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Difference Between Ginseng and Caffeine

ginsengGinseng vs Caffeine

Caffeine is an alkaloid element found in certain substances, which is known to stimulate the central nervous system. Ginseng is also found in certain energy drinks and it is known to promote energy level and mental activity.

Ginseng is an herb with a fleshy root, which is commonly found in Asia and North America. Ginseng has been widely used in Chinese traditional medicine for many centuries. Caffeine, which is also known as mateine, guaranine or theine, is considered to be a psychoactive drug.

German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge discovered Caffeine in 1819. He termed it as kaffein, a chemical compound found in coffee, which became caffeine in English. Ginseng is derived from Chinese ‘rénshen’, which means “man root”.

While Ginseng is Anabolic, Caffeine is a catabolic. Ginseng builds energy in the body and also increases health and vitality. It involves a process by which food is broken down into natural sugars that can be easily used by the cells. On the other hand, Caffeine is known to build energy At a faster pace. It involves the breaking down of nutrients that are stored in the body.

While considering the impact of Ginseng and Caffeine in the mental health, the former is known to give relief from stress and tension. But caffeine is known to produce much anxiety.

It has also been seen that Ginseng stimulates mental awareness, accuracy and clarity. On the other hand, Caffeine has a negative impact on the mental awareness, clarity and accuracy.

Ginseng helps in lowering blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure and increase the pressure in persons who have low pressure. It has also been found out that a regular use of Ginseng can ease nervous tensions. Well, Caffeine is known to raise the blood pressure and cause high nervous tension and irregular heartbeats. Recent studies have shown that it even increases the cholesterol levels

Ginseng is found to be helpful in regulating blood sugar in diabetic persons and also those who suffer from hypoglycemia. On the other hand, caffeine is known to increase the blood sugar levels in diabetic persons and lower it in persons having hypoglycemia.

While Ginseng has many health benefits, Caffeine dos not deliver any good.

1. Caffeine is an alkaloid element found in certain substances. Ginseng is an herb with a fleshy root, which is commonly found in Asia and North America.
2. While Ginseng is Anabolic, Caffeine is a catabolic.
3. Ginseng is known to give relief from stress and tension. Caffeine is known to produce much anxiety.

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