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Difference Between USB Bluetooth and WiFi Adapter

We live in the era of wireless network community. Wireless communications had made remarkable development in the last couple of years. This development was mostly due to the high-tech development of communication tools and wireless devices. At the same time, Internet has evolved dramatically and as a fast as wireless networks. From home phones to cell phones to computers, the so-called wireless technology has surpassed the basic technological needs to become the technology of the populace. Bluetooth, for example, has evolved from a wireless replacement for old RS-232 cables to one of the principal consumer-oriented wireless technologies. That’s technology and intelligence coming together meeting the needs of the people; so it is with WiFi. Bluetooth is built into devices to allow quick and easy connections, whereas WiFi is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide high-speed network connectivity. We are here to talk about two common wireless networking devices – USB Bluetooth adapter and USB WiFi adapter.


What is USB Bluetooth Adapter?

A large number of laptops and an increasing number of desktop computers have built-in Bluetooth. However, if a PC doesn’t have Bluetooth pre-built, we use Bluetooth adapters, just like we need an 802.11 adapter to connect a PC to a wireless LAN. It’s a simple plug-and-play device that converts between Bluetooth’s short-range RF wireless interface and USB. Also called a USB Bluetooth dongle, an USB Bluetooth adapter is the most common and an inexpensive means to get Bluetooth onto your personal computer. It’s a tiny, compact device, about the size of a small pack of gum, which plugs directly into a USB port and does not require any external power supply or antenna. Bluetooth, like WiFi, complies with various standards, ranging from v1.0 to v3.0 to all the way up to v5.0.


What is USB WiFi Adapter?

WiFi and Bluetooth are similar in certain respects such as they both enable wireless communication between electronic devices. However, WiFi technology is most often used to create a wireless network of personal computers that can be located anywhere within a premise. WiFi is a wireless Ethernet intended to replace networking cables. Desktop computers do not usually come with built-in WiFi, so we can use an USB WiFi adapter to get wireless connectivity. It is a compact and inexpensive means to opening up your desktop computer to add a WiFi card. It is basically a radio transceiver that enables a personal computer to send and receive radio signals that carry data. The best part, it eliminates the need to hardwire your PC to a router as it receives signals from the router itself or nearby wireless devices; simply plug the USB device into a USB port and you have a connection.


Difference between USB Bluetooth and WiFi Adapter

Basics of USB Bluetooth s. WiFi Adapter

Bluetooth and WiFi are similar in certain respects such as they both enable wireless communication between electronic devices. However, Bluetooth is built into devices to allow quick and easy connections, whereas WiFi is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide high-speed network connectivity. A USB Bluetooth adapter, also called a Bluetooth Dongle, is a simple plug-and-play device that converts between Bluetooth’s short-range RF wireless interface and USB. A USB WiFi adapter, on the other hand, is basically a radio transceiver that enables a personal computer to send and receive radio signals that carry data.

Connectivity of USB Bluetooth and WiFi Adapter

An USB Bluetooth adapter, also called a “Bluetooth dongle”, as the name suggests, is a USB-based Bluetooth device that transmits and receives Bluetooth wireless signals. The Bluetooth radio is built into a small microchip and operates in a globally available frequency band that ensures communication compatibility among various devices. An USB WiFi Adapter, on the other hand, is a hardware device that adds and boosts wireless connectivity to a laptop or a desktop computer. They are external USB modules designed to boost your internet connection and perform just like your internal WiFi card.

Use  of USB Bluetooth and WiFi Adapter

Just like we need an 802.11 adapter to connect a PC to a wireless LAN, Bluetooth adapters are used to connect to a personal computer that does not have Bluetooth built-in. An USB Bluetooth adapter is the most common and an inexpensive means to get Bluetooth onto your personal computer. An USB WiFi Adapter, on the other hand, is a great and inexpensive alternative to opening up your desktop computer to add a WiFi card, thereby eliminating the need of hardwiring your PC to a router. Both are USB devices so they both connect to the USB ports of your personal computer or laptop.

USB Bluetooth vs. WiFi Adapter: Comparison Chart


Summary of USB Bluetooth vs. WiFi Adapter

In a nutshell, Bluetooth adapters are USB-based hardware devices that allow quick and easy connections among various devices, whereas an USB WiFi adapter is a networking device that uses radio waves to provide high-speed network connectivity, thereby eliminating the need to hardwire your PC to a router. Simply put, a Bluetooth adapter is designed to get Bluetooth onto your personal computer whereas a WiFi adapter is used to get wireless connectivity as it receives signals from the router itself or nearby wireless devices. Both are plug-and-play devices, meaning you just have to insert them into the USB port and you’re good to go.


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  1. any suggestions for price or make

  2. Just an FYI- Just because USB starts with a vowel, does not mean you’d put the “AN” before it. Since it is pronounced with a Y sound, it’d just be the normal “A”.

  3. Can we use wifi adapter as bluetooth connecting device?

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References :

[0]Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jabra-bluetooth-adapter.jpg

[1]Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shopxtreme/4564772171

[2]Briere, Danny, et al. Wireless Home Networking For Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Print

[3]Haley, E. Phil. Over-the-Road Wireless For Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Print

[4]Davis, Harold. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Wi-Fi Wireless Networking. Seattle: Que Publishing, 2004. Print

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