clinical depression occurs when there is already a disruption in the normal functioning and an individual displays inability to cope with depression.

2. Major depression is diagnosed when depression has been in existence for more than 6 months, disrupts normal activities, and leads to inability to cope.

3. Bipolar disorder is diagnosed when both manic episodes and depressive episodes alternatively occur.

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  1. Obviously depressed people often gain weight, but overweight people aren’t more prone to depression.

  2. What is the difference of major an biopolar. I have been classified as major depression. I would like to know in plain language that I can understand. Please help!

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