Difference Between Kefir and Yogurt
Kefir vs Yogurt
Kefir and Yogurt are milk products, which are cultured. Many think Kefir and Yogurt to be the same. Though Kefir and yogurt have similar taste and other similar properties, these two milk products are not the same.
One of the differences that can be seen between Kefir and yogurt is in the fermentation process. While Kefir is fermented with yeast and bacteria, Yogurt is fermented only with bacteria.
Though both Kefir and yogurt contains bacteria, the former contains more friendly bacteria than the other. Yogurt has transient beneficial bacteria, which helps in keeping the digestive system clean. It also provides food to the other friendly bacteria that are present in the digestive system. On the other hand, Kefir helps to colonize intestinal tract, which Yogurt cannot.
Another difference that can be noticed is that Kefir’s yeast and bacteria combination has more nutritional value than Yogurt. Kefir also helps to keep the colon clean and healthy.
Considering the digestion, Kefir is easily digested than Yogurt. As the Kefir curd size is smaller to that of Yogurt, it becomes easier to get digested. This makes it more a favorite dish to the babies and elderly people.
Another difference that can be seen between the two milk products is that Yogurt can be made by ‘inoculating’ fresh milk with another batch of yogurt. On the other hand, this is not possible with Kefir.
Though there are certain similarities between Yogurt and Kefir in taste and texture, Kefir comes much thinner and can be drunk easily.
Both Kefir and Yogurt have Turkish origin. Kefir means ‘to froth’ and Yogurt in Turkish means “dense” or “thick’.
1. Kefir is fermented with yeast and bacteria. Yogurt is fermented only with bacteria.
2. Kefir has more nutritional values than Yogurt.
3. Though both Kefir and yogurt contains bacteria, the former contains more friendly bacteria than the other.
4. Kefir helps to colonize intestinal tract. Yogurt has transient beneficial bacteria, which keeps digestive system clean. It also provides food to the other friendly bacteria that are present in the digestive system.
5. As the Kefir curd size is smaller to that of Yogurt, it becomes easier to get digested.
6. Yogurt can be made by ‘inoculating’ fresh milk with another batch of yogurt. On the other hand, this is not possible with Kefir.
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I have just read elsewhere that you CAN ‘inoculate’ a new batch of kefir from the old. Who is right?
Ver poor journalism in this article: the bacteria that turns milk into yogurt is called ” bacilous bulgarikous” and comes the Balkans( where the name of the bacteria comes from) – if you have a look at the map, Balkans are NOT in Turkey … There is no yogurt without that bacteria – if a jar of yougurt has none of it , it is simply a jelatine milk product but not real yougurt …