Difference Between Capsules and Tablets
Capsules vs Tablets
The doctors prescribe medicines in the form of capsules and tablets. A tablet is in the form of flat tablets and a capsule is almost cylindrical.
Tablets can be cut into two, whereas capsules cannot be cut into two. A capsule consists of powder or jelly enclosed in a dissolvable gelatin container. A tablet is a compressed powder in solid form.
Tablets are coated with sugar or similar substances, which means that the drug contained in it will not immediately enter the blood stream. But, the drug in the capsules is known to enter the blood stream immediately.
Tablets are known to be less expensive when compared to capsules. They are manufactured by compressing and packing the materials by great force. The Tablets are also known to have more shelf life and retain its potential for a longer period than the capsules. Moreover, tablets are available in different sizes and shapes. The only drawback that can be seen with tablets is that large tablets can be hard to swallow. Here the only means to take the tablet is to break it or crush it to powder.
When compared to tablets, capsules are easy to swallow. People who find it hard to swallow the capsule can just open it and mix the contents into a drink. This is beneficial when capsules have to be administered to children. Capsules have less potential and do not come in different shapes.
1. A capsule consists of powder or jelly enclosed in a dissolvable plastic container. A tablet is a compressed powder in solid form.
2. Tablets can be cut into two, whereas capsules cannot.
3. Tablets are coated with sugar or similar substances, which means that the drug contained in them will not immediately enter the blood stream.But, the drug in the capsule is known to enter the blood stream immediately.
4. Tablets are also known to have more shelf life and also retain its potential for a longer period than the capsules.
5. Tablets are available in different sizes and shapes. Capsules have less potential and do not come in different shapes.
6. Tablets are known to be less expensive when compared to capsules.
7. When compared to tablets, capsules are easy to swallow.
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I just read the article where you compare capsules and tablets.
You use incorrect arguments to make a statement in favor of a tablet, where a capsule is more flexible for drug applications, is more divers as it can come in almost every color (combination) and can be printed to identify the product.
Coating is also applied on capsules (but not common).
capsules are cheaper as you do not need to much exipients to make a tablet, you just need the drug and some protecting exipient to fill the capsule (what can make the size smaller and thus easier to swallow)
you can never compare a capsule with plastic, it’s 100% natural….
you do not speak about the HPMC type, it’s the vegetarian type
and so on…
Dear Mr. Kristof ,
Thank you and the web site that awared us in the differents .
Seems you have enough information also in this subjects …
Kindly assist me in more information by email i left it .
Thanks again …
Just wanted to say that while some tablets and capsules could be crushed or broken and the contents poured into a suitable and palatable liquid, this is the absolutely not the case with many drugs (and could pose a health hazard for a variety of reasons.) Before you go about breaking up a tablet or capsule and doing this, contact a local pharmacist and ask them if this is acceptable for the drug.
Source: Student Pharmacist
GREST POINT!!! Medication comes with some pretty good info on how and when to take the prescription. Also how it works in the body. Some rapid relese med’s can be extremely dangerous, to much to soon and deadly!!! And time realese med’s are designed to slowly enter the blood stream. Way good idea to talk to the Doc or the Pharmacist.
I was taking the capsul & got changed to the tablet by mistake. It didn’t work at all & just made me sick. . The capsule has a time release that gets me to the end of the day. It is a huge difference. I strongly advise you to try the capsules. I can feel the calories burning away. Down 35 lbs already. Just my opinion.
hey guys how you doing
It’s have hlh on one side and 06 on the other yellowish white caplet
Thanks to all who discussed here to share such good information
Which one of them more dissolve faster?
Are fluoxetine capsules or tablets better and why is this? Could someone explain please :-), thnx <3 <3 <3
I thinks your is physical correct but not a benificial information for a doctor because some medicne require Bsic medium for absorption so that’s why a coat is used for capsule medicne because There is HCl in stomach which is Asidic medium.
Can I dissolve fluoxetine capsule in tea and have?
Can we use A to Z multivitamin capsule in place of Tablet
Just need more information they have type of absorption stages thanks