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Difference Between Bees and Yellow Jackets

Bees vs Yellow Jackets

Bees and yellow jackets are most of the time looked upon as the same but they are actually different. The bees and yellow jackets belong to different families.

When comparing the colours, bees and yellow jackets are different. The bees come in black, brownish yellow and tan colours. On the contrary, yellow jackets come in bright yellow colour. While the bodies of bees are covered with hairs, the yellow jacket does not come with a thick coat of hair but have bodies that are shiny.

Bees usually feed on the nectar. On the other hand, yellow jackets feed on plant and animal matter.

In nesting , one can come across differences between bees and yellow jackets. While the colony of bees lasts for more than a year, the colony of the yellow jackets lasts only for a year. The yellow jackets tend to die after a year with just a hibernating queen surviving. While the bees always prefer to make their nests above the ground like top branches, the yellow jackets make their nests both above and under the ground.

When comparing the sting, the sting of the bees is barbed and is imbedded in the skin. On the other hand, the sting of a yellow jacket is barbless and is withdrawn once the venom is injected into the skin. When a bee stings this also means that the bee dies soon after the sting whereas the yellow jacket will not die after a sting.

Unlike the bees, the yellow jackets are known to be more aggressive. The bees are calm and smooth and they do get agitated with sounds. The yellow jackets get annoyed even with the slightest sounds around.

The bees come in black, brownish yellow and tan colours. On the contrary, yellow jackets come in bright yellow colour.
Bees usually feed on the nectar. On the other hand, yellow jackets feed on plant and animal matter.
When the bodies of bees are covered with hairs, the yellow jacket does not come with a thick coat of hair but have bodies that are shiny.
While the colony of bees lasts for more than a year, the colony of the yellow jackets lasts only for a year.
When comparing the sting, the sting of the bees is barbed and is imbedded in the skin. On the other hand, the sting of a yellow jacket is barbless and is withdrawn once the venom is injected into the skin.

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