Difference Between Gypsies and Romanians
Gypsies Vs Romanians
There’s a lot of confusion between gypsies and Romanians. This confusion has become worse to the point that many people associate gypsies with Romanians or think that they are actually from Romania. This is a sad claim because this is a common example of a stereotype. It is just the same as in the case of assuming that the Irish are mostly drunkards, or the case of considering White American Southerners as supremacists when this is not always true.
The root for these stereotypes may be linked to popular culture and the influence of media. As a result people often sensationalize things then make unfounded generalizations.
The confusion may also be rooted to the nature of the word gypsy. Romanies is another term for gypsies. Thus, it is a matter of name confusion between Romanians and Romanies. Also, if you have been watching lots of those monster movie flicks involving Romanians and gypsies then most likely you’ve also been brainwashed to believe that they are one and the same.
To common knowledge, many believe that ‘gypsies’ is a group of wanderers. Although it can be recalled in history that they have actually spent some time in Romania, this does not mean that they come from Romania. Claiming that being a gypsy is connected to a certain ethnicity or race is a purely absurd ideology. As a matter of fact, gypsies have long been dispersed throughout the many corners of the globe. The majority of these people are however located across Europe. They were believed to have been exiled from Egypt and so became an ethnic group themselves. They are more of nomads who travel a lot and absorb cultures or people of different races into their group. Hence, they have developed many dialects.
Other cultures have come to accept the word gypsy to relate to fashion sense. Especially in Northern America, gypsy is a form of lifestyle or a type of look, not an ethnicity.
Overall, people must not conclude that gypsies and Romanians are the same. People who think of such are just uneducated and will usually end up insulting the people of Romania. Here are their differences:
Gypsies are nomadic people who wander around the world a lot.
Romanians is an ethnic group who live inherently within the borders of Romania while gypsies don’t have a definite country to live in.
The Romanian people comprise the nation of Romania whereas the gypsies do not form a nation.
Gypsies can also be linked to fashion sense and lifestyle especially in Northern America.
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The confusion derives from the name that gypsies took in 1971 at the World Gypsies Congress- ROMA.
The name “Romanian” derives from the Roma(Rome) The Roman Empire.This is a name that inhabitants of Romania took to emphasize that they are the descendants of the latin speaking population in the Balkans, population who was settled here from all the Roman Empire
Many people in Romania think that the name “romani” that gypsies took in 1971 is to create confusion, because someone wants to create a gypsy state here in Romania.The name of the country already exists-Romania- the land of the romas.Very clever and also very dirty politics…Please excuse my english.
I agree with SDF!! You should write about what you know about! You like to accuse others of being ignorant,but you are the ignorant one here! Just so you know too, the Roma travelled from Northern India. They were from the Pujab region & a warrior tribe. This has been proven by genetic testing but I also know through other means that this is true. I am not going to share anymore of my ancestry with you,mostly because you don’t deserve it after reading your billshit! Just so you know too,there are probably more Romani in Romania,than Romanians!!
Although I am in Canada & the link that I am posting is in the UK, informatiom contained therein is accurate regarding the Roma/Rom/Romany/Romani people. You act like the name is new & made up to steal your identity or something,when in fact,these names have existed for a very long time. There are several different groups & dialects of Gypsy people. Yes,there are a lot of Roma in Romania. The two are almost the same because over many years there has been much integration. No need to be racist towards a community that you are likely related to at some point or juncture. There are traditional & non traditional,etc..I am not going to be your educater but you should become educated on a subject first. http://blainerobinblaine.blogspot.com/2011/05/gypsy-roma-history-traveller-month.html
You just proved to be another ignorant asshole from the West. Enough said.
It is true that Romania has a large Gypsy minority but to claim that Romanians and Gypsies are almost the same population simply because they have been living together for hundreds of years is the same as claiming cats and rats are almost the same species for very much the same reason. But, after all, you’re from Canada, so you wouldn’t really know anything about street level Romania. Spare me of your studies and links to some clever websites, I see Romanian reality first hand just by taking a stroll downtown. Romanians are beautiful Caucasian people, Gypsies are (usually) physically ugly (even though that is admittedly subjective) and clearly different from a racial-anthropological view-point (as they should, since they come from the Indian subcontinent). A very common perception which Romanians have of Gypsies is their resemblance to the Orcs from the Lord of The Rings trilogy: physically repulsive, unprovokedly violent, many unacquainted to water and soap and NO, I’m not speaking from tabloids and popular misconception, I’m speaking from street level reality which I see and experience everyday with my own eyes in Romania, where I live. Political correctness is not my game so I’m not interested in hypocritical rantings, ESPECIALLY from foreigners. If you want to see things as they truly are, come to Romania and get mugged by these lovely Gypsies, so overly romanticized by Western stereotypes.
Yes, I admit they are people just like the rest of us, yes they could be educated to turn from their criminal mafia-style behavior which their subculture greatly praises as the ideal of a good life, but in order to do that, their adults need to let their offspring go to school instead of using their children’s textbooks to set fire to the cooking pot or, worse, wiping their asses with them, as they often do.
Romania is not a mixture of gypsies and Romanians, you idiot! they are very well defined one from others. Romanians are educated and clean and work for a living and know art. While gypsies are ignorant, dirty, they steal and fight or kill, their so called music is rubbish, and most of all are very proud of their stupid state of body and mind.
How many romas?
Based on you own obesravation?
WE know better friend
According to you the Romans were Gypsy
But that’s Germa or Germi
Those Bondies who called themselves German and Cets
Those are the Gypsies of Europe
You idiot Canadian/ American shut up and stick to your hockey and ignorance. Gyspies or ROMANIES are a minority in Romania. The majority of people in Romania are ROMANIANS. TWO DIFFERENT ETHNIC GROUPS. Don’t talk about things you don’t know, stick to your own little world. I am from Romania so i know this, don’t you dare tell me what my own country is and isn’t you pathetic, arrgoant asshole
Sure it is
And…there are lots of Germs who consider themselves the smackers of Europe
Tiganii de Germani Blonzi
You will learn your history one day
That is soon
Go and do your homework kid !
How many Romanians do you actually know ? Have you ever visited Romania?
Do you know what the word Romanian stands for ? It stands for Citizen of Rome
In Romania are living over 19 minority groups and Gypsies is one of them
But Gypsies live in every other European country including North America and South America
Gypsies they came from NW part of India a region called Punjabi they traveled through Egypt where they learned palm reading and saurcery. In 12 century they entered in Europe through Greece and spread in evry country in Europe
If you want to see who the Romanians are next time when you travel in Europe in Italy in Rome visit Trajan’s Column it is located on Via dei Fori Imperiali ,00 186 Rome, Italy
In Canada you have almost 1 million Gypsies in USA more and in Brazil even more Gypsies the Portugheze deported some of them from Portugal when they colonised Brazil
Dear Sir,
In short, Romanian – Roma are the same !!! can have different skin color and all but they are the same.
Buna Ziua,
dear Thomas,
You have no idea what you are talking about:)gypsies were called rromi(not roma)by us,because calling them gypsies was considered racist:)do your research first then you can comment what you want,i’m white,blond hair,green eyes if you would call me tigan or roma or whatever i would kick your ass:)
Dearest Thomas,
You gave the smartest answer in here. Thank you very much for your quick, prompt answer.
Hope you enjoy living in Pakistan. Sorry, I mean India. Sorry, I mean Nigeria. Sorry, I mean Bangladesh… Hope this helps!
Of course. And then, pakistani and english people have different skin colours, but they are the same (actually in a short period of time there will be no english people in england or in britain either).
Good day to you, the last of the mohicans.
ahahah I have known “white” Romanians to be the thieves and shits to steal money from everyone. They love to stereotype the gypsies and blame them for all of the problems that happen in Romania. It is a shit hole because Romanians never take responsibility for what happens in their country. They are lazy as Hell. They used the Romani as slaves. They hate the Romani so much but they still will fuck one in a second. I am so sick of the bullshit that your country provides. You stupid Romanians do not mean shit in the real world. You deserve every bit of shit that the Romani give to you. Now eat it on a silver platter you sick fucks.
P.S. France does not give a shit about you. You are their new slaves. The French think they are superior to a “white” Romanian.
Oh you smart ass.Who do you think think you are– the best ? in your fake mind probably. I dont love you either dont worry. Romanians are good workers and will soon be your doctors who cut your skin to save your life and send the money back to Romania and invest in their country. This is what the gipsys will never be.. doctors, smart it guys, engineers and so on. Because they dont like anything except marying at 14 and making kids to steal your pocket.
So if you like them so much you can take them in your country too! Oh no. You’re already full with other etnicities that are the same as you since you both are able to walk, you’re the same!!
Dear Thomas just to let you know I’m a hungarian and I was born in Transylvania which is part of Romania (once belonged to Hungary….but this is History ..) concearning your oppinion I strongly advice you to go and visit first TRansylvania ,see the buildings, have a look on german houses, hungarian influences and then come here and put on balance your words,romanians originally belong to bizance and their ancestors were aromans but not gypsies!!!! Have a pice of mind and think because when I first came here to Britain I was strongly convinced britts are polite and nice people ,indeed but not all of them!!!
dear thomas.
please die. thank you.
Yes, of course, and soon enough germans will become turks.
Greetings from Ankara.
And your mother is same like africans. Is it a diference between you and they? You don`t know how many countries are in Europe or where is your country and speak about a nation like an idiot. You are mental limited for a new war if your queen or king call you… BARBARIANS. You are worse like gipsy, WANKERS!
To us Romanians count who those in the west and East are
East is Sclavini
Hungarians = Mongoli with Roman (only) Catholic kings and Romans or Thracians none Turks – Never in your mother dream
The Germs?….ha
These paralitics according to everyRoman Historians were as described by others
Tigani (Gypsies) blondies
Nothing else
Only what the Gypsy Romans said
But at the end they were big Gypsies weren’t them?
They put the Germs and Celts to work the way they wanted
We love the Blondies and Huns and Scalvini
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe” Editted by David Crowe and John Kolsti
with an introduction by Ian Hancock.
In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has
been worse than that in Romania.
Within several centuries after Gypsies entered the medieval provinces of
Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved, a condition that
lasted until the mid-nineteenth century.Although slavery was not a
condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the deep-seated,
dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic Romanian
relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system that
resulted in the 壮ocial death’ of Gypsies as Romanian slaves, and…Over
the next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalize in the Romanian
Provinces…In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire
in northern Bulgaria in 1461-1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad Tepes(the
Impaler), brought back 11,000-12,000 Gypsies(or Gypsy -like people ) to
his capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment….
Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17’000 Gypsies back from his
campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.His move, however,
simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which, for example,
stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted to marry
her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, 疎ny
Moldavian who married a gipsy himself joined the ranks of the robi’ “.
How large?
As the Wst and East is saying
Or as it is?
That has to do with politics not History
dear Thomas. you should know that there are a lot of incredible romanian doctors, that the majority of a very well known company-apple- is comprised of romanians. please do not generalize. i am romanian and i feel utterly offended when being called a gypsy. i am a student at the best highschool in romania, i worked incredibly hard to get here and to be put in the same category as gypsies is unbelievably offensive!!!
INot true.. The Romans got the name from us.. If the Romans came to Romania with a romanian translator. Why didn’t they need him?? They didn’t because the Romanians spoke Latin to…
@RomaniaISa.. france is an arab country in europe, suck my dick camel boy:)))))))))))))))))))))))
In short. ……like you!
Ok. Stop with not all true arguments! I’m a Romainan and there are not more gypsies than romanians ok? All the Europe and USA thinks that romanians are gypsies which is not true. I’m full of this bullshit because i’m embarrassed to say that i’m a romanian because this bugs named romani or rrom. I live with them day by day in buses, shops and many other places and seeing them non-stop. they stink, they are poor dressed, they dont work because they don’t want not because they can’t, they steel from you if they see an opportunity which is sad. The main problem is that they are uneducated. There are a lot a programs for gypsies in schools for the employers . Gypsies may have more rights and advantages than romanias but gypsies are saying that is a hard life for them because they can’t have a life without a S classe or a 7 series or a bentley… oh and i’ve forgot the palaces. Also not all gypsies are the same, i’ve met gypsies that are better that any american romaian, italian, french or others….. It’s sad
More Gypsirs as in Hungara
A Jypsy conry as I know
No there are Gypsy Germs and Celts
(Blondies) as described by the “Gipsy Romans”
La la la la Tigani Germani Blonzi
Well your gypsies sound very much like our black population in the u.s. they have more rights and opportunities than any other ethnic group yet they complain constantly and would rather live a life of crime and collect welfare checks from the government. And not all blacks are the same either.
Gypsy/Roma are NOT the same as Romanians. Some scientists say Roma/Gypsy came to Europe from Egypt or India. They settled in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and other European countries. They were nomads and some of them are still nomads nowadays.
Romanians are a different ethnic group, they are not coming from India or Egypt, their history is linked to that of the Roman Empire, they speak a Latin language similar to French, Spanish and Italian . They have a different history, they were on the nowadays territory of Romania before the nomadic qypsies came from Egypt.
There is much confusion nowadays between Romanians and Gypsy/Roma, many ignorant people believe that Romanians are qypsy, in fact they are not. They are a different ethnic group, they have different cultures, history, customs.
The confusion comes from the fact that many gypsy live in Romania, were most of them are not accepted by the majority Romanian ethnic people. They are not well integrated into the Romanian society and they often suffer discrimination. Romanians discriminate gypsies/Roma and they do not like Gypsy.
Conclusion: Romanians ARE NOT gypsy/Roma/Romani.
I think americans are all gypsies or travellers because america was populated by people coming from other places after Christopher Columbus discovered America, England, Italy, France, Spain…… are countries almost full of travellers and weak people because all the great worriers went out to fight in the way to find new places and land’s and they maybe died there or become an land owner in the new place, in the army you need the strong and healthy people. Whats left at home: disable people, gypsies, law abiding citizens
After that many years of invasion all these countries ,I think run out of good people and whats left ???
You must to be blind not to see whats left in all these countries
yah baby
But why get so exited?
It is better to be a Gypsy (close to the Roma
ns ) then a Blondie Gypsy
The Romanians were known in the past as:
VALACHUS (By the Catholic West)
FLACI(By catholic West)
IFLAK (By the Turks)
VLASI & VOLOH (By the Slavs)
OLAH &BLACH (By the Hungarians)
OLAHOK (By the Hungarians)
OLASZOK (The Hungarian name for the Italians)
WALACH (By the Germans)
WALSCHER (The German name for the Italians)
BLACHOS & VLACHOS (By the Greeks)
BLOCH (By the Saxons in Transilvania)
WOLOSZY (By the Polish)
WLOCHI (The Polish name for the Italians)
In old German WALH = ROMAN
In old slavonic VLAST = POWER(considered of Gothic origin)
In old slavonic VLAST = GIGANTE
Romanians always called themselves ROMANS & RUMANS, RUMANI and the neighbors called them Vlachs,Vlasi,Olahs,etc.
Since The language of the Church was Old Slavonic where RUM = ROME
The Vlachs called themselves Ruman
The other people in Europe who claim roots from Rome are in Switzerland and call themselves “Romanish”
Pussy Germanycs Sclavs or whatevar you are here you go?
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
“Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus Ungariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis
et Sirmus”
(In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs)
“Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis”
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464) (Commentarium rerum memorabilium)
“VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta;
sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant adversus Dacos, qui eas
terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci
primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati;quorum posteri
(ut ante relatum est) ”
(The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman
Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent,
romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati,
nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea
gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi
originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis
Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone,
hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum
ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui
norint interrogant”.
( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
“Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father,
unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to
prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the
Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF
THE ROMANS,by their flesh and blood”
Francesco della Valle,1532,(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to
Doge Andrea Gritti).
“The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they
are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS”.
IOAN KINNAMOS(Imperial secretary under two Byzantine emperors, Manuel I &
“It is said about the Vlachs that they are the old descendents of those
from Italy”.
Note: Only Germs, Rus and French are involved in this
Guess why?
“Gypsy/Roma are NOT the same as Romanians. Some scientists say”
I don’t know were are you from but I asume Germanic or Sleve or whatever
No Gypsies are Romanians and are Italaians and (don’t say Indo European) – since it is a bull shit proposition
But Ya….ya yhya….the Romanians are Gypsies according to the Germs and Slaves
Daes it matter?
Ok, so you and your French arrogancies really f** me up. And I’m talking with you RomaniaISa*t or how the heck you named yourself. First: You forgot about your black population. Which are like half of your entire French population. For example, three quarters of your National Soccer Team is made out of black people. Is not like I discriminate or judge them, they are people like us, but it was just an example, is like I would say that French are the same s* with Africans or something like that, which is an ultimate stupid affirmation, showing me your “education”. Second: Romanians are latinised people, of course, with so-called “dacic” origins and of course slavs that migrated here somewhere at the beginning of the Medieval Age. It’s proven that 85% of the actual romanian language has latin origins, and also, if you would read some texts in ITALIAN or even FRENCH and then compare them with ROMANIAN ones, you will observe that some word are obvious identical, with some differences like between American English and Britanic English. Third: It’s an offense for Romanians in general, which are educated people, olympics at Maths, with a tennis-player that is first in the world in the WTA classament, and a lot of other examples, I will not waste my time to tell you, just search Google to compare them with a nomadic race, that just came here from their Indian or Egyptian “mother-country”. Just kys bro, I really hope for the good of this world that close-minded people like you will try to open a book or at least check the web before postin’ something.
What load of bullshit. More gypsies in Romania, than romanian people ??? I think gypsies are forgetting that they are just invaders, same like albanians in Serbia. The gypsy population in Romania is about 2.5 %, but because of their “colours” they are more easily spotted, that’s all. I am ashamed, as a romanian, to be confused with gypsies when I go abroad…
Just stop… We all know that the Gypsies came to our home country (Romania) they are supposed to do that.. They are nomads, they migrate. We are all who we are. We chose the name Romania due to the fact that the Romans came here.. Before you came, our name was Dacia.. And we were all split into separate kingdoms.. I know that Hungary invaded Romania, and Romania invaded Hungary.. I know you guys talk shit to us, and so do we.. But it’s just part of life and I wish you guys could see that.. You don’t have to prove that you’re born here… You already are and that’s it… Final…
Sergiu, I think we could prepaire a plan to the gouvernment and export them back to india 2.5%is not that much:))we know they stole everything they have because they don’t work :))
slow down dude, slow down with the lies. gypsies or roma makes even in darkest dreams 10% of the population. what are you saying is like me saying there are more Chinesse in America than Whites.
Romanians are Europeans, gypsies are like Indians. Dark skinned.
Now enough with anti-romanian propaganda!!! Idiots
These are Hungari
si Implicit Germi
si Francezi si Rusi
Toti sunt cu noi
Ne vrea Tigani
Read more my dear, you are so ignorant. Wiki (if you know what that is) says: “According to provisional data from 2011 census, Romania’s population is 19,042,936.[9] Like other countries in the region, its population is expected to gradually decline in the coming years as a result of sub-replacement fertility rates. In October 2011 Romanians made up 88.6% of the population. The largest ethnic minorities are the Hungarians, who make up 6.5% of the population “
You would do well to visit Romania once and you would discover that there aren’t more gypsy in Romania than Romanians, stop presuming things you know nothing about, buy some history books and keep your thoughts to yourself. I’m a Romanian born and raised and putting us in the same circle with them is very disrespectful and offensive. Romania are ARIAN gypsies are dark skinned, in fact they look exactly like Indians.
and don’t get me wrong it isn’t a color thing the main reason Romanians don’t like gypsies is because, not all of them but a big part are usually violent and unpredictable they’re pickpockets muggers rapists and criminals… have plenty of colored friends and I enjoy their presence, but when it comes to gypsies I still can’t stand their presence
@ Timmy
Did you EVER visit Romania? You have no idea what you are taking about. And Romanian people are educated and you will never see a romainian begging. Romanians and gypsies have absolutely nothing in common. They just live in the same country.
Wanna see how gypsies in Romania live? Wanna see what type of clothes they wear? Take a look at this links.
you will never see a Romanian dressed like that or living like that.
Gypsies are indians, romanians are europeans.In fact, they belong to one of the three language families that are dominant in Europe. I speak about the latin one. Gypsies is what you do not want to have as neighbours. No kidding..I had my portion of bad experience with the tribe..
there is no diferece at all
Hey Mikail or Mike
i think you are Hungarian and gypsy, because gypsies and hungarians by 2040 will be the same thing. kurva anyad cigany
Romanians = white europeans
Gypsies = dark skinned, brown people that look like indians.
so take a hike “mike” from Hungary
So you are a gypsy?
So you are a Gipsy .
Just based on YOUR comment.
I have to lock the doors and release the dogs when YOU are around.
So sad. …….
Tiganii Gypsy Blonds’
Thast is Germs,Huns and Slavs,+ franso
That’s the Gypsy of Europe
That’s what the Popes from Rome said about Romanians:
But again the Germs and Sclavs amd Huns are the Real Romans
I just a Tigan…………..but you with money are the Romans for now
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
“Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus Ungariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis
et Sirmus”
(In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs)
“Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis”
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464) (Commentarium rerum memorabilium)
“VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta;
sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant adversus Dacos, qui eas
terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci
primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati;quorum posteri
(ut ante relatum est) ”
(The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman
Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent,
romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati,
nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea
gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi
originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis
Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone,
hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum
ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui
norint interrogant”.
( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
“Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father,
unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to
prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the
Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF
THE ROMANS,by their flesh and blood”
Francesco della Valle,1532,(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to
Doge Andrea Gritti).
“The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they
are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS”.
IOAN KINNAMOS(Imperial secretary under two Byzantine emperors, Manuel I &
“It is said about the Vlachs that they are the old descendents of those
from Italy”.
Ya as saying the blondies germs are Rom,an
To you in Europe (Contry of many Tigani)
Moderation means one think
You don’t like the subject
That is “Caput”
Asta e Europa de Tigani
me i am so many things i dont know what i am.I have native or as people say indian,german,russain,slovakian,danish and french.I have other things in me but i dont count them as who cares about what my 5 th grandparents were lol as i would have 10 percent of a percent of what they had lol well i think when we go far back wnough everyone has everything.My dad parents are mostly french but his dad had a great grandma that was irish and my dads mom had a great grandma that was native.My moms side is the most confusing as her dad is danish.my mom’m mom so my grandma is half slovakian as her dad was slovakian.My great grandma so my grandmas mom had half german and half russian.
We Americans we the people,,who payed you 40 # dolaras , rememeber Sclavini?
Many jipsies in east Of Europe
Only one Germany
We lave Germs
And still so many american do come and visit Romania and later they marry romanian women because they are beautiful, really do take care about themselves! Mike read the book written by Justin Basil”the Sun lies beyond” this american used to live in Romania for 10 years and indeed he tells about mysteries which happened during communism but still in general he has got a good oppinion about romanians and hungarians living in Romania, !! !
are you sure that your’e from usa?? cause your;e not talking very good your own language..im pretty sure that you are just a sonf of a bitch with an average iq on 80…ROMANIANS ARE NOT GYPSIES,, ARE YOU ALL FUCKING STUPID?? GYPSIES ARE ALL OVER THE WORLD,,USA, HUNGARY, SLOVAKIA_ (FULL OF THEM) ,,NOW I LIVE IN HOLLAND, WHERE GUESS WHAT..ALSO HERE ARE GYPSIES,,NOW WHAT?? HOLLAND PEOPLE ARE GYPSIES??NO NO NO..DON-T MIX UP ALL THIS WITH FUCKING GYPSIES…
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe edited by David Crowe and John Kolsti”
“In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has been
worse than that in Romania.Within several centuries after Gypsies entered
the medieval provinces of Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved,
a condition that lasted until the mid nineteenth century. Although slavery
was not a condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the
deepseated, dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic
Romanian relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system
that resulted in the “social death” of Gypsies as Romanian slaves. …
Wallachia under the Grand Voivode and Prince, Basarab (1317-1352), and
Moldavia under Prince Bogdan (Bogdan Voevoda Moldaviensis) began to emerge
as autonomous political entities through wars of independence. Severel years
later, Wallachian records indicate that Prince Vladislav Vlaicu (1364-1377)
gave forty Gypsy families and land to the new Monastery at Vodita. Over the
next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalized in the Romanian
Provinces, and abundant historical records document the Gypsys’ plight. The
most significant factor affecting the enslavement of Gypsies at this time
was warfare. In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire in
nothern Bulgaria in 1461- 1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad IV Tepes (the
Impaler), brought back 11,000- 12,000 “Gypsies (or Gypsylike People)” to his
capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment. Vlad IV’s
contemporary in Moldavia, Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17,000
Gypsies back from his campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.
His move, however, simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which,
for example, stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted
to marry her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, “any
Moldavian who married a Gip sy himselfj oined the ranks of the ‘robi. ‘ ” In
time Gypsy slaves were categorized according to who owned them and the type
of work that they did. Referred to as sclavi, scindromi, or robie they were
known as either tigani de casati (house slaves) or tigani de ogor (field
slaves). Domestic Gypsy slaves owned by the crown or the state were then
divided according to whether they were owned by noblemen (sclavi domnesti),
the Court (sclavi curte), or rural land owners (sclavi gospod). … Another
category of Gypsy domestic slaves were the laisei, which included the
lautari or laoutari (musicians or “fiddlers”), who did most of the slilled,
nonagricultural work on the estate. Contemporary Balkan Gypsy clans take
their names from those given to them during this period, such as the kirpaci
(“basketmakers”), the kovaci (Magyar, blacksmith) or sastrari, the zlatafi
(“goldwashers”), the curari (“sieve-makers”), and the chivute
(“whitewashers”). The Romanian Orthodox church also had Gypsy slaves, the
sclavi monastivesti, who were divided into the vatrasi (household slaves)
and the more artistic laisei. Becouse of the Gypsy slave’s value as a
laborer and a craftsman, laws were passed both to restrict their movement
and to prevent runways slaves and illegal Gypsy slave trading. In 1560, for
examle, the Voivode of Wallachia protested the kidnapping and resale of
Gypsies to the Sultan. …,By the late 1930s Romania, like many of its East
European neighbors, had drifted into the fascist camp. The new constitution
of 193 8 paid little attention to minority rights, while the Minority Statue
of $ August 193 8 was viewed as little more than a “piece of propagandd’ mea
nt primarily for “Gernian … consumption.” Within a year after the outbreak
of the Second World War, Romania saw some of the territory that it had
acquired between 1918 and 1920 returned to the USSR, Bulgaria, and Hungary.
King Carol tried to stife public outcries over these losses by more
stringent policis against groups like the Gypsies and the jews. His
successor, Ion Antonescu, intensified such efforts in his new “Nationalist
Legionary State”. Officially, Gypsies, like Jews,were considered no better
than “Mice,rats,crows…” and,according to Antonescu, should be eliminated”.
They are from Roma Italia
I am an American. Some of my blood is Romanian. I have always thought I was a gypsy because my friends and family all call me a “hippie at heart”. Lots of good information here but I’m saddened by all the name calling. You all sound like barbarians. Be nice 🙂 PEACE LOVE AND HAPPINESS <3
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe edited by David Crowe and John Kolsti”
“In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has been
worse than that in Romania.Within several centuries after Gypsies entered
the medieval provinces of Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved,
a condition that lasted until the mid nineteenth century. Although slavery
was not a condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the
deepseated, dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic
Romanian relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system
that resulted in the “social death” of Gypsies as Romanian slaves. …
Wallachia under the Grand Voivode and Prince, Basarab (1317-1352), and
Moldavia under Prince Bogdan (Bogdan Voevoda Moldaviensis) began to emerge
as autonomous political entities through wars of independence. Severel years
later, Wallachian records indicate that Prince Vladislav Vlaicu (1364-1377)
gave forty Gypsy families and land to the new Monastery at Vodita. Over the
next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalized in the Romanian
Provinces, and abundant historical records document the Gypsys’ plight. The
most significant factor affecting the enslavement of Gypsies at this time
was warfare. In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire in
nothern Bulgaria in 1461- 1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad IV Tepes (the
Impaler), brought back 11,000- 12,000 “Gypsies (or Gypsylike People)” to his
capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment. Vlad IV’s
contemporary in Moldavia, Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17,000
Gypsies back from his campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.
His move, however, simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which,
for example, stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted
to marry her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, “any
Moldavian who married a Gip sy himselfj oined the ranks of the ‘robi. ‘ ” In
time Gypsy slaves were categorized according to who owned them and the type
of work that they did. Referred to as sclavi, scindromi, or robie they were
known as either tigani de casati (house slaves) or tigani de ogor (field
slaves). Domestic Gypsy slaves owned by the crown or the state were then
divided according to whether they were owned by noblemen (sclavi domnesti),
the Court (sclavi curte), or rural land owners (sclavi gospod). … Another
category of Gypsy domestic slaves were the laisei, which included the
lautari or laoutari (musicians or “fiddlers”), who did most of the slilled,
nonagricultural work on the estate. Contemporary Balkan Gypsy clans take
their names from those given to them during this period, such as the kirpaci
(“basketmakers”), the kovaci (Magyar, blacksmith) or sastrari, the zlatafi
(“goldwashers”), the curari (“sieve-makers”), and the chivute
(“whitewashers”). The Romanian Orthodox church also had Gypsy slaves, the
sclavi monastivesti, who were divided into the vatrasi (household slaves)
and the more artistic laisei. Becouse of the Gypsy slave’s value as a
laborer and a craftsman, laws were passed both to restrict their movement
and to prevent runways slaves and illegal Gypsy slave trading. In 1560, for
examle, the Voivode of Wallachia protested the kidnapping and resale of
Gypsies to the Sultan. …,By the late 1930s Romania, like many of its East
European neighbors, had drifted into the fascist camp. The new constitution
of 193 8 paid little attention to minority rights, while the Minority Statue
of $ August 193 8 was viewed as little more than a “piece of propagandd’ mea
nt primarily for “Gernian … consumption.” Within a year after the outbreak
of the Second World War, Romania saw some of the territory that it had
acquired between 1918 and 1920 returned to the USSR, Bulgaria, and Hungary.
King Carol tried to stife public outcries over these losses by more
stringent policis against groups like the Gypsies and the jews. His
successor, Ion Antonescu, intensified such efforts in his new “Nationalist
Legionary State”. Officially, Gypsies, like Jews,were considered no better
than “Mice,rats,crows…” and,according to Antonescu, should be eliminated”.
Or this
The Hungarians
It is also true that the Hungarians of today look European.But their
roots are Mongolic.
From Britannica :(Languages of the world)
“Racially the Uralic people present an unhomogeneous picture.In
they may be considered
a bland of Europeans and Mongoloid types,with the more western
groups(especially the Hungarians,Baltic-Finnic and Erzya Mardvin
being strongly European and those of the Urals primarily Mongoloid”.
From ” De Administrado Imperio”by Constantine Porphyrogenitus
“These eight clans of the TURKS(Hungarians) do not obey their own
particular princes…,They
have for their first chief the prince who comes by succession of
From The Hungarian Chronicle(1095AD):
“We (Hungarians) are descendants of the great Huns of Attila”.
From “The Mongols” By Jeremiah Curtin
“Five groups of Mongols have made themselves famous in Europe:The
with their mighty chief Attila,the Magyars,The Turks or Osmanli,the
invaders of Russia…”
From “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” By Edward Gibbon.
“The(Hungarians) are distinguished by the Greeks under the proper and
peculiar name of Turks,
as descendants of that people who had conquered and reigned form China
the Volga (referring to the Mongols)”.
From “The Cambridge Medieval History” edited by J.H.Hussey.
“The form ovyypoi,from which are derived the various names current to
day among the people of Europe(Old Church Slavonic,UGRI;
GHERESI,and so on)comes from the Turkic ethnic name ONOGUR meaning
From “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler.
“We also hear of a fearful encounter which St.Cyril,the Apostle of
Slav,had with a Magyar horde in 860,on his way to Khazaria.He was
his prayers when they rushed at him luporum more ululantes-HOWLING IN
From “Britannica”(Languages of the world).
“Recent study indicates that it is posible to speak of a Uralic
type,an intermediate stage between the European and the Mongoloid,the
basic features of which are medium-dark to dark hair and eye
colour,relatively small stature and often a concave bridge of the
(Hungary is part of Uralic racial type).
From “Britanica” Hungarian.
“The proto-Hungarians were apparently an ethnic blend of
and Turkish peoples living in western Siberia…The Hungarians were
scourge of Europe,raiding as far afield as Bremen,Orleans and
Constantinople(the English word OGRE-a men eating man,hideous cruel
a corruption of HUNGAR,attests to their notoriety).
From “1000 years of Hungary” By Emil Lengyel.
“(Hungarian) Folklore speaks about NIMROD the giant,who had two
and HAGAR.The former was the ancestor of the HUNS,and MAGOR was the
ancestor of the MAGYARS.”
“The experience the Magyars left with the Western world was so
that even generations later people form the West saw the Hungarians
apocalyptic monsters. Bishop Otto of Freysing spoke of the exterior of
Hungarians as ‘ferocious’ at the time of the Crusades :(Their eyes
sunken,their stature is short,their behavior wild,their language
barbarous,so that one can either accuse fate or marvel at divine
for having permitted these monsters the possession of an enchanting
From “History of Hungary” By Denis Sinor
“Though, geographically speaking, of European origin, the Hungarians
settled in the Danube valley were,spiritually and materially,
and belonged to the great Central Euroasiatic cultural family whose
members lived dispersed form the Danube to China, from Persia and
India to
the Arctic. The Hungarian bows and arrows…were of exactly the same
as those used in Central Asia. As nomadic peoples generally do, the
Hungarians disliked towns,and even houses,to which they preferred
According to Otto von Freisingen, as late as the middle of the
century, summer and autumn were still spent under tents”.
“It is, however quite certain that the Mongoloid type was well
among them (Hungarians), and that they were, on the whole, of rather
stature, with short legs, bowed through continuous riding”.
From George Kedrenos (12th century).
(Describing the events which took place in 895).
“The Emperor had sent the Patrician Skllerous to the Turks WHO were
(Oungroi) to convince them to cross the Danube and attack the
(At this time the Hungarians used to live somewhere near Bug river,in
place called Etel-Kuzu).
From John Zonnaras (12th century).
(Describing the events of 895).
“The Emperor convinced the Turks who lived near Danube and who ARE
(Oungroi) to start war against the Bulgars”.
Yaaaaa but initialy I was a Hun or Hungarian
Then I realized this:
The Romanians were known in the past as:
VALACHUS (By the Catholic West)
FLACI(By catholic West)
IFLAK (By the Turks)
VLASI & VOLOH (By the Slavs)
OLAH &BLACH (By the Hungarians)
OLAHOK (By the Hungarians)
OLASZOK (The Hungarian name for the Italians)
WALACH (By the Germans)
WALSCHER (The German name for the Italians)
BLACHOS & VLACHOS (By the Greeks)
BLOCH (By the Saxons in Transilvania)
WOLOSZY (By the Polish)
WLOCHI (The Polish name for the Italians)
In old German WALH = ROMAN
In old slavonic VLAST = POWER(considered of Gothic origin)
In old slavonic VLAST = GIGANTE
Romanians always called themselves ROMANS & RUMANS, RUMANI and the neighbors called them Vlachs,Vlasi,Olahs,etc.
Since The language of the Church was Old Slavonic where RUM = ROME
The Vlachs called themselves Ruman
The other people in Europe who claim roots from Rome are in Switzerland and call themselves “Romanish”
From “De administrando imperio”.Constantine’s surname,
PORPHYROGENITUS(that is, born in the Purple Chamber of the Imperial
“The emperor Diocletian was much enamored of the country of Dalmatia,and
he brought folk with their families from ROME and settled them in this
same country of Dalmatia,and they were called ROMANI (VLACHS) from their
having been removed from ROME, and this title attaches to them until this
“The territory possessed by the ROMANI used to extend as far as the river
(Constantine shows that the ROMANS(Latins, NOT Greek Romans or
Byzantines) or Vlachs are the original Romans.
“The country of the ZXHLUMI was previously possessed by the ROMANS, I
mean, by those ROMANI whom Diocletian the emperor translated from ROME”
(Constantine is talking about the Imperial Romans,who are going to be
known under the name of VLACHS).
“The country of Diocleia was also previously possessed by the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME”
“The country in which the Pagani now dwell was also previously possessed
by the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME
and settled in Dalmatia”.
“At that time when the Avars had fought and expelled from those parts the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian had brought from ROME and
settled there,and who therefore called ROMANI from their having been
translated from ROME to those countries”
SUMMARY: In his description of the Greek Roman Empire,we can definitely
identify two people,the Imperial Romans(VLACHS-those Romans who
initiated the empire),called by Constntine,ROMANI, and the Greek
Romans(BYZANTINES-those Romans who adopted GREEK as the language of the
State and Church).
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
“Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus Ungariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis
et Sirmus”
(In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs)
“Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis”
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464) (Commentarium rerum memorabilium)
“VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta;
sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant adversus Dacos, qui eas
terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci
primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati;quorum posteri
(ut ante relatum est) ”
(The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman
Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent,
romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati,
nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea
gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi
originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis
Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone,
hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum
ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui
norint interrogant”.
( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Janus Pannonius,Hungarian Humanist/Poet (1434-1472)
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplici Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara rerra, sono
Quid dominum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”
(Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Alessandro Cortesi (1469-1491),Poet.
“An procul expusos Nomadas, serasque luentes
Pastores rupto Siculos pro foedere poenas?
Trinacriae Siculos quondam, Schythiaeque colonos,
Fortia magnanimos praebentes colla Valachos,
Qui referunt prisca Roamanam ab origine gentem?”
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
“Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father,
unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to
prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the
Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF
THE ROMANS,by their flesh and blood”
POPE Innocent III (in a letter addressed to IONITA, lord of the
Bulgarians and Romanians,from 1203)
“Thus, taking this into account, we have decided since long, through our
envoy or our letters, that we should pay a visit to your lordship, so
that,realizing your faith to the Roman Church,Your Mother, we might then
ROMANS…As, he (God the Father) will help you to be a ROMAN in this
wordily life and for your Eternal Salvation by your own striving, the
same as you are BY YOUR DESCENT; and he shall help the people of your
country, which say that they are the ROMANS,blood and flesh”.
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, “Cosmography” 1501.
“Transilvania…,it is inhabited by three peoples: the Saxons, the
Szecklers and the ROMANIANS.
The Saxons had come from Saxony,and are strong men,used to the struggle…
The Szecklers are considered the most ancient Hungarians…,The ROMANIANS
are of Italian stock…, A colony of the ROMANS was settled there (Dacia)
to keep a tight rein over Dacians under the leadership of a certain
Flaccus, after whose name the coutry was called Flacohia and its
inhabitants were called VLACHS instead of Flacci. This people speaks now
a ROMAN idiom, although partly changed,and hardly understood by an
Francesco della Valle,1532,(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to
Doge Andrea Gritti).
“The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they
are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS”.
The anonymous notary of King Bela,Gesta Hungarorum.
“For, after king Attila’s death,the ROMANS called the soil of Panonia a
graze field as,their herds used to graze in the country of Panonia.And
they were right in calling the Panonian soil the grazing fields of the
ROMANS, as even nowadays, the ROMANIANS(Vlachs) feed their sheep on the
Hungarian estates”.
IOAN KINNAMOS(Imperial secretary under two Byzantine emperors, Manuel I &
“It is said about the Vlachs that they are the old descendents of those
from Italy”.
Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459),”Disceptationes convivales”, Florentine
“Apud superiores Sarmatas colonia est ab Traiano ut aiunt derelicta, quae
nunc etiam inter tantam barbariem multa retinet latina vocabula, ab
Italis, qui eo profecti sunt, notata.
Oculum dicunt, digitum, manum,panem,multaque alia quibus apparet ab
Latinis, qui coloni ibidem relicti fuerunt, manasse eamque coloniam
fuisse latino sermoneusam”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs = Romans).
Flavio Biondo(1392-1463), Humanist.
“Et qui e rgione Danubio item adiacent Ripenses Daci, sive Valachi,
originem, quam ad decus prae se ferunt praedicantque ROMANAM, loquela
ostendunt, quos catholice christianos ROMAN quotannis et Apostolorum
limina invisentes, aliquando gavisi sumus ita loquentes audiri, ut, quae
vulgari communique gentis suae more dicunt, rusticam male grammaticam
redoleant latinitatem”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs= Romans).
NICOLAUS MACHINENSIS, Episcop of Dalmatia, under Pope Pius II.
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent, romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce
Flacco ita cognominati, nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo
vocabulo non modo ea gens sed omnes quopue fimitimae nationes hodie
Italos nominant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Janus Pannonicus (1434-1472), The most important Hungarian Humanist.
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplicis Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara terra, sono
Quid domimum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Filippo Buonaccorsi Callimaco (1438-1496), Italian Political Annalist.
“Sed utcunque immensus uel infinitus potios, eadem ubuque lingua et
praeter Romanorum coloniam Valachiam gentes omnes eadem primordia
“Fama nouae coloniae aliquamdiu motus Scuthios compescuit.Deinde non
solum propulsantibus, sed egregie etiam inferentibus bellum Romanis datae
acceptaeque sunt utrinque paene innumerabiles clades, cum pleraque a
caesaribus supplementa et auxilia suis mitterentur”.
Summary: Romanian (Vlachs) = Romans.
Jan Dlugosz (1415-1480),Polish Chronicler.
“(1359) Stephano Moldaviae Voievodae, apud Valachos mortuo, quorum
maiores et aboriginarii de Italiae Regno pulsi ( genus et natio Volscorum
esse fuisseque creduntur) veteribus Dominis et colonis Ruthenis, primum
sudole, deinde abundante in dies multitudine, “.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs )= Romans.
Raffaelo Maffei Volterano (1506),Italian Humanist.
“Eo quod Romanos, ut dixi, accepere colonos, pleraque uocabula loquuntur
lingua semijtalica,argumento est nomen Valachiam enim appellant, quod
Valach Italicum lingua ipsorum dicatur”.
Summary: Romanians ( Vlachs = Romans).
Marcantonio Coccio(1436- 1506), Italian Historian.
“Valachi italicum genus hominum: horum terram Daci olim tenuerunt: nunc
Teutones, Siculi et Valachi tenent… Valachorum nobilissimi qui
agriculturam et qui pecuariam exercent”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Felix Petancici(1445-1517), Humanist from Ragusa.
“Haec est provincia Dacia dicta apud veteres, Romanorum colonia(unde eius
aborigines hac etiam nostra tempestate) passim latino utuntur colloquio”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Joachim Vadian(1484-1551),Swiss Humanist.
“Supra Cataractas Danubius, infra vero Ister dicitur, sunt autem hae
maximae, intre montes Dacorum Straboni, eos hodie Iazigibus et
Transiluanis subiunctos, Walachos nominant, vocabulo Boemis Sarmatisque
uernaculo, quod inde natum uidetur, namque 奏y Vlasschi’ Italos nominant
quos ibi consedisse ex Pannonicis Sarmaticisque Romanorum bellis constant,
cum ne hodie quidem eorum lingua ab Italica multum sit absona”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stephan Taurinus (1485-1519), Moravian Humanist.
“Valachia vulgo Latinis Vlaccia dicitur, provintia Pannoniae
Cisdanubianae contermina in pontum usque descendens cum Damubo, veteres
inferiorem Moesiam dixere, vide superius loco suo. Inde Vlacci Vlacciae
populi, quos vulgus Valachos appellant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Johann Boemus (1520), German Humanist.
“Sed ea Thraciae pars quae Gethica olim dicebat, vbi Darius Hidaspis
filius pene perijt, hodie Valachia appellatur, a Flaccis quiritum gente,
Rhomani enim Gethis superatis et deletis Flacci cuiusdam ductu eo
Coloniam miserunt, vnde prumum Flaccia, dein corrupta voce Vallacia
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Sebastian Franck (1499-1543), German Humanist.
“In didem landt (Walachia) haben ettwan das volck Gethe gewonet, die
gross krieg gebraucht haben, zu letst mit den Rhomischen waffen ernider
gerruckt, abgetilckt vnd mit yhrem volck besetzt, vnder dem Rhomischen
hauptmann Flacco, von dem sy Flaccia nachmals vnlang Walachia gnant
worden ist, das diss volcks spraach noch heut her meysttheyl Rhomisch ist,
doch also corrumpiert, daz sy einem Rhomer kaum verstendtlich seind”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Georg Rithaymer(1563), Austrian Humanist.
“Valachi Italicum genus hominum in colonias huc missum, plane in mores
Getarum abierunt, ita nihil antiquae originis suae retinent, praeter
linguam quam barbare et corrupte conant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Nicolaus Olahus(1493-1568),Romanian(Vlach) Humanist.
“Lingua, ritu, religione eadem Moldavi utuntur, qua Transalpini; vestitu
aliqua saltem ex parte differunt…Sermo eorum et aliorum Valachorum fuit
olim Romanus, vt qui sint coloniae Romanorum: nostra tempestate, maxime
ab eo differt; praeterquam quod multa eorum vocabula, latinis sint
intelligibilia…Valachi, Romanorum coloniae esse traduntur. Eius rei
argumentum est, quod multa habeant communia cum idiomate Romano, cuius
populi pleraque numismata, eo laci reperiuntur; haud dubie, magna
vetustatis imperiique Romani istic indicia”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Theodor Bibliander(1548),Swiss Humanist.
“Post irruptiones Gothorum et Germanicarum gentium et Sclavinorum, atque
lacerationem et ruinam, imperij, sermo provincialis degeneravit longius a
sua origine, ut in provincia Daciae Vualachorum lingua, Vlasky enim
Italum aut Walhen sonat Slavis. Idem accidit in Hispanijs, in Gallia,
denique in ipsa Italia, in Latio, in urbe domina gentium et sede Romanae
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Iacob Heraclid,Despot-Voda, prince of Moldovia.
“Con voi valenti homeni et gente bellicosa discesi dali balorosi Romani,
quali hano fatto trmer il mondo… Et a questo se faremo cognoscer a
tutto il mondo li veri Romani et discesi da queli et il nome nostro sara
immortale et conergeremo l’imagine di nostri padri”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stanislaw Orzechowski(1513-1566),Polish Humanist.
“Hi (sc. Daci) erant ex Italis Romanisque proceati, qui Duce Lucio
Valerio Flacco cum Daciam occupavissent, in hisque Regionibus uxores
duxissent, ac consenuissent, hoc Dacos reliquerunt, qui eorum lingua
Romini a Romanis, nostra Walachi, ab Italis appellantur. Wloszy enim
Polonis idem est, quod Itali Latinis”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Martin Opitz(1597-1639), The father of modern German literature.
“Doch ewre (der Romer) Sprache bleibt noch hier auff diesen Tag,
Darob man dich gewiss gar billich wundern mag.
Italien hat selbst nicht viel von seinem alten
Ingleichen Spanien vnd Gallia behalten:
Wie wenig diese nun den Romern ehnlich sein,
So nahe sind verwandt Walachisch und Latein”
“Es steckt manchs edles Blut in kleinen Bawrenhutten,
Das noch den alten brauch vnd der Vorfahren sitten
Nicht gantzlich avgelegt. Wie dann jhr Tantz anzeigt,
In dem so wunderbar gebuckt wird und geneigt,
Gesprungen in die hoh, auff art der Capreolen,
Die meine Deutschen sonst auss Franckrich mussen holen,
Bald wird ein Kreiss gemacht, bald wiederumb zutrant,
Bald gehn die Menscher recht, bald auff der lincken hand,
Die Menscher, die noch jtzt fast Romisch muster tragen,
Zwar schlecht, doch witzig sein, viel dencken, wenig sagen”
Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Or( Romanian Foreign Sources on the Romanians).
You Hungarian
We know
It starts with the Huns
Unlike many other countries in Europe, Romania is the only country in EU that paid off all its outstanding debts, and that was possible because the Romanians are intelligent and hard working people.
If it wouldn’t be for Vlad the Impeller (Dracula) and his army of Romanians to hold the Ottomans entering Europe then the people from European Union countries would pray now to Allah and Mohammed, and it wouldn’t be a Western culture in Europe anymore…. In the past Romania (Tara Romaneasca and Moldova) was like a protective Wall against the Mongols, Tatars, and Turks so the rest of Europe could flourish!
There are more gypsies in Hungary, Russia, Poland, and Spain …than in Romania, and yeah in Hungary the gypsy have blue eyes and blond hair!
To that guy with his 4 inch dick that signed Britain and wants to breed with Romanian women : Your Manchester is proud with Ozzy Osbourne, Bucharest is proud with Coanda who invented the Jet Engine so you can leave Manchester by jet and fly to a better place… like Ozzy did long ago. You still have queens that don’t pay taxes and suck from all of you, and your princesses are flashing their boobs all over the France and all the World laughs at them, so don’t tell me about England and your True Blood…who gives a shit, who the fuck would kiss your women, they have such ugly crooked teeth… no doubt you want to fuck those sweet and beautiful Romanian women…
Gypsy is a way of living not a nation, and if you give those people a chance to improve their life they would do a great job, and yes they are altruistic people… In America usually the Hippie were called Gypsy because the way they lived their lives… and most of them had blond hair like in Sweden, Great Britain. If you go to Israel you can see that all the Jews born there have dark skin like the Gypsy in Romania…and yes after Trajan conquered Dacia in 106 AD he brought lots of Jews and settled them north of the Danube River … and I think that was the best thing the Roman Emperor Trajan ever did for Mankind.
Beautiful !
Please read again the true of Romanian history… Romania is not from Roma is from RUMAN – the people by the river.
The Germs are Gypsy Blondies
Asa vor ramine in toatalitatea noastra
Fute Germs
Note: Germ = Worm+ Tigan + Blondie
Ha ha ha
Tigani din Vest and West attacking Romanians
The Romanians were known in the past as:
VALACHUS (By the Catholic West)
FLACI(By catholic West)
IFLAK (By the Turks)
VLASI & VOLOH (By the Slavs)
OLAH &BLACH (By the Hungarians)
OLAHOK (By the Hungarians)
OLASZOK (The Hungarian name for the Italians)
WALACH (By the Germans)
WALSCHER (The German name for the Italians)
BLACHOS & VLACHOS (By the Greeks)
BLOCH (By the Saxons in Transilvania)
WOLOSZY (By the Polish)
WLOCHI (The Polish name for the Italians)
In old German WALH = ROMAN
In old slavonic VLAST = POWER(considered of Gothic origin)
In old slavonic VLAST = GIGANTE
Romanians always called themselves ROMANS & RUMANS, RUMANI and the neighbors called them Vlachs,Vlasi,Olahs,etc.
Since The language of the Church was Old Slavonic where RUM = ROME
The Vlachs called themselves Ruman
The other people in Europe who claim roots from Rome are in Switzerland and call themselves “Romanish”
From “De administrando imperio”.Constantine’s surname,
PORPHYROGENITUS(that is, born in the Purple Chamber of the Imperial
“The emperor Diocletian was much enamored of the country of Dalmatia,and
he brought folk with their families from ROME and settled them in this
same country of Dalmatia,and they were called ROMANI (VLACHS) from their
having been removed from ROME, and this title attaches to them until this
“The territory possessed by the ROMANI used to extend as far as the river
(Constantine shows that the ROMANS(Latins, NOT Greek Romans or
Byzantines) or Vlachs are the original Romans.
“The country of the ZXHLUMI was previously possessed by the ROMANS, I
mean, by those ROMANI whom Diocletian the emperor translated from ROME”
(Constantine is talking about the Imperial Romans,who are going to be
known under the name of VLACHS).
“The country of Diocleia was also previously possessed by the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME”
“The country in which the Pagani now dwell was also previously possessed
by the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME
and settled in Dalmatia”.
“At that time when the Avars had fought and expelled from those parts the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian had brought from ROME and
settled there,and who therefore called ROMANI from their having been
translated from ROME to those countries”
SUMMARY: In his description of the Greek Roman Empire,we can definitely
identify two people,the Imperial Romans(VLACHS-those Romans who
initiated the empire),called by Constntine,ROMANI, and the Greek
Romans(BYZANTINES-those Romans who adopted GREEK as the language of the
State and Church).
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
“Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus Ungariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis
et Sirmus”
(In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs)
“Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis”
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464) (Commentarium rerum memorabilium)
“VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta;
sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant adversus Dacos, qui eas
terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci
primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati;quorum posteri
(ut ante relatum est) ”
(The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman
Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent,
romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati,
nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea
gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi
originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis
Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone,
hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum
ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui
norint interrogant”.
( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Janus Pannonius,Hungarian Humanist/Poet (1434-1472)
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplici Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara rerra, sono
Quid dominum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”
(Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Alessandro Cortesi (1469-1491),Poet.
“An procul expusos Nomadas, serasque luentes
Pastores rupto Siculos pro foedere poenas?
Trinacriae Siculos quondam, Schythiaeque colonos,
Fortia magnanimos praebentes colla Valachos,
Qui referunt prisca Roamanam ab origine gentem?”
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
“Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father,
unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to
prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the
Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF
THE ROMANS,by their flesh and blood”
POPE Innocent III (in a letter addressed to IONITA, lord of the
Bulgarians and Romanians,from 1203)
“Thus, taking this into account, we have decided since long, through our
envoy or our letters, that we should pay a visit to your lordship, so
that,realizing your faith to the Roman Church,Your Mother, we might then
ROMANS…As, he (God the Father) will help you to be a ROMAN in this
wordily life and for your Eternal Salvation by your own striving, the
same as you are BY YOUR DESCENT; and he shall help the people of your
country, which say that they are the ROMANS,blood and flesh”.
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, “Cosmography” 1501.
“Transilvania…,it is inhabited by three peoples: the Saxons, the
Szecklers and the ROMANIANS.
The Saxons had come from Saxony,and are strong men,used to the struggle…
The Szecklers are considered the most ancient Hungarians…,The ROMANIANS
are of Italian stock…, A colony of the ROMANS was settled there (Dacia)
to keep a tight rein over Dacians under the leadership of a certain
Flaccus, after whose name the coutry was called Flacohia and its
inhabitants were called VLACHS instead of Flacci. This people speaks now
a ROMAN idiom, although partly changed,and hardly understood by an
Francesco della Valle,1532,(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to
Doge Andrea Gritti).
“The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they
are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS”.
The anonymous notary of King Bela,Gesta Hungarorum.
“For, after king Attila’s death,the ROMANS called the soil of Panonia a
graze field as,their herds used to graze in the country of Panonia.And
they were right in calling the Panonian soil the grazing fields of the
ROMANS, as even nowadays, the ROMANIANS(Vlachs) feed their sheep on the
Hungarian estates”.
IOAN KINNAMOS(Imperial secretary under two Byzantine emperors, Manuel I &
“It is said about the Vlachs that they are the old descendents of those
from Italy”.
Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459),”Disceptationes convivales”, Florentine
“Apud superiores Sarmatas colonia est ab Traiano ut aiunt derelicta, quae
nunc etiam inter tantam barbariem multa retinet latina vocabula, ab
Italis, qui eo profecti sunt, notata.
Oculum dicunt, digitum, manum,panem,multaque alia quibus apparet ab
Latinis, qui coloni ibidem relicti fuerunt, manasse eamque coloniam
fuisse latino sermoneusam”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs = Romans).
Flavio Biondo(1392-1463), Humanist.
“Et qui e rgione Danubio item adiacent Ripenses Daci, sive Valachi,
originem, quam ad decus prae se ferunt praedicantque ROMANAM, loquela
ostendunt, quos catholice christianos ROMAN quotannis et Apostolorum
limina invisentes, aliquando gavisi sumus ita loquentes audiri, ut, quae
vulgari communique gentis suae more dicunt, rusticam male grammaticam
redoleant latinitatem”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs= Romans).
NICOLAUS MACHINENSIS, Episcop of Dalmatia, under Pope Pius II.
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent, romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce
Flacco ita cognominati, nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo
vocabulo non modo ea gens sed omnes quopue fimitimae nationes hodie
Italos nominant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Janus Pannonicus (1434-1472), The most important Hungarian Humanist.
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplicis Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara terra, sono
Quid domimum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Filippo Buonaccorsi Callimaco (1438-1496), Italian Political Annalist.
“Sed utcunque immensus uel infinitus potios, eadem ubuque lingua et
praeter Romanorum coloniam Valachiam gentes omnes eadem primordia
“Fama nouae coloniae aliquamdiu motus Scuthios compescuit.Deinde non
solum propulsantibus, sed egregie etiam inferentibus bellum Romanis datae
acceptaeque sunt utrinque paene innumerabiles clades, cum pleraque a
caesaribus supplementa et auxilia suis mitterentur”.
Summary: Romanian (Vlachs) = Romans.
Jan Dlugosz (1415-1480),Polish Chronicler.
“(1359) Stephano Moldaviae Voievodae, apud Valachos mortuo, quorum
maiores et aboriginarii de Italiae Regno pulsi ( genus et natio Volscorum
esse fuisseque creduntur) veteribus Dominis et colonis Ruthenis, primum
sudole, deinde abundante in dies multitudine, “.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs )= Romans.
Raffaelo Maffei Volterano (1506),Italian Humanist.
“Eo quod Romanos, ut dixi, accepere colonos, pleraque uocabula loquuntur
lingua semijtalica,argumento est nomen Valachiam enim appellant, quod
Valach Italicum lingua ipsorum dicatur”.
Summary: Romanians ( Vlachs = Romans).
Marcantonio Coccio(1436- 1506), Italian Historian.
“Valachi italicum genus hominum: horum terram Daci olim tenuerunt: nunc
Teutones, Siculi et Valachi tenent… Valachorum nobilissimi qui
agriculturam et qui pecuariam exercent”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Felix Petancici(1445-1517), Humanist from Ragusa.
“Haec est provincia Dacia dicta apud veteres, Romanorum colonia(unde eius
aborigines hac etiam nostra tempestate) passim latino utuntur colloquio”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Joachim Vadian(1484-1551),Swiss Humanist.
“Supra Cataractas Danubius, infra vero Ister dicitur, sunt autem hae
maximae, intre montes Dacorum Straboni, eos hodie Iazigibus et
Transiluanis subiunctos, Walachos nominant, vocabulo Boemis Sarmatisque
uernaculo, quod inde natum uidetur, namque 奏y Vlasschi’ Italos nominant
quos ibi consedisse ex Pannonicis Sarmaticisque Romanorum bellis constant,
cum ne hodie quidem eorum lingua ab Italica multum sit absona”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stephan Taurinus (1485-1519), Moravian Humanist.
“Valachia vulgo Latinis Vlaccia dicitur, provintia Pannoniae
Cisdanubianae contermina in pontum usque descendens cum Damubo, veteres
inferiorem Moesiam dixere, vide superius loco suo. Inde Vlacci Vlacciae
populi, quos vulgus Valachos appellant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Johann Boemus (1520), German Humanist.
“Sed ea Thraciae pars quae Gethica olim dicebat, vbi Darius Hidaspis
filius pene perijt, hodie Valachia appellatur, a Flaccis quiritum gente,
Rhomani enim Gethis superatis et deletis Flacci cuiusdam ductu eo
Coloniam miserunt, vnde prumum Flaccia, dein corrupta voce Vallacia
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Sebastian Franck (1499-1543), German Humanist.
“In didem landt (Walachia) haben ettwan das volck Gethe gewonet, die
gross krieg gebraucht haben, zu letst mit den Rhomischen waffen ernider
gerruckt, abgetilckt vnd mit yhrem volck besetzt, vnder dem Rhomischen
hauptmann Flacco, von dem sy Flaccia nachmals vnlang Walachia gnant
worden ist, das diss volcks spraach noch heut her meysttheyl Rhomisch ist,
doch also corrumpiert, daz sy einem Rhomer kaum verstendtlich seind”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Georg Rithaymer(1563), Austrian Humanist.
“Valachi Italicum genus hominum in colonias huc missum, plane in mores
Getarum abierunt, ita nihil antiquae originis suae retinent, praeter
linguam quam barbare et corrupte conant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Nicolaus Olahus(1493-1568),Romanian(Vlach) Humanist.
“Lingua, ritu, religione eadem Moldavi utuntur, qua Transalpini; vestitu
aliqua saltem ex parte differunt…Sermo eorum et aliorum Valachorum fuit
olim Romanus, vt qui sint coloniae Romanorum: nostra tempestate, maxime
ab eo differt; praeterquam quod multa eorum vocabula, latinis sint
intelligibilia…Valachi, Romanorum coloniae esse traduntur. Eius rei
argumentum est, quod multa habeant communia cum idiomate Romano, cuius
populi pleraque numismata, eo laci reperiuntur; haud dubie, magna
vetustatis imperiique Romani istic indicia”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Theodor Bibliander(1548),Swiss Humanist.
“Post irruptiones Gothorum et Germanicarum gentium et Sclavinorum, atque
lacerationem et ruinam, imperij, sermo provincialis degeneravit longius a
sua origine, ut in provincia Daciae Vualachorum lingua, Vlasky enim
Italum aut Walhen sonat Slavis. Idem accidit in Hispanijs, in Gallia,
denique in ipsa Italia, in Latio, in urbe domina gentium et sede Romanae
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Iacob Heraclid,Despot-Voda, prince of Moldovia.
“Con voi valenti homeni et gente bellicosa discesi dali balorosi Romani,
quali hano fatto trmer il mondo… Et a questo se faremo cognoscer a
tutto il mondo li veri Romani et discesi da queli et il nome nostro sara
immortale et conergeremo l’imagine di nostri padri”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stanislaw Orzechowski(1513-1566),Polish Humanist.
“Hi (sc. Daci) erant ex Italis Romanisque proceati, qui Duce Lucio
Valerio Flacco cum Daciam occupavissent, in hisque Regionibus uxores
duxissent, ac consenuissent, hoc Dacos reliquerunt, qui eorum lingua
Romini a Romanis, nostra Walachi, ab Italis appellantur. Wloszy enim
Polonis idem est, quod Itali Latinis”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Martin Opitz(1597-1639), The father of modern German literature.
“Doch ewre (der Romer) Sprache bleibt noch hier auff diesen Tag,
Darob man dich gewiss gar billich wundern mag.
Italien hat selbst nicht viel von seinem alten
Ingleichen Spanien vnd Gallia behalten:
Wie wenig diese nun den Romern ehnlich sein,
So nahe sind verwandt Walachisch und Latein”
“Es steckt manchs edles Blut in kleinen Bawrenhutten,
Das noch den alten brauch vnd der Vorfahren sitten
Nicht gantzlich avgelegt. Wie dann jhr Tantz anzeigt,
In dem so wunderbar gebuckt wird und geneigt,
Gesprungen in die hoh, auff art der Capreolen,
Die meine Deutschen sonst auss Franckrich mussen holen,
Bald wird ein Kreiss gemacht, bald wiederumb zutrant,
Bald gehn die Menscher recht, bald auff der lincken hand,
Die Menscher, die noch jtzt fast Romisch muster tragen,
Zwar schlecht, doch witzig sein, viel dencken, wenig sagen”
Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Or( Romanian Foreign Sources on the Romanians).
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe” Editted by David Crowe and John Kolsti
with an introduction by Ian Hancock.
In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has
been worse than that in Romania.
Within several centuries after Gypsies entered the medieval provinces of
Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved, a condition that
lasted until the mid-nineteenth century.Although slavery was not a
condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the deep-seated,
dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic Romanian
relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system that
resulted in the 壮ocial death’ of Gypsies as Romanian slaves, and…Over
the next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalize in the Romanian
Provinces…In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire
in northern Bulgaria in 1461-1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad Tepes(the
Impaler), brought back 11,000-12,000 Gypsies(or Gypsy -like people ) to
his capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment….
Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17’000 Gypsies back from his
campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.His move, however,
simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which, for example,
stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted to marry
her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, 疎ny
Moldavian who married a gipsy himself joined the ranks of the robi’ “.
The Byzantines writers never reefers to the GYPSIES as ROMANI, nobody did.
The name ROM, ROMY started to appear late at the beginning of the 20th.
Century.The name of ROM comes from the Gipsy word DOM.
Based on this CONFUSIBLE, those who pretend to be what they are not, are
advancing the CONFUSION.
The Gypsy of Germany and West(Blodies) were fucked by us
they pretend to be innocent
That’s whay I call Blondie Gyypsiness
But it still goes around with the Germs and others like them
Even Sclavini
I know there Are Blodies Gypsies
in Euro and hope
But Tiganismul vine in vine
Voi Germani ,Huni French and Sclavs
You are the Gypsies of Europe
And Even those Gypsies were moe cultured then any European
The History
The Politics
The Gypsy of North
The Huns
Exactly, it’s a confusion of names. It would be like if a group of people roamed around the Americas (north and south) and called themselves Canadinos. They would be mistaken as a traveling band of Canadians, and their behaviors would become associated with all Canadians. This is stereotyping. It is not [initially] a matter of racism, but of ignorance and confusion. It /becomes/ racism when people learn the differences and still choose to ignore them. What is racist, however, is the assumption that just because Romani culture is different from Western culture, that automatically makes them lesser human beings.
Well gypsyes are not romanians,,,all europe hates the+ they hate us cuz they think romanians and gypsis are the same deal..
Anyway most of them are just thugs..
No the Gypsies hate the Hungarians because they think that they are Summarians
It’s not right
There should be Romanians and Summerians
But Summerians are too old
Who what we are?
Gypsy Germanic Blond?
You are very mistaken, we are anything but animals, and judging by the way you speak, you are the one that should be called an animal. Romany people did not intend to create any confusion between Romanians and ourseleves, but peoples lack of knowledge seems to have made this a big deal. Many nationalities have a shorter version of their names ie:
Macodonian – Maco
Australian – Aussie
This same concept applies to Romany people. The word Roma refers to Romany people as a whole. Now I would appreciate it if you shut your filthy mouth, and stopped wishing death upon anyone you imbocile.
Let it be
Let’s see how you Germs Huns or Slavs will go about
Lmao! You moron!! Romanians aren’t even Latin you idiot! Call them Romans,at least that would be more befitting a warrior tribe of people. I guarantee you, I live better than you do. I am also of Roma ancestry,I enjoy the benefits of the wonderful country of Canada that my father travelled as a Roma from Italy to. He pwned realestate & made over $50,000/yr Canadian dollars, 100% legal. You are the dog! Mutt!!
You stupid asshole:Romanians are latins…Yes…Read some historical books or informations and you will find out…So don’t teach us our history, we are the descendents of dacians (thracians) + romans (latins)….Unbeliveble!!!! You teach us our history?!! Bleahhh…Shut up!!!
What the fuck can romanians talk about where they came from, The Romans destroyed the dacians, they took them all as slaves the ones that they didnt kill and they would rape the women, so nearly all of you are not from them you are the RAT bastard offspring of the Romans, Attila, Saxons, Slavics, Mongols, Ottomans and now the working man and business man from ENGLAND are going there to do the job you True Blood Romanian men cant do and that is to breed with your women! and if you are that better people you are insects compared to our country we are successful no empire was bigger even now we have more power than the rest of Europe thats influence of having SUCH a big empire, oh and on one other point you backword part of Europe your women in MANCHESTER what i see are being fucked by the AFRICAN men that are coming over here white ROMANIAN women and polish women i havent seen this with the gypsy women,so your own women must get sick of hearing all you idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear very frustatrated man,
Yous should find out that the roman empire indeed conquered Dacia, BUT only after years of campaigns and fights and after bloodshed from both sides Dacia was colonized only by a quarter. Do you have any idea what Britons did to: Scots, Irish, Indians, Egyptians, indigenous from Australia and New Zeeland and so on? You conquered all by force and imposed your selfish commercial and territorial intentions steeling resources and crushing all in your path. Your palaces are built in blood of millions. How can you point the finger now and consider yourself superior to Romanians? Are you aware that because of Romanians and their martyrs your asses were not conquered by Turks? Where were mighty west Europe’s army when this invasions took place? Read history books and reevaluate your position in the world my friend.
Britania, if it wouldn’t be for Vlad the Impeller (Dracula) and his army of Romanians to hold the Ottomans entering Europe you would pray now to Allah and Mohammed, and it wouldn’t be a Western culture in Europe anymore….idiot you should kiss the Romanians asses because they preserved the Western Culture, they were like a protective Wall against the Mongols, Tatars, Turks so the rest of Europe could flourish including your country! And by the way there are more gypsies in Hungary, Russia, Poland, and Spain …than in Romania, and yeah in Hungary the gypsy have blue eyes and blond hair!
Your Manchaster is proud with Ozzy Osbourne, Bucharest is proud with Coanda who invented the Jet Engine so you can leave Manchester by jet and fly to a better place. You still have queens that don’t pay taxes and suck from all of you, and your princesses are flashing their boobs allover the Fance, so don’t tell me about your country. Gypsy is a way of living not a nation and if you give them a chance they would do a better job than you do, and I bet that most of them have a better heart than you.
And only thee Germs were left and Huns and Sclavs
England is a mixture of people
Many of those people came from the East
Read your Chronicles…Pits, Scotts….Welsh,
If you came here not only to .. with blind eyes, you would understand. But you prefer not to. Did you know that woman in dacia killed romas men? Have you seen that on Traians column? Im a woman and tell you i dont really think we passed on romas rats.On this land people were free before you even discovered war and peace. We knew then how you live un piece now.
Yes you had a big empire, and what does that bring you. Lots of stress.A and pride.
The only reason why youre not completely alone is because you didnt share your thoughts with that ‘romanian woman’ .
And gipsys are still gipsys no matter what. You can have them btw!!
Hey pussy Romanian (Hungarian) take it easy
nuff said here boy:
If you live in Canada then don’t take it personaly, the people here adress to European Roma people who cause a lot of problems everywhere. Hope in Canda they don’t. Try to understand the difference.
Also, you are a sad, sad person to consider yourself superior for having more money.
No way the Romanians are Japaneze
but The Germs and Huns are Tigani of diferrent nationalities
Russian Primary Chronicle (Laurentian Text), XI Cent.
“For when the Vlaks attacked the Danubian Slavs, settled among them, and did
them violence, the latter came and made their homes by the Vistula, and were then called Lyakhs. Of these Lyakhs some were called Polyanians,some Lutichians,some Mazovians, and still others were called Derevlians… Radimichians and the Viatichians sprang from the Lyakhs”.
Note: But the Hungarians came and expelled the Vlakhs
‘ The Magyars subsequently expelled the Vlakhs, [Panonia and part of Transylvania X Cent] took their land and settled among the slavs, whom they reduce to slavery’
Byzantine Emperor, Constantine Flavius P., is describing also the situation
around Danube where
the ‘Romani’ (Vlachs) took Slavic prisoners (slaves) bringing them south of
“The territory possessed by these Romani (Vlachs) used to extend as far as
the river Danube, and once on a time, being minded to cross the river and discover who dwelt beyond the river, they crossed it and came upon unarmed Slavonic nations, who were also called Avars…., And so, finding these Avars unarmed and unprepared for war , the Romani (Vlachs) overcame them and took booty and prisoners and returned (south of Danube)”.
How about they are from Italia, from Roma . See how Italianos like it . Or maybe from Vatican. …….you never know!
Avram Calin you are so imature,but somewhat it has a reason.Yes Romanian people are not gipsy (rromani),the root of Romania
comes from ROMA(Rome for english speakers).
From Sadija ,if you are from Rromani people you must ask youreself why in the world this kind of response from other nation.Rromani(gipsy) are a nomad people trap in the border of actual Romania ,Bulgaria,etc by diferent causality,even political regim,war,etc.
Some of Rromani(gipsy) are excellent skills in metallurgy,but 90% of them are let’s kindly say not on the right path.
Even term of Rromani is a clever name to missunderstanding western civilization with Romania,it appear
long after 1990 .Why?? Ask yourself Sadija and be truth with youreself.Probability is for me to hate more than Avram Calin the gipsy ,but i dont, even for make me my childhood a hell.
I agree, he or she is immature, and I do understand that there is a root to his reaction and opinion towards my people. I have spoken to a pure Romanian myself and they made it clear that romany people are being used as scapegoats. A recent example is the eviction of gypsy’s from France back to Romania. The whole group that were sent back to Romania were said to be gypsies, but a Romanian himself told me that it was a mixture of Gypsy’s and Romanian’s, yet no one choses to acknowledge that. Gypsy’s are useful to Romanian’s because they are their own persoanl scapegoats and problems within their country are automatically said to be the Gypsie’s fault, even if they are not. As for the stealing, and negative qualities to my people; they will easily be ridden of if every one else chose to view us as humans, not animals. The problem isn’t that we want to work, but that our harbouring countries won’t give us that opportunity.
As for the term romany, its not to fool or misinterpret my people as Romanian’s. Ask any gypsy this and they will agree. We do not want to be likened as Romanian’s because we are different people with different languages.
Romanians wouldn’t discrimante gypsies just because they are racist. They discriminate them because of their experience with Rroma people.
If you take the bus, the one that makes the greater noise is for sure a gipsy; the one that smells worst – is for sure a gipsy; the one that’s making you afraid to sit next to him – is for sure a gipsy.
If you take a walk on the boulevard, more than 80% of the people who ask for money are gypsies.
They have special places so they can follow an university, but usually their places are not taken. They are not hired because they are not educated. Lots of them are not working because they are happy with the money they take from the government. It’s well known in Romania that gypsies use knives and swords to make their own law and justice.
With this and other things puted all together – the result? You are afraid of them, you want them not be around you.
Hungarians are
You want to create baraks for those poor soles
You Hungarians and Austriasns and Germs never trust
I will fuck you all
Mr. Sadija, you are so full of crap. What’s your excuse for the animalic behavior or 99% of your brothers? Who’s to blame for that. FACTS SPEAK BETTER THAN WORDS. It’s a fact.
Im sorry but last I checked, everyone is capable of bad behaviour, not just romany people. I don’t do any of the things most people accuse me of, and I know alot of others just like me. You shouldn’t blame minorities for crimes, every one is just as capable, so acknowldge ALL the facts, not just the ones you choose to acknowledge.
I don’t want to stay next to any gypsy, they are dirty and smell foul, they steal and cheat, they are irresponsible and ask for everything and never give back anything. They want money and affirmative action but they return 0 to the society they demnad so much from , they spoil everything. Even if they bathe, their skin still stinks like gipsy! This is the truth, I have met many , some of them with some education but still they smell like gipsy and are never honest. We don’t want them here, in Romania.
Ok, Romania is not a good country and they don’t like it here. I am very glad they don’t like it here, we can’t stand them either ! Let them go away and live exactly the life they want in USA,in France, in Canada,in Gremany. But why are they sent back ???? Is it because Romanian people are prejudiced and racists, or is it because NO ONE can live with them and they destroy everything, everywhere???? What is ther favorite life : no work, no soap, no water, they marry their children at 10 years old, they never bey any law , they steal everything, they cheat, they beg !
PLEASE, USA & Western Europe, take them and keep them there, don’t send them here again !
No we don’t need anymore lazy criminals. Maybe a trade though,we take your gypsies you take our blacks. It’s a good trade. For us…
The Romanians are Germans how a germ said it
“They look like us” they must be Germs
The Huns …well they want as dead
At the end….all the Gypsies are all Europe
Because we fucked you in the ass
With war or with Diplomacy
You listen to a Pope in the West
You were the “Tigani” de Europa … Blondie
I didnt see a gypsie in romania to be a good persone ..they always tries to cheat ,steal, and use violence . If your neighbor seels the apartment to a gypse prepair to move from there cause the gypses will try to buy all the buiding even if the rest of the neighbors dont whant it. They will make sure they will buy the building .They will use violence ,terror ..they will sheet and piss at your door every day unthill you will have to seel them your home.
I never saw a gypsie act like a true person …like the post above me U GYPSIES ARE ANIMALS , i hope a new Hitler will come and kill you all, u are a disese as a race for all mankind.
I hope to end this conversation eassly for bouth party envolve by reminding them there custom and proud cultural heritage :
” Gypsy or Rromani ”
a) Gypsy as known as RROMANI ( the name of there oficial language ) are proud to be wonderes and unbound by land , also they call the ousiders as been Gadjo ( people that dont know to love and been free ) , they originate from indian-mongolic platform as an nomadic tribe.
b) Gypsy culture wil not accept anny outsiders as wife or husband because they will ruin the blood line of the ancestors , also wil bound the gyps to the land and in so doing becoming an Gadjo , depriving the gypsy man or woman from his birthright to freedom.
c) Gypsy met first time the romanian people around 1540 BC , only to become later allies in the moust upcomming wars , in so doing the romanians granted them free passage on there borderland also an ” safe heaven ” or an land were they will be protected , as well as an full recognition and respect of there custom.
d) Around the 1720-1780 many gypsy retreat in to the romanians borders , they hire themself to the boyers at first only to become slave later , but hold in mind that the romanians status were the same only that they were called “iobagi” by the new hungarian and austrian rulling class in Transilvanya , the ones that retreat themself in Moldavia (Moldova) and Valahia ( Romanian country) were still free to do as the please also they wil be protected by the romanians law
” the Romanianas or Romani ”
a) The romanian as language is first documanted in the 800 BC ( first document in romanian ) , and it have the root in the latin and tracos , the people that speack that language are the mixed cildren from the Roman Empire and the bigest tribe of the tracs , the dacos or ” daci ” and they inhabit the old dacos land ( a little wider then Romania today ) , also the romanian language is the most close language to old latin by diction , terminology etc from the modern language today
b)The romanian are proud of there land , they are bound by blood and religion belives by the land and they ofthen refere themself in close relation to the land itself : brothers of forest , powerful as an oak , brave like an wolf , strong like an bear, tall as an fir etc.
c)The romanian oldest dream was to unite all country of their ancestors : Transilvanya , Moldavia and Valahia under an sigle banner , dream that become reality in 2 steps over 50 year time , whith huge amount of blood shared and determination.
d)Although the romanian were separated in 3 small countryes ( Transilvania , Moldavia and Valahia ) they always refere themself as broothers in blood and heritage nomather the rulling party of an country and they always suport in anny way they can theyrs brothers , this close relation betwen them been nothing more then an old memory of theyrs original ancestors , the dacos , ancestors that they are still honor more then the latins , althought there language is more similar to the last ones.
” The Animosity ”
a) Although gypsy and romanian had an good start as allies , the diference betwen them in there core beliefs wil set them apart from each outher a little sunner then expected ( around the 1870-1890 ) , bouth partyes holding to there identity whith extreme stubbornes , and all started when the Valahia start an ragin war agains the Otomans empire for the eliberation of Moldavia , war in which the gypsy prefere not to envolve despite theyr right as any romanian on the land.
b) In the first world war the hate deepens as the romanian are forced to Moldavia from Valahia at the begining of the war , and when the gypsy prefere to leave the romanian borderland in order to keep theyrs way of life , only to comme back in the interbelic period , at the end of world war 1 romanian regain not only Valahia but in 1918 also Transilvanya , and whith theyrs dream comme true they start to have an powerfull sense of identity not just as people but as nation.
c)During the world second war and later in the comunist regime , bouth to the legionary and comunist rasist beliefs the hate deepens even more , gypsy having to suffer not just because of the leading party but also from the memory of the older wars when they retreat instead of defending or helping the people that grants them in the past the same respect as to theyr own.
d)Afther the romanian revolution , the first to leave the country of Romania were of course the gypsy , not just because of theyr way of life but also due to the promise of an bether life. Althought I’m not here to debate theyr actions , the same actions brought an shadow of hatred toward the Romanians by the outher nations , due to simple confusion and similarityes between the 2 names of the RROMANI and ROMANIAN.
In conclusion , I hope to see that the romanians and gypsys that remain here start to try and tilt the sentimental balance back toward frendly , also the gypsy that remained in Romania are starting slowly to move toward the 21 century , and abandon the way of life from the 11 century that they were preserving whith so much ferocity. Of course , Im not refere to moust of the gypsy , but to the few that start to have what whe consider and normal life. Also remeber : ROMANIANS are ROMANIANS and RROMANI are RROMANI or GYPSY as moust of the people refere to them , and the only thing whe share is an hystory (as manny outher european countryes ) , not an NATIONALITY !!!
I hope I dont ofend annyone but I do have an respect for somme gypsy I know , they are the ones that are starting to adapt to the european way of life , but I also respect the real Gypsy that remained nomads , each people have there way of life and each people will understand valors in diferent ways , thast what make us unique but also thats what start the racism and even more then that , genocide .
Thank you, Hadrian, for posting detailed information. With all the hatred and animosity, it seemed impossible to get a rational answer. I’m from North America, but never thought that Romanians and gypsies were the same. (These horrible posts reminds me of here and how so many assume that being black means you’re poor, lazy, and uneducated….which, of course, is a ridiculous and hateful). Your answer has been the most sane and helpful that I’ve seen so far. So it is very appreciated.
The Romani people are a people with a colorful heritage. I use to live in Romania and I am 1/2 Romani and Romanian. As a young child I always thought of my self being 100% Romnaina, but it was not until I came to America that I learned about the Roma people. Most Romani people have darker sink. There very much like Pakistinan people. The Romani people did not come from Egypt, FWI. The Romanian people are mean to the Romani people because they have darker skinn then them. It’s like black and white here. The reason that most Romani people don’t get the education is that my teacher when I was younger did care to teach them because of there skin color. It’s all about discrimination. Don’t get me wrong, I am Romanian as much as I am Romani, but to the Romanians they are like animals. I am happier that the younger generation is starting to realize that this is wrong. Gypies steal because there hunger. A Romanian would do the same. I am proud to be Romanian and proud to be Gypsie with my curly brown hair and brown eyes :)!
And this Rumanian Hungarian American is just what the huns are
The ideea is that the Hungarians or Mogyars are Mongols by language and by “Rase” ???????????
It looks like someone screw the men by letting them to fight and the women were fucked
if you don, see the diference, you are blind.
No, Romanians ARE NOT gypsy/Roma/Romani.
Tthose from Norh
Al your Kings were Romans
And Tharacians
You North were Barbarians
Someone did your ass Nordic
BY Merrihng the BARBARIANS
who is speaking the language?
The Barabarians after mather
To me we shouldn’t dislike people for what race they are if you don’t like someone it should be because they don’t have a good heart I WISH EVERY ONE PEACE AND LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER remember GOD never told us to dislike a RACE OF PEOPLE REMEMBER WHAT THEY DID TO HIS SON JESUS
“To me we shouldn’t dislike people for what race they are if you don’t like someone it should be because they don’t have a good heart I WISH EVERY ONE PEACE AND LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER remember GOD never told us to dislike a RACE OF PEOPLE REMEMBER WHAT THEY DID TO HIS SON JESUS”
No, he only told us to kind of kill the people who had a different religion, which is waaay different *sarcasm*
The Rroma aren’t hated for their race, but for their way of life, which interferes with Romanian law most of the time (children marrying at 13 etc.) and also because, after given every chance to become educated, upstanding citizens (they don’t have to compete with romanians to attend high school. They have places reserved for them in every school) most of them still won’t get an education and will just follow in the footsteps of their parents, and then complain about being poor and persecuted. If there are any educated, lawfully employed rroma around, I apologize, I’m not aiming this at you, but at the majority that does act this way.
Nobody thinks gypsies and Romanians are the same, it’s just an ethnic Romanian paranoia. They see Romanians being treated badly in places like Italy and assume that it can only be because people assume they are all gypsies. I can understand where this comes from, as Romanians are, in general, horrifically racist against gypsies, a people who have inhabited some parts of Romania much longer than ethnic Romanians have.
In actual fact, Romanians are treated badly because they are poor, do menial work, and can only afford to live in quite poor conditions, meaning the locals consider them inferior. Kind of like the gypsies in Romania.
BTW, not ALL Romanians are gypsies, but 10% of them are. I wish people would stop denying the nationality of a people who have lived in Romania since the 12th century.
first of all, you mean that 10% of the people that live in Romania are gypsies, not that 10% of romanians are gypsies.
second of all, how did you get to 10%? as far as I know, there are 1 milion gypos in Romania, and around 20 milion romanians. so it’s more like 5% at most if you don’t consider the romanians that live in other countries.
Pussy face
Read this”
Tigani Blonzi de Nord
Si sa suge ti ca pul pu li la Romani
From “De administrando imperio”.Constantine’s surname,
PORPHYROGENITUS(that is, born in the Purple Chamber of the Imperial
“The emperor Diocletian was much enamored of the country of Dalmatia,and
he brought folk with their families from ROME and settled them in this
same country of Dalmatia,and they were called ROMANI (VLACHS) from their
having been removed from ROME, and this title attaches to them until this
“The territory possessed by the ROMANI used to extend as far as the river
(Constantine shows that the ROMANS(Latins, NOT Greek Romans or
Byzantines) or Vlachs are the original Romans.
“The country of the ZXHLUMI was previously possessed by the ROMANS, I
mean, by those ROMANI whom Diocletian the emperor translated from ROME”
(Constantine is talking about the Imperial Romans,who are going to be
known under the name of VLACHS).
“The country of Diocleia was also previously possessed by the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME”
“The country in which the Pagani now dwell was also previously possessed
by the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME
and settled in Dalmatia”.
“At that time when the Avars had fought and expelled from those parts the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian had brought from ROME and
settled there,and who therefore called ROMANI from their having been
translated from ROME to those countries”
SUMMARY: In his description of the Greek Roman Empire,we can definitely
identify two people,the Imperial Romans(VLACHS-those Romans who
initiated the empire),called by Constntine,ROMANI, and the Greek
Romans(BYZANTINES-those Romans who adopted GREEK as the language of the
State and Church).
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
“Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus Ungariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis
et Sirmus”
(In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs)
“Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis”
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464) (Commentarium rerum memorabilium)
“VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta;
sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant adversus Dacos, qui eas
terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci
primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati;quorum posteri
(ut ante relatum est) ”
(The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman
Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent,
romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati,
nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea
gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi
originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis
Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone,
hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum
ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui
norint interrogant”.
( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Janus Pannonius,Hungarian Humanist/Poet (1434-1472)
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplici Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara rerra, sono
Quid dominum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”
(Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Alessandro Cortesi (1469-1491),Poet.
“An procul expusos Nomadas, serasque luentes
Pastores rupto Siculos pro foedere poenas?
Trinacriae Siculos quondam, Schythiaeque colonos,
Fortia magnanimos praebentes colla Valachos,
Qui referunt prisca Roamanam ab origine gentem?”
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
“Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father,
unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to
prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the
Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF THE ROMANS,by their flesh and blood”
POPE Innocent III (in a letter addressed to IONITA, lord of the
Bulgarians and Romanians,from 1203)
“Thus, taking this into account, we have decided since long, through our
envoy or our letters, that we should pay a visit to your lordship, so
that,realizing your faith to the Roman Church,Your Mother, we might then
ROMANS…As, he (God the Father) will help you to be a ROMAN in this
wordily life and for your Eternal Salvation by your own striving, the
same as you are BY YOUR DESCENT; and he shall help the people of your
country, which say that they are the ROMANS,blood and flesh”.
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, “Cosmography” 1501.
“Transilvania…,it is inhabited by three peoples: the Saxons, the
Szecklers and the ROMANIANS.
The Saxons had come from Saxony,and are strong men,used to the struggle…
The Szecklers are considered the most ancient Hungarians…,The ROMANIANS
are of Italian stock…, A colony of the ROMANS was settled there (Dacia)
to keep a tight rein over Dacians under the leadership of a certain
Flaccus, after whose name the coutry was called Flacohia and its
inhabitants were called VLACHS instead of Flacci. This people speaks now
a ROMAN idiom, although partly changed,and hardly understood by an
Francesco della Valle,1532,(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to
Doge Andrea Gritti).
“The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they
are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS”.
The anonymous notary of King Bela,Gesta Hungarorum.
“For, after king Attila’s death,the ROMANS called the soil of Panonia a
graze field as,their herds used to graze in the country of Panonia.And
they were right in calling the Panonian soil the grazing fields of the
ROMANS, as even nowadays, the ROMANIANS(Vlachs) feed their sheep on the
Hungarian estates”.
IOAN KINNAMOS(Imperial secretary under two Byzantine emperors, Manuel I &
“It is said about the Vlachs that they are the old descendents of those
from Italy”.
Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459),”Disceptationes convivales”, Florentine
“Apud superiores Sarmatas colonia est ab Traiano ut aiunt derelicta, quae
nunc etiam inter tantam barbariem multa retinet latina vocabula, ab
Italis, qui eo profecti sunt, notata.
Oculum dicunt, digitum, manum,panem,multaque alia quibus apparet ab
Latinis, qui coloni ibidem relicti fuerunt, manasse eamque coloniam
fuisse latino sermoneusam”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs = Romans).
Flavio Biondo(1392-1463), Humanist.
“Et qui e rgione Danubio item adiacent Ripenses Daci, sive Valachi,
originem, quam ad decus prae se ferunt praedicantque ROMANAM, loquela
ostendunt, quos catholice christianos ROMAN quotannis et Apostolorum
limina invisentes, aliquando gavisi sumus ita loquentes audiri, ut, quae
vulgari communique gentis suae more dicunt, rusticam male grammaticam
redoleant latinitatem”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs= Romans).
NICOLAUS MACHINENSIS, Episcop of Dalmatia, under Pope Pius II.
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent, romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce
Flacco ita cognominati, nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo
vocabulo non modo ea gens sed omnes quopue fimitimae nationes hodie
Italos nominant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Janus Pannonicus (1434-1472), The most important Hungarian Humanist.
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplicis Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara terra, sono
Quid domimum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Filippo Buonaccorsi Callimaco (1438-1496), Italian Political Annalist.
“Sed utcunque immensus uel infinitus potios, eadem ubuque lingua et
praeter Romanorum coloniam Valachiam gentes omnes eadem primordia
“Fama nouae coloniae aliquamdiu motus Scuthios compescuit.Deinde non
solum propulsantibus, sed egregie etiam inferentibus bellum Romanis datae
acceptaeque sunt utrinque paene innumerabiles clades, cum pleraque a
caesaribus supplementa et auxilia suis mitterentur”.
Summary: Romanian (Vlachs) = Romans.
Jan Dlugosz (1415-1480),Polish Chronicler.
“(1359) Stephano Moldaviae Voievodae, apud Valachos mortuo, quorum
maiores et aboriginarii de Italiae Regno pulsi ( genus et natio Volscorum
esse fuisseque creduntur) veteribus Dominis et colonis Ruthenis, primum
sudole, deinde abundante in dies multitudine, “.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs )= Romans.
Raffaelo Maffei Volterano (1506),Italian Humanist.
“Eo quod Romanos, ut dixi, accepere colonos, pleraque uocabula loquuntur
lingua semijtalica,argumento est nomen Valachiam enim appellant, quod
Valach Italicum lingua ipsorum dicatur”.
Summary: Romanians ( Vlachs = Romans).
Marcantonio Coccio(1436- 1506), Italian Historian.
“Valachi italicum genus hominum: horum terram Daci olim tenuerunt: nunc
Teutones, Siculi et Valachi tenent… Valachorum nobilissimi qui
agriculturam et qui pecuariam exercent”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Felix Petancici(1445-1517), Humanist from Ragusa.
“Haec est provincia Dacia dicta apud veteres, Romanorum colonia(unde eius
aborigines hac etiam nostra tempestate) passim latino utuntur colloquio”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Joachim Vadian(1484-1551),Swiss Humanist.
“Supra Cataractas Danubius, infra vero Ister dicitur, sunt autem hae
maximae, intre montes Dacorum Straboni, eos hodie Iazigibus et
Transiluanis subiunctos, Walachos nominant, vocabulo Boemis Sarmatisque
uernaculo, quod inde natum uidetur, namque 奏y Vlasschi’ Italos nominant
quos ibi consedisse ex Pannonicis Sarmaticisque Romanorum bellis constant,
cum ne hodie quidem eorum lingua ab Italica multum sit absona”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stephan Taurinus (1485-1519), Moravian Humanist.
“Valachia vulgo Latinis Vlaccia dicitur, provintia Pannoniae
Cisdanubianae contermina in pontum usque descendens cum Damubo, veteres
inferiorem Moesiam dixere, vide superius loco suo. Inde Vlacci Vlacciae
populi, quos vulgus Valachos appellant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Johann Boemus (1520), German Humanist.
“Sed ea Thraciae pars quae Gethica olim dicebat, vbi Darius Hidaspis
filius pene perijt, hodie Valachia appellatur, a Flaccis quiritum gente,
Rhomani enim Gethis superatis et deletis Flacci cuiusdam ductu eo
Coloniam miserunt, vnde prumum Flaccia, dein corrupta voce Vallacia
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Sebastian Franck (1499-1543), German Humanist.
“In didem landt (Walachia) haben ettwan das volck Gethe gewonet, die
gross krieg gebraucht haben, zu letst mit den Rhomischen waffen ernider
gerruckt, abgetilckt vnd mit yhrem volck besetzt, vnder dem Rhomischen
hauptmann Flacco, von dem sy Flaccia nachmals vnlang Walachia gnant
worden ist, das diss volcks spraach noch heut her meysttheyl Rhomisch ist,
doch also corrumpiert, daz sy einem Rhomer kaum verstendtlich seind”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Georg Rithaymer(1563), Austrian Humanist.
“Valachi Italicum genus hominum in colonias huc missum, plane in mores
Getarum abierunt, ita nihil antiquae originis suae retinent, praeter
linguam quam barbare et corrupte conant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Nicolaus Olahus(1493-1568),Romanian(Vlach) Humanist.
“Lingua, ritu, religione eadem Moldavi utuntur, qua Transalpini; vestitu
aliqua saltem ex parte differunt…Sermo eorum et aliorum Valachorum fuit
olim Romanus, vt qui sint coloniae Romanorum: nostra tempestate, maxime
ab eo differt; praeterquam quod multa eorum vocabula, latinis sint
intelligibilia…Valachi, Romanorum coloniae esse traduntur. Eius rei
argumentum est, quod multa habeant communia cum idiomate Romano, cuius
populi pleraque numismata, eo laci reperiuntur; haud dubie, magna
vetustatis imperiique Romani istic indicia”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Romanians are Dacia and Roman’s mixed. Its like calling the Europeans that settled in America and call themselves Americans. Its like calling native Americans “Indians” how insulting!
The Tigani and the Germs and the Fraco (Tigano)
And the athers who came to Europe …like the Huns
There were only a Joko de mano
Un Tigan Grec sau Rus sau German
i am irish and german,but was born in american,so i am american with former roots. in other words i am a tree with roots and others are the same; but we were grafted into the GOOD tree, which is Jesus Christ from whom we all come but have been scattered to the four corners of the earth because together we are so smart together we can do most anything. GOD seperated us at the tower of babble, but the world is as one now as we was back then. we all are one people scattered, but will all come to GOD as one people,His PEOPLE because he made us all. when Jesus comes back His angels will gather all together from the four corners of the earth,then separate us as sheep from the goats,sheep will go into everlasting joy; the goats[ unbelievers] will go into everlasting torment. bottom line is that He made us all and gave a choice to love one another[ preferring others before our own] or to fall into satan’s trap because of love for this world where people are looking down on others,these at the end will be looked down on,trodden under. GOD’S word. what i am saying is why seperate ourselves as better than the other,we are not. we will all be judged by CHRIST that paid the price at the cross. we can all be as one in Jesus Christ and enyoy the joys He has created for the one’s that believe.we all are strangers in a foreign land and must leave it to go to the place we choose, heaven or hell, your choice. praying you will choose jesus. but as long as we put ourselves better than others He will not say enter in my good and faithful servant, but go away sadly because you do not want to leave your worldly goods which all will be destroyed, the goods and the holder of the goods. love of the world more than our creator. GOD bless all with the truth.your choice. WE ARE NOT BETTER THAN OTHERS, WE ARE ALL THE SAME, GOD’S CHILDREN.
Damn……. my mothers side of the family is from Romania, coming to Canada around 1910. Well if I was hoping for some clarity on that side of my family I’m about 5 times as confused as before. So many contradictory opinions and every one of them certain they’re right.
One thing I can verify about skin colour is this. My mothers parents had her and 5 other brothers and sisters and skin/hair/eye colour ranges from pasty white skin, red hair and green eyes to dark olive skin, dark brown eyes and very dark brown hair. The darkness reminds me of some southern italians (not sicilian), and the white skin red hairedness reminds me of Scottish/Irish looks. I’m so white I’m almost transparent.
Fortunately I guess, what my background is, and where their from? None of it really matters now. I’ve heard alot of bad shyte about the Gypsies from Canadians I’ve met and worked with who immigrated from that area. It seems they are very much disliked. I was kind of shocked at how frank some were in their harsh words about them. You’d never get away with talking stuff like that about any Canadian minority in the workplace, but nobody commented about their slagging of the Gypsies. All I can say is whatever my background, both sides of my family (mom Romanian, Dad Scottish) were very moral hones people. I guess that’s all that matters.
And your Mother was Gypsy
U come to me
Low life
As I read more to discover my Romanian heritage, I learned that Romanians participated in the Holocaust. I want NOTHING more to do with Romania. I celebrate my grandfather who left and enabled me to grow up REALLY FREE in Canada. I renounce my Romanian roots.
Romania participated in holocaust? Hahaha
You dont deserve to have romanian roots, you dont know a thing about romania
I wish you grow up fast
Not like the germs as a Blondie Gypsie
All from West to East
We were your lords Tiganilor
Nothing less
At least it’s nice to know that Romania is completely free from racial tension, prejudices and non-scientific ideas about history.
Multimesc. 🙂
And you a Hun
I’m from “the West,” the (U.S.) and I don’t confuse Romanians with Roma people or so-called Gypsies. I’ve met Romanians first-hand, and have an idea wh0 and what they are ethnically, etc. I also know that the “Roma” are a people rather spread out over many European countries, as well as the U.S., there are even some to be found in my cousins’ country of Finland. I have also read that their origins are unclear, that they themselves don’t know for sure where the group is originally from, but one common theory is that they are from Northern India in the Middle Ages. It has been suggested that when the Europeans first encountered those original darker-skinned travelers, somehow the notion that they were from Egypt came about- (incorrectly,) hence the name “Gypsies” as sounding similar to “Egyptians,” which could be expected from a Medieval European population where few could read or write. But no, not everyone in the “West”, (whatever-the-hell that is supposed to mean,) is totally ignorant of such things. That is,as long as you don’t count the graduates from American high schools since the year 2000. Now they are uninformed and uninterested… but that is a different problem entirely. CN
inteligence allas!
Im macedonian gypsy. I’m not ugly, I’m actually good looking (Sorry to sound up myself but it’s the truth). I don’t steal. Im not ‘loud’. I work two jobs to support myself. I graduated from high school. I’m going to start university soon. Don’t generalise. Every single Romanian (not gypsy) family that I currently know has AT LEAST one family member that either steals or is involved with drugs. I’m not saying all Romanian’s are like this, it’s just all the ones that I know. So before you go ahead (this is specifically aimed at “Wallachian”) and over generalise, stop to think and realise what you’re actually saying. Don’t use us as scapegoats. Don’t over generalise. Don’t be racist. Don’t be rude and or mean. I’m a gypsy. Im the opposite of everything that you say I am. I don’t ever want to be known as a Romanian, nor am I trying to confuse people to think that I am. A majority of the Romanian’s being racist on here are most likely Christian. Each one of you should be ashamed because your doing exactly what the Bible tells you not to do.
When you’re bullied growing up by your gypsy neighbors and colleagues, like I was, Christianity doesn’t count to much.
I hate them so much and I want them gone form this country, even erased form the face of the Earth.
I still live among them, in my town there are also Romanians, and gypsies, there aren’t many problems with them around here, because they don’t usually shit where they eat, but when I go in another town or city, and I encounter gypsies, they have no problem picking on me for the sole reason of being white and Romanian.
When I was growing up and they were picking on me, they used to call me “Romanian” and “white girl”, those were ill-names, believe it or not, well, nowadays I’m proud of being Romanian and WHITE!
Yes, I live in the same town, for now, and things aren’t that bad anymore, only the kids were mean, and still are, like kids usually are, and even though we now live in a certain state of harmony, I will never forget and never forgive how much they made me suffer and I swore myself I will see Retribution day: either they leave this country, either they are erased form the Earth, either I will see God himself punish them, that’s for your Christian implications, Orthodox to be more exact.
Man WTF, gypsies suck, but they can also grow up to be just as anyone else. I had 2 gypsy students in highschool in my class and both have jobs now and graduated collage. I know it usually doesn’t happen that way but they’re not all the same. The problem is 90% are the same, and they are very dirty and always take part in illegal activities, they are violent and so many other bad things. That’s the fucking truth. They don’t even have the ratio that blacks have in the states, of good vs bad blacks. And still whites hate them and their ghetto culture, and the highest percentage of prisons is made up by blacks. Whites are scared of them, reluctant. I don’t live in Bucharest anymore, but I know gypsies are a motherfucker to deal with, much like a white would go to Brooklyn’s Bedford & Stuyvessant area. I had worked with black pot smokers from bed stuy and they told me not to go around their hood cause I might not come out just cause I’m white. Good thing the percentage of gypsies in Bucharest is not even near the blacks of New York City. And of course whites can do any crazy shit just as anyone else, but thing is they usually don’t. I’m white, Romanian, don’t have any gypsy blood, I’m well educated and speak 3 languages, learning a fourth. In the US they don’t even know much about gypsies nor Romanians, they problem Romanians face is when going to other European countries… pity
Gypsy is a way of living not a nation, and if you give those people a chance to improve their life they would do a great job, and yes they are altruistic people… In America usually the Hippie were called Gypsy because the way they lived their lives… Give a chance to Black people in the States and they can prove themselves they are worthy… Obama proved it!
We live different times, Germany, England , France etc do not have anymore “True Blood”, in fact the British are “socked” in Indian blood and the Germans in Turks blood… and yeah the so called Gypsy women look hot and I’m sure that lots of the True Blood guys got in between their legs. The problem with the True Blood, like this guy Britania who posted here, is that it is a weak blood (it is like you fuck and marry your close relative) and it needs refreshed with the Blood from different Nations, I guess this is the future path of the Mankind.
There is the United States of America; now we got an European Union…tomorrow definitely will be a World Union and I’m sure that tomorrow everybody will live a decent life no matter where you live, and there will never be a gypsy like way of living.
How the hell are you so ignorant. I suppose everyone is supposed to want to live in a large house that holds too much stuff with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence? FYI there are a growing number of people who want to strip down to the necessities and live as our ancestors did – AT PEACE WITH THE WAY OF NATURE INSTEAD OF CONSTANTLY KILLING THE PLANET.
hello , gipsy=romastan , ….. romanian are great people , beautiful country , romanians are smart and beautiful, fuck the rest , nobody knows the thruth about romanian , i love my country is the greateste country in the world with beautiful places and beautiful people.
FYI, less than 11% of the Roma (or what some people call gypsies) actually live in Romania. The countries with the largest Roma populations are the U.S., Brazil and Spain. Also, only about 3% of the people in Romania are Roma.
COUNTRY # OF ROMA % of Roma Population
United States 1,000,000 17.47%
Brazil 800,000 13.98%
Spain 650,000 11.36%
Romania 619,007 10.82%
Turkey 500,000 8.74%
France 500,000 8.74%
Bulgaria 370,908 6.48%
Hungary 205,720 3.59%
Greece 200,000 3.49%
Slovakia 189,920 3.32%
Russia 182,766 3.19%
Italy 130,000 2.27%
Serbia 108,193 1.89%
United Kingdom 90,000 1.57%
Germany 70,000 1.22%
Rep. of Macedonia 53,879 0.94%
Mexico 53,000 0.93%
Total 5,723,393
I’m gonna clear this up for everyone ! Romanian Gypos are just some kind of animals, cannot be educated (low educaltional skills), and just like some type of monkeys, they would love to steal your staff. You can see a lot of romanians without jobs, but they don’t live in pigsty like gypsies. There are gypos with loads of money, and they were building just a bigger pigsty. Romanians can never be found begging on the street even if they have a lesser income than gypos ! I guess that’s about it, color is not an important issue !
romania ppl – exactly act like gypsies so romanians are gypsies nuff said
@sadija: i am very much interested in the roots of your “romany” term…. I swear i haven’t heard it till a few years ago and never before, then suddenly all gypsies became rrom and later on rromani and roma?! Errrr….what? Also, even tho generalisation is very dangerous when it comes to things like ethnicity and you start to from retarded hitler like ideas, eugenics and so on, in other words you cannot nor should one describe a peoples thru such narrow points of view or project an image formed around a few individuals over an entire nation! Do read a bit about where many inventions came from originally and stop bringing things out of context, such as the time and point in history when something was written or formed. For example talking about an invention and anulling that cuz the inventor had an antisemitic point of view but forgeting the fact that antisemitism was a widespread problem in those days, thus the particular inventor was living in such a social space. Otherwise, i can only speak from my own experience with both romanians and gypsies in romania. I swear i have rarely seen romanians begging on the streets that weren’t actually of gypsy ethnicity. You ppl also forget what poverty does to ppl….anywayz, i have heard and read many accounts about what kind of behaviour certain gypsy individuals have showed across europe and even more so in actual romania! Organized mob, extortion, violent and vandal acts, terrorizing ppl to sell estate, bribe and so on, and this in a relatively poor country! I have grown to see a VERY big difference between romanians , even the poor ones, and gypsy ethnics. Lack of education and family values hits hard on any individual, but some try to change…ive rqrely seen gypsies care or try that with very rare exceptions. This is my own personal experience from what i came across in my job.
I couldn’t read all the comments… I am disappointed in all the people that commented on dirty gypsies and so on. I am an American. I am poor. My ancestry is German, English, native American, but mostly Irish. I come from poor beaten down peasants who were overworked and underpaid. I come from the oppressed and beaten down. I come from the dirty stinky uneducated parts of all ethnicities, even some distant African relatives. The only reason anyone lives like that is oppression… Be it the mind, body, and/ or spirit. We need to drop labels and give people opportunity without discrimination. In a discrimination free environment, ones failings are their own. When we fail to give someone what all humanity deserves, the only one to blame is ourselves. Dirt may be on their faces, but you cannot wash it off your hands! I hope you all take the time to teach your children what humanity is, because there is no hope for my generation. Stop watching tv and know what the world is really like. It sucks because we let it suck!!!!!!!
Are you an American? … then learn from your President who was elected again, he who was very poor and his father a drunker who left him and his mom…still they didn’t let themselves down.
Some people just do not want to do anything, they like to cheat or stretch their hands and grab everything for free… I hope you are not one of those people!
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe” Editted by David Crowe and John Kolsti
with an introduction by Ian Hancock.
In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has
been worse than that in Romania.
Within several centuries after Gypsies entered the medieval provinces of
Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved, a condition that
lasted until the mid-nineteenth century.Although slavery was not a
condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the deep-seated,
dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic Romanian
relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system that
resulted in the 壮ocial death’ of Gypsies as Romanian slaves, and…Over
the next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalize in the Romanian
Provinces…In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire
in northern Bulgaria in 1461-1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad Tepes(the
Impaler), brought back 11,000-12,000 Gypsies(or Gypsy -like people ) to
his capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment….
Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17’000 Gypsies back from his
campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.His move, however,
simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which, for example,
stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted to marry
her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, 疎ny
Moldavian who married a gipsy himself joined the ranks of the robi’ “.
There are two people who claim descent from Romans
Those are Romanian and Romanish in Switzerland
The Rom/Romany/Romani…. name for the Gypsies was
initiated mainly by the Germans in 1971 who held the World Gypsy
Well…they (Germans) felt irritated by Romanians to consider themselves descendants of Rome since they (Germans) were known as “The Holly Roman Empire”, which was no Holly,No Empire and certainly No Romans
Same thing with Russia….the so called ” The third Rome”
He he he
The Romanians were known in the past as:
VALACHUS (By the Catholic West)
FLACI(By catholic West)
IFLAK (By the Turks)
VLASI & VOLOH (By the Slavs)
OLAH &BLACH (By the Hungarians)
OLAHOK (By the Hungarians)
OLASZOK (The Hungarian name for the Italians)
WALACH (By the Germans)
WALSCHER (The German name for the Italians)
BLACHOS & VLACHOS (By the Greeks)
BLOCH (By the Saxons in Transilvania)
WOLOSZY (By the Polish)
WLOCHI (The Polish name for the Italians)
In old German WALH = ROMAN
In old slavonic VLAST = POWER(considered of Gothic origin)
In old slavonic VLAST = GIGANTE
Romanians always called themselves ROMANS & RUMANS, RUMANI and the neighbors called them Vlachs,Vlasi,Olahs,etc.
Since The language of the Church was Old Slavonic where RUM = ROME
The Vlachs called themselves Ruman
The other people in Europe who claim roots from Rome are in Switzerland and call themselves “Romanish”
The Hungarians
It is also true that the Hungarians of today look European.But their
roots are Mongolic.
From Britannica :(Languages of the world)
“Racially the Uralic people present an unhomogeneous picture.In
they may be considered
a bland of Europeans and Mongoloid types,with the more western
groups(especially the Hungarians,Baltic-Finnic and Erzya Mardvin
being strongly European and those of the Urals primarily Mongoloid”.
From ” De Administrado Imperio”by Constantine Porphyrogenitus
“These eight clans of the TURKS(Hungarians) do not obey their own
particular princes…,They
have for their first chief the prince who comes by succession of
From The Hungarian Chronicle(1095AD):
“We (Hungarians) are descendants of the great Huns of Attila”.
From “The Mongols” By Jeremiah Curtin
“Five groups of Mongols have made themselves famous in Europe:The
with their mighty chief Attila,the Magyars,The Turks or Osmanli,the
invaders of Russia…”
From “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” By Edward Gibbon.
“The(Hungarians) are distinguished by the Greeks under the proper and
peculiar name of Turks,
as descendants of that people who had conquered and reigned form China
the Volga (referring to the Mongols)”.
From “The Cambridge Medieval History” edited by J.H.Hussey.
“The form ovyypoi,from which are derived the various names current to
day among the people of Europe(Old Church Slavonic,UGRI;
GHERESI,and so on)comes from the Turkic ethnic name ONOGUR meaning
From “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler.
“We also hear of a fearful encounter which St.Cyril,the Apostle of
Slav,had with a Magyar horde in 860,on his way to Khazaria.He was
his prayers when they rushed at him luporum more ululantes-HOWLING IN
From “Britannica”(Languages of the world).
“Recent study indicates that it is posible to speak of a Uralic
type,an intermediate stage between the European and the Mongoloid,the
basic features of which are medium-dark to dark hair and eye
colour,relatively small stature and often a concave bridge of the
(Hungary is part of Uralic racial type).
From “Britanica” Hungarian.
“The proto-Hungarians were apparently an ethnic blend of
and Turkish peoples living in western Siberia…The Hungarians were
scourge of Europe,raiding as far afield as Bremen,Orleans and
Constantinople(the English word OGRE-a men eating man,hideous cruel
a corruption of HUNGAR,attests to their notoriety).
From “1000 years of Hungary” By Emil Lengyel.
“(Hungarian) Folklore speaks about NIMROD the giant,who had two
and HAGAR.The former was the ancestor of the HUNS,and MAGOR was the
ancestor of the MAGYARS.”
“The experience the Magyars left with the Western world was so
that even generations later people form the West saw the Hungarians
apocalyptic monsters. Bishop Otto of Freysing spoke of the exterior of
Hungarians as ‘ferocious’ at the time of the Crusades :(Their eyes
sunken,their stature is short,their behavior wild,their language
barbarous,so that one can either accuse fate or marvel at divine
for having permitted these monsters the possession of an enchanting
From “History of Hungary” By Denis Sinor
“Though, geographically speaking, of European origin, the Hungarians
settled in the Danube valley were,spiritually and materially,
and belonged to the great Central Euroasiatic cultural family whose
members lived dispersed form the Danube to China, from Persia and
India to
the Arctic. The Hungarian bows and arrows…were of exactly the same
as those used in Central Asia. As nomadic peoples generally do, the
Hungarians disliked towns,and even houses,to which they preferred
According to Otto von Freisingen, as late as the middle of the
century, summer and autumn were still spent under tents”.
“It is, however quite certain that the Mongoloid type was well
among them (Hungarians), and that they were, on the whole, of rather
stature, with short legs, bowed through continuous riding”.
From George Kedrenos (12th century).
(Describing the events which took place in 895).
“The Emperor had sent the Patrician Skllerous to the Turks WHO were
(Oungroi) to convince them to cross the Danube and attack the
(At this time the Hungarians used to live somewhere near Bug river,in
place called Etel-Kuzu).
From John Zonnaras (12th century).
(Describing the events of 895).
“The Emperor convinced the Turks who lived near Danube and who ARE
(Oungroi) to start war against the Bulgars”.
Hey Tepes:
Most of the sources you site are 800 to 1000 years old. People believed all kinds of fanciful nonsense in those days. The Roman Catholic church of the time had its own version of history, not necessarily too accurate.
Plus, don’t forget the old saying “the victor (of a war, battle, conflict) gets to write the history. The vanquished side’s story is lost to history.
I’ve seen Hungarians. They don’t look too “Mongoloid” to me, even if they are lumped together with other “Uralic or Ugric” peoples.
As for myself, my mother’s people are the Finns, one of the so-called Uralic ethnicities. Yes, we aren’t “true” Scandinavians; and yes, some Siberian genetics have been detected among our genetic make up- (in some cases as much as 25%, from what I read,) but that might have been from 10,000 years ago. The original Finns who settled Suomi, (Finland to the rest of the world,) have unknown origins, have a language in the same language family as Hungarian (although the two cannot understand each other,) but Mongoloid???? I don’t think so. You should update your sources to something a little more current than 1000 years old.
ASnd you do your Germ Sclav Hun version
Amerika on line ….Euro Politics
So according to you we ssuld igmore all of them
Only You the Tigani in cort
But who screwed you Huns ?
Take it easy with the Germs
That’s who u Huns are \
Who we Romans …
Take it from here Tigani Nordici
Dear Romanian commentators, just one question: if you are so desperate to delineate yourself from gypsies so much, why did you permit the lousIest and lowest of them to settle here, to proliferate and especially why big segments of your “white” population behave exactly like or even worse then rroma gypsies: rut around, steal, cheat, indulge in gross lies, harass, attack and produce hurts in the street to people who have erred them nothing?
An answer, a “white” Romanian anyone?
Hey friend read the above carefully
And read some books
The Germans,Huns,Slavs assimilated more Gypsies then Romania
Romanians lived by themselves
I kindly ask you to tell us, the “white” Romanians, where did you see such things happening in Romania and what was that made you believe that a “large” part of the population behaves as you say it does. Otherwise, I’d be perfectly entitled to believe in my turn that a “large” part of the British population has the habit to get high in the middle of the night and go chase people around in order to get some money for another dose! Until you do, I shall consider that you did everyone a favor and kept your fingers still and keyboard unoccupied.
Pussy Hun or Germ
We Romans
Hungaraians : The leaders were Tharacians + Romans
Germs: Same
Slavs: same
Go fuck yourselfes you Blond
Romanians are gypsies !
Romanians are hardworkers ? LOL
let see, go to London, who stole cars ? who being prostitutes ?
all people from European union can work in UK, except for Romanians, they need special permit
greg evans, you retard, you shouldn’t have dropped out of school so early, looks like it’s affected you. you’re pretty stupid to believe actual ethnic Romanians are criminals and prostitutes living in London. they’re gypsies FFS! not Romanians. they’re Indian nomads, simple as that.
so many idiots believe these lies, it’s incredible. just another hoax, similar to Dracula being a vampire XD he was a prince who went mad after being tortured by Turks in his childhood, all those stories about him being “blood thirsty” are myths/lies.
BTW, if anyone’s going to question my intellectual abilities, I currently attend of the top 10 universities in the world in my faculty (Computer Science; University of Toronto).
Good day.
The Romanians are Gypsies becouse the contemporary Hungarians cannot grisp their own History?
You Hungarains are a mixture of Sepecialy Vlacks and Germans
at the top at the bottom you tell me
It is better to be a Gypsy them a Hun or Germ or frenk Tigan
Prove it
As far as I know you Germs,Sclavs and all oters were sclaves
That’s why the Germs work so hard
Tigani Germani
Dosen’t matter
It will matter in 10 years
In the meantme The Germs make BMW
And the Huns make whatever the Germs does
Calling Romanians gypsies is like calling English people Pakis!
Get your facts right, gypsies or “roma” (a bullshit name if you ask me, since Roma is the capital of Italy and represents the Roman Empire and Romania; it shouldn’t represent the gypsy population in Europe) are from India and are a nomadic people. Just because some settled in Romania doesn’t mean Romanians are gypsies, they are a minority in the country just like they’re a minority in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, England, etc. I hate having to be somewhat racist by making such statements but people who assume there is a relation between ethnic Romanians and gypsies are more racist and ignorant by doing so. Romanians have Latin/Roman and Dacian/Thracian blood. Romanian is also one of the few romance languages in Europe heavily based on latin and the closest to Latin after Italian.
Also, most of the “Romanians” abroad are gypsy criminals who are unwanted in Romania (for good reason) and just go abroad because they’re methods of duping people in Romania are now well-known and people are used to them, so they go to other countries where they can trick tourists and locals and rob them. I know not ALL gypsies are necessarily criminals but most are and that’s because they keep the traditions they’ve brought with them from Nothern India and most are not educated unlike the general ethnic Romanian population. Romanians are actually very intelligent and have invented many things over the years and have succeeded both at home and abroad, it’s unfortunate that Romania’s location in Europe has caused so much trouble for ethnic Romanians over the centuries (ex. the pressure from Turkey and surrounding invaders was great, but Romanian people managed to stay together and fight off the invaders over the years).
To conclude, I’m half Romanian and proud and I will never let anyone ignorant enough to call us gypsies walk away without knowing the truth.
There are so many amazing things I could tell you all about Romania that I bet you didn’t know however I don’t really feel like typing for two days straight…
Also, I know some will be angered by this comment but the truth is the truth… I’m not trying to be an asshole, only responding to the ignorant assholes making false statements about Romanians.
Oh jeez…. Gypsies is the right term…Roma is just bullshit and indeed, I actually know this from a gypsy I met in certain corcles that the name was adopted exactly with that in mind. Also, in direct reply to the bright fellow talking about Punjab, you should even more realise that Roma as a name to gypsies is just an artificial bullshit. Furthermore, gypsies are just as much romanians as africans are french, spanish or italian. It has zero connotation and don’t read between the lines cuz there is nothing to it, it means exactly what i said before. It is, from a romanian point of view the exact same thing when saying that gitanes and gypsies are romanians. National citizenship is one thing and ethnicity is another. Stop mixing it. Also, gypsies are considered a major problem crime wise in Romania and being a nomadic people (not that hard to either follow and back up with empirical data such as migration and border transit), I believe it is narrow minded and ill intentioned to have such statements. Muslims are americans and brits. Gypsies are from Romania too just as well as from lots more other countries, also, they are now more than ever a EUROPEAN “problem”. Argue for the sake of argueing rlly and thats about all most comments here do from my point of view. As a matter of fact, if you will i can point you to several videos that show youwho does what.
Nomadic peaple
The North of Europe is Gypsy
P.S. it is my actual own PhD research that shows how they “settled” in Romania after WW2 and alltough they have the highest rate of growth today in Romania compared to the total population and to other ethnical groups, they represent a minority group. In the communist period they were almost non existant…soooo where were they hiding? :”>
Punjab, gypsy and roma rlly make sense right? Lolsrsly.
Just for Germs and Angle
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe” Editted by David Crowe and John Kolsti
with an introduction by Ian Hancock.
In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has
been worse than that in Romania.
Within several centuries after Gypsies entered the medieval provinces of
Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved, a condition that
lasted until the mid-nineteenth century.Although slavery was not a
condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the deep-seated,
dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic Romanian
relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system that
resulted in the 壮ocial death’ of Gypsies as Romanian slaves, and…Over
the next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalize in the Romanian
Provinces…In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire
in northern Bulgaria in 1461-1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad Tepes(the
Impaler), brought back 11,000-12,000 Gypsies(or Gypsy -like people ) to
his capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment….
Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17’000 Gypsies back from his
campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.His move, however,
simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which, for example,
stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted to marry
her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, 疎ny
Moldavian who married a gipsy himself joined the ranks of the robi’ “.
The Byzantines writers never reefers to the GYPSIES as ROMANI, nobody did.
The name ROM, ROMY started to appear late at the beginning of the 20th.
Century.The name of ROM comes from the Gipsy word DOM.
Based on this CONFUSIBLE, those who pretend to be what they are not, are
advancing the CONFUSION.
For the Germs, Huns,Sclavs and the rest af Euro
Full verison:
The Romanians were known in the past as:
VALACHUS (By the Catholic West)
FLACI(By catholic West)
IFLAK (By the Turks)
VLASI & VOLOH (By the Slavs)
OLAH &BLACH (By the Hungarians)
OLAHOK (By the Hungarians)
OLASZOK (The Hungarian name for the Italians)
WALACH (By the Germans)
WALSCHER (The German name for the Italians)
BLACHOS & VLACHOS (By the Greeks)
BLOCH (By the Saxons in Transilvania)
WOLOSZY (By the Polish)
WLOCHI (The Polish name for the Italians)
In old German WALH = ROMAN
In old slavonic VLAST = POWER(considered of Gothic origin)
In old slavonic VLAST = GIGANTE
Romanians always called themselves ROMANS & RUMANS, RUMANI and the neighbors called them Vlachs,Vlasi,Olahs,etc.
Since The language of the Church was Old Slavonic where RUM = ROME
The Vlachs called themselves Ruman
The other people in Europe who claim roots from Rome are in Switzerland and call themselves “Romanish”
From “De administrando imperio”.Constantine’s surname,
PORPHYROGENITUS(that is, born in the Purple Chamber of the Imperial
“The emperor Diocletian was much enamored of the country of Dalmatia,and
he brought folk with their families from ROME and settled them in this
same country of Dalmatia,and they were called ROMANI (VLACHS) from their
having been removed from ROME, and this title attaches to them until this
“The territory possessed by the ROMANI used to extend as far as the river
(Constantine shows that the ROMANS(Latins, NOT Greek Romans or
Byzantines) or Vlachs are the original Romans.
“The country of the ZXHLUMI was previously possessed by the ROMANS, I
mean, by those ROMANI whom Diocletian the emperor translated from ROME”
(Constantine is talking about the Imperial Romans,who are going to be
known under the name of VLACHS).
“The country of Diocleia was also previously possessed by the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME”
“The country in which the Pagani now dwell was also previously possessed
by the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME
and settled in Dalmatia”.
“At that time when the Avars had fought and expelled from those parts the
ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian had brought from ROME and
settled there,and who therefore called ROMANI from their having been
translated from ROME to those countries”
SUMMARY: In his description of the Greek Roman Empire,we can definitely
identify two people,the Imperial Romans(VLACHS-those Romans who
initiated the empire),called by Constntine,ROMANI, and the Greek
Romans(BYZANTINES-those Romans who adopted GREEK as the language of the
State and Church).
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
“Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus Ungariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis
et Sirmus”
(In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs)
“Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis”
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464) (Commentarium rerum memorabilium)
“VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta;
sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant adversus Dacos, qui eas
terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci
primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati;quorum posteri
(ut ante relatum est) ”
(The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman
Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent,
romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati,
nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea
gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi
originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis
Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone,
hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum
ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui
norint interrogant”.
( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Janus Pannonius,Hungarian Humanist/Poet (1434-1472)
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplici Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara rerra, sono
Quid dominum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”
(Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Alessandro Cortesi (1469-1491),Poet.
“An procul expusos Nomadas, serasque luentes
Pastores rupto Siculos pro foedere poenas?
Trinacriae Siculos quondam, Schythiaeque colonos,
Fortia magnanimos praebentes colla Valachos,
Qui referunt prisca Roamanam ab origine gentem?”
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
“Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father,
unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to
prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the
Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF
THE ROMANS,by their flesh and blood”
POPE Innocent III (in a letter addressed to IONITA, lord of the
Bulgarians and Romanians,from 1203)
“Thus, taking this into account, we have decided since long, through our
envoy or our letters, that we should pay a visit to your lordship, so
that,realizing your faith to the Roman Church,Your Mother, we might then
ROMANS…As, he (God the Father) will help you to be a ROMAN in this
wordily life and for your Eternal Salvation by your own striving, the
same as you are BY YOUR DESCENT; and he shall help the people of your
country, which say that they are the ROMANS,blood and flesh”.
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, “Cosmography” 1501.
“Transilvania…,it is inhabited by three peoples: the Saxons, the
Szecklers and the ROMANIANS.
The Saxons had come from Saxony,and are strong men,used to the struggle…
The Szecklers are considered the most ancient Hungarians…,The ROMANIANS
are of Italian stock…, A colony of the ROMANS was settled there (Dacia)
to keep a tight rein over Dacians under the leadership of a certain
Flaccus, after whose name the coutry was called Flacohia and its
inhabitants were called VLACHS instead of Flacci. This people speaks now
a ROMAN idiom, although partly changed,and hardly understood by an
Francesco della Valle,1532,(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to
Doge Andrea Gritti).
“The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they
are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS”.
The anonymous notary of King Bela,Gesta Hungarorum.
“For, after king Attila’s death,the ROMANS called the soil of Panonia a
graze field as,their herds used to graze in the country of Panonia.And
they were right in calling the Panonian soil the grazing fields of the
ROMANS, as even nowadays, the ROMANIANS(Vlachs) feed their sheep on the
Hungarian estates”.
IOAN KINNAMOS(Imperial secretary under two Byzantine emperors, Manuel I &
“It is said about the Vlachs that they are the old descendents of those
from Italy”.
Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459),”Disceptationes convivales”, Florentine
“Apud superiores Sarmatas colonia est ab Traiano ut aiunt derelicta, quae
nunc etiam inter tantam barbariem multa retinet latina vocabula, ab
Italis, qui eo profecti sunt, notata.
Oculum dicunt, digitum, manum,panem,multaque alia quibus apparet ab
Latinis, qui coloni ibidem relicti fuerunt, manasse eamque coloniam
fuisse latino sermoneusam”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs = Romans).
Flavio Biondo(1392-1463), Humanist.
“Et qui e rgione Danubio item adiacent Ripenses Daci, sive Valachi,
originem, quam ad decus prae se ferunt praedicantque ROMANAM, loquela
ostendunt, quos catholice christianos ROMAN quotannis et Apostolorum
limina invisentes, aliquando gavisi sumus ita loquentes audiri, ut, quae
vulgari communique gentis suae more dicunt, rusticam male grammaticam
redoleant latinitatem”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs= Romans).
NICOLAUS MACHINENSIS, Episcop of Dalmatia, under Pope Pius II.
“Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti
ripas Valacchi obtinent, romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce
Flacco ita cognominati, nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo
vocabulo non modo ea gens sed omnes quopue fimitimae nationes hodie
Italos nominant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Janus Pannonicus (1434-1472), The most important Hungarian Humanist.
“Sarmatici montes et vos septemplicis Istri
Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari,
Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis
Sed iam corrupto, barbara terra, sono
Quid domimum lentis longe retinetis in armis?”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Filippo Buonaccorsi Callimaco (1438-1496), Italian Political Annalist.
“Sed utcunque immensus uel infinitus potios, eadem ubuque lingua et
praeter Romanorum coloniam Valachiam gentes omnes eadem primordia
“Fama nouae coloniae aliquamdiu motus Scuthios compescuit.Deinde non
solum propulsantibus, sed egregie etiam inferentibus bellum Romanis datae
acceptaeque sunt utrinque paene innumerabiles clades, cum pleraque a
caesaribus supplementa et auxilia suis mitterentur”.
Summary: Romanian (Vlachs) = Romans.
Jan Dlugosz (1415-1480),Polish Chronicler.
“(1359) Stephano Moldaviae Voievodae, apud Valachos mortuo, quorum
maiores et aboriginarii de Italiae Regno pulsi ( genus et natio Volscorum
esse fuisseque creduntur) veteribus Dominis et colonis Ruthenis, primum
sudole, deinde abundante in dies multitudine, “.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs )= Romans.
Raffaelo Maffei Volterano (1506),Italian Humanist.
“Eo quod Romanos, ut dixi, accepere colonos, pleraque uocabula loquuntur
lingua semijtalica,argumento est nomen Valachiam enim appellant, quod
Valach Italicum lingua ipsorum dicatur”.
Summary: Romanians ( Vlachs = Romans).
Marcantonio Coccio(1436- 1506), Italian Historian.
“Valachi italicum genus hominum: horum terram Daci olim tenuerunt: nunc
Teutones, Siculi et Valachi tenent… Valachorum nobilissimi qui
agriculturam et qui pecuariam exercent”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Felix Petancici(1445-1517), Humanist from Ragusa.
“Haec est provincia Dacia dicta apud veteres, Romanorum colonia(unde eius
aborigines hac etiam nostra tempestate) passim latino utuntur colloquio”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Joachim Vadian(1484-1551),Swiss Humanist.
“Supra Cataractas Danubius, infra vero Ister dicitur, sunt autem hae
maximae, intre montes Dacorum Straboni, eos hodie Iazigibus et
Transiluanis subiunctos, Walachos nominant, vocabulo Boemis Sarmatisque
uernaculo, quod inde natum uidetur, namque 奏y Vlasschi’ Italos nominant
quos ibi consedisse ex Pannonicis Sarmaticisque Romanorum bellis constant,
cum ne hodie quidem eorum lingua ab Italica multum sit absona”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stephan Taurinus (1485-1519), Moravian Humanist.
“Valachia vulgo Latinis Vlaccia dicitur, provintia Pannoniae
Cisdanubianae contermina in pontum usque descendens cum Damubo, veteres
inferiorem Moesiam dixere, vide superius loco suo. Inde Vlacci Vlacciae
populi, quos vulgus Valachos appellant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Johann Boemus (1520), German Humanist.
“Sed ea Thraciae pars quae Gethica olim dicebat, vbi Darius Hidaspis
filius pene perijt, hodie Valachia appellatur, a Flaccis quiritum gente,
Rhomani enim Gethis superatis et deletis Flacci cuiusdam ductu eo
Coloniam miserunt, vnde prumum Flaccia, dein corrupta voce Vallacia
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Sebastian Franck (1499-1543), German Humanist.
“In didem landt (Walachia) haben ettwan das volck Gethe gewonet, die
gross krieg gebraucht haben, zu letst mit den Rhomischen waffen ernider
gerruckt, abgetilckt vnd mit yhrem volck besetzt, vnder dem Rhomischen
hauptmann Flacco, von dem sy Flaccia nachmals vnlang Walachia gnant
worden ist, das diss volcks spraach noch heut her meysttheyl Rhomisch ist,
doch also corrumpiert, daz sy einem Rhomer kaum verstendtlich seind”
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Georg Rithaymer(1563), Austrian Humanist.
“Valachi Italicum genus hominum in colonias huc missum, plane in mores
Getarum abierunt, ita nihil antiquae originis suae retinent, praeter
linguam quam barbare et corrupte conant”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Nicolaus Olahus(1493-1568),Romanian(Vlach) Humanist.
“Lingua, ritu, religione eadem Moldavi utuntur, qua Transalpini; vestitu
aliqua saltem ex parte differunt…Sermo eorum et aliorum Valachorum fuit
olim Romanus, vt qui sint coloniae Romanorum: nostra tempestate, maxime
ab eo differt; praeterquam quod multa eorum vocabula, latinis sint
intelligibilia…Valachi, Romanorum coloniae esse traduntur. Eius rei
argumentum est, quod multa habeant communia cum idiomate Romano, cuius
populi pleraque numismata, eo laci reperiuntur; haud dubie, magna
vetustatis imperiique Romani istic indicia”.
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Theodor Bibliander(1548),Swiss Humanist.
“Post irruptiones Gothorum et Germanicarum gentium et Sclavinorum, atque
lacerationem et ruinam, imperij, sermo provincialis degeneravit longius a
sua origine, ut in provincia Daciae Vualachorum lingua, Vlasky enim
Italum aut Walhen sonat Slavis. Idem accidit in Hispanijs, in Gallia,
denique in ipsa Italia, in Latio, in urbe domina gentium et sede Romanae
Summary: Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Iacob Heraclid,Despot-Voda, prince of Moldovia.
“Con voi valenti homeni et gente bellicosa discesi dali balorosi Romani,
quali hano fatto trmer il mondo… Et a questo se faremo cognoscer a
tutto il mondo li veri Romani et discesi da queli et il nome nostro sara
immortale et conergeremo l’imagine di nostri padri”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Stanislaw Orzechowski(1513-1566),Polish Humanist.
“Hi (sc. Daci) erant ex Italis Romanisque proceati, qui Duce Lucio
Valerio Flacco cum Daciam occupavissent, in hisque Regionibus uxores
duxissent, ac consenuissent, hoc Dacos reliquerunt, qui eorum lingua
Romini a Romanis, nostra Walachi, ab Italis appellantur. Wloszy enim
Polonis idem est, quod Itali Latinis”.
Summary: Romanians (Vlachs) = Romans.
Martin Opitz(1597-1639), The father of modern German literature.
“Doch ewre (der Romer) Sprache bleibt noch hier auff diesen Tag,
Darob man dich gewiss gar billich wundern mag.
Italien hat selbst nicht viel von seinem alten
Ingleichen Spanien vnd Gallia behalten:
Wie wenig diese nun den Romern ehnlich sein,
So nahe sind verwandt Walachisch und Latein”
“Es steckt manchs edles Blut in kleinen Bawrenhutten,
Das noch den alten brauch vnd der Vorfahren sitten
Nicht gantzlich avgelegt. Wie dann jhr Tantz anzeigt,
In dem so wunderbar gebuckt wird und geneigt,
Gesprungen in die hoh, auff art der Capreolen,
Die meine Deutschen sonst auss Franckrich mussen holen,
Bald wird ein Kreiss gemacht, bald wiederumb zutrant,
Bald gehn die Menscher recht, bald auff der lincken hand,
Die Menscher, die noch jtzt fast Romisch muster tragen,
Zwar schlecht, doch witzig sein, viel dencken, wenig sagen”
Romanians(Vlachs) = Romans.
Or( Romanian Foreign Sources on the Romanians).
“The Gypsies of Eastern Europe” Editted by David Crowe and John Kolsti
with an introduction by Ian Hancock.
In the long course of the Gypsy experience in Eastern Europe, none has
been worse than that in Romania.
Within several centuries after Gypsies entered the medieval provinces of
Wallachia and Moldavia, they began to be enslaved, a condition that
lasted until the mid-nineteenth century.Although slavery was not a
condition peculiar to Gypsies or the Balkans at the time, the deep-seated,
dehumanizing prejudice that has characterized the historic Romanian
relationship with Gypsies produced a socioeconomic caste system that
resulted in the 壮ocial death’ of Gypsies as Romanian slaves, and…Over
the next century, Gypsy slavery became institutionalize in the Romanian
Provinces…In the aftermath of his campaigns against the Ottoman Empire
in northern Bulgaria in 1461-1462, the Wallachian ruler, Vlad Tepes(the
Impaler), brought back 11,000-12,000 Gypsies(or Gypsy -like people ) to
his capital where he tortured and killed some for his entertainment….
Stephen the Great (1457-1504), brought 17’000 Gypsies back from his
campaigns in Wallachia in 1471 to use as slave labor.His move, however,
simply strengthened a practice supported by law, which, for example,
stated that any Moldavian that got a Gypsy pregnant and wanted to marry
her would lose his status and have to become a slave. Later, 疎ny
Moldavian who married a gipsy himself joined the ranks of the robi’ “.
The Byzantines writers never reefers to the GYPSIES as ROMANI, nobody did.
The name ROM, ROMY started to appear late at the beginning of the 20th.
Century.The name of ROM comes from the Gipsy word DOM.
Based on this CONFUSIBLE, those who pretend to be what they are not, are
advancing the CONFUSION.
Tigani de Hungary and Austry or Germi
Got the picture?
Mirlani Tigani
To all the Germs ,Sclavs and Huns
We were your leaders
You only speak the language of the women
But the futheres were we
Tigani Germani Blonzi
Mihai ; you bastard what do you see in African ? by saying that his mother is like African ? you better know think before talk , you were talking about your fucken there , if you want to compare please do there in europe do not compare to African
Romanians are Romans
You North are as Cesar said
..Gypsy Blondies
There is no such thing as “Romani”, it’s just a BS word invented by some evil people in order to bring down Romanias reputation in the world.There is no such thing as “romani people”, it’s just romanian(european people) & gypsy(indian roots).Whoever came up with the word “romani” should be shot dead!
Romany is Germanic Nordic
They wanted so
The Germs ans Sclavini
On Wikipedia it should say like this:
88.6% Romanians
6.5% Hungarians
3.2% Gypsy
You understand?”Roma/Romani” is jut bulls*it!You have to understand how things are going in this world, how evil & corrupt this world is.
Those from Hungary?
They are nothing
Look at those from North
Ask a Germ what heppaned with the Prussian language???????????
Nothing they say it just fade out
Like a Germ Chosed
by Romans to be Slave
To Hungary
All those Intellectuals of so called Hungarian desent were Jews
And those Jews as many said ,by name, were Wallacians
LOL, by that logic Mitt Romney is a Gypsy, right?:)Romani/Romney, same thing right?:) & Roman Bellic from GTA IV is also a Gypsy.The Roman Empire was made up of Gypsies & Rome, capital of Italy is inhabited by Gypsies, that’s why it’s called Rome, derived from “Romani”.& that thing you drink called Rum was actually made by Gypsies…You people need to start thinking with your head & realise these words “Roma/Romani” don’t exist, they’re just a scam in order to mock Romania at an international level.
According to whom?
A Germ, a Sclac or a Hun?
Haven’t you asked this question before?:)
If Romania is a Gypsy Country, then why the hell is it part of the European Union?I thought, only European Countries can be part of the EU.This doesn’t make any sense….well, let me clarify for you: Romania IS a European Country, not a Gypsy Country, now you finally know…
You Germans
Where you learn to build buildings?
In Mexico?
Read who the Germs were during the Roman Empire
Learn who the Barbarians were and
History of Europe is a joke
Death to the Germs
The Jews are smart
the Tiganii blonzii din europa are stupido
i really , didnt know that european have such discrimination idea, my advice to roma and gypsy is tand and fight get their right , because black people were treating same way in america because of their revolution and heroine they have got their place .
this discusion is the proof that europe or union european will never be like usa, stupid people with stupid idea
Lol, nobody in Romania calls “them” Roma/Romani, everybody calls them Tigani aka Gypsies.
this is BS. Romanians are white. To demonstrate this compare search Romanian national football players names in google images. What a rubbish…made ofcourse by Hungarians. But they have gypsies too. Google Marian Cozma a Romanian murdered by two hungarians.
At least we have education cock suckers , stop hating Romanian people ,USA is way worse than us with their SWAG and shit like Lil Wayne.
Romanians look down upon gypsies for one reason. They are themselves looked down upon by all other europeans even albanians. So they like to take out their low status on the only people they see as lower
i think you went a little far with the albanians. It is only now that people are looked down, but 10-20 years ago gt wasnt likd that…
I have some questions if anyone here can supply the answers. Yesterday I watched a couple of the shows about American Gypsy weddings and one of the episodes revolved around the fact that the boy was of the Roma people and his family was not happy about his choice of a bridge who they called Romany and Romantical (and came from England they said.)
I also learned on that show that the girl’s family roots are the ones that like those big poufy gowns and in the Roma culture that they looked down on the “other” type of Gypsies and don’t use those poufy gowns and in many cases, they are arranged marriages.
Now over in Spain there’s a famous flamenco dancer by the name of Joaquin Cortes and that he has “Roma” ancestory and at times he’s spoken up for the Roma in Spain.
So what is the differences between them and why is there so much aggression towards each other. If they could all trace their roots back, wouldn’t they find a common ancestor?
Thank you for your help.
“Romanies” is not another term for “gypsies.” It is quite the opposite: “Gypsies” is widely considered a derogatory term for Roma people. Unfortunately, this article displays the same type of effrontery it criticizes by strongly implying that Romanian people are superior to Roma people; and that Roma people are to Romanians as “drunkards” are to the Irish. “Drunkards,” of course, is also a derogatory term that is sometimes disrespectfully used to refer to people who struggle with alcoholism, which is considered a disease.
…so there are many examples of disrespect toward “the other” here, and I’m taking the time to point this out with the sincere hope that this kind of biased attitude will not spread from person to person.
thank you
First I want to apologise for my english. Many people talk about gypsies, but let me tell you something: in any language on earth they are gypsies, zigeneur, zingaro, and more, but UE want to tell them roma or rroma. This can be confused with Romania, romanian, romanians (intentionally !?, why?). I have a suggestion: all the people who tell as, romanians, to tolerate gypsies, you stay with them, just 1 year, and after that we can talk about tolerance, justice and everything you want. Of course, in our times, is very ok to be educated and civilized, and talk like everything is nice and beautiful. But it’s not like that. In Romania they are bad too, stealing everything and they are very aggressive (in group). What you see is only their exotic music and dance (!?). They have a lot a nerve, steal what is yours and if you call the police they scream about discrimination. I can tell you a lot of examples about gypsies, every time the end is bad. There are too few who wanted to enlighten.
This is not bad intention (what I say), this is the truth. I was born in Romania, I live here. I love my country(Romania = Dacia – for more than 2000 years). Please be informed before you post opinions about sensitive topics. Sorry if I upset anyone, but on the internet are only falsehoods.
The confusion has arisen in recent years because Romanian Roma (or maybe from other nearby countries?), who are very badly discriminated against in Romania, have been coming to London and other European cities in summertime to beg on the streets. Mostly they are in organised gangs, with gangmasters who take all the money at the end of the day. The gangmasters have been seen with large rolls of £20 and £50 notes. The gangs, which include women and children, beg professionally. Both men and women fake disabilities. Many people have watched as a gang with many very disabled members gets down a side street and they all straighten up and walk normally once they are out of sight of the main street. If someone walks by, they suddenly all twist up again, and beg. Back home, the gang members do not benefit much from their summer on the streets of western Europe – it is the gangmasters who have built large houses, bought expensive cars, etc. In Romania, gipsies who had reasonable homes and jobs can just be kicked out by the local council, and dumped on waste sites where they then have to build shanties to live in. In some ex-communist countries (but not all), Roma children are automatically put into schools for educationally disabled children, and nobody wants to employ them. Under communism they were not allowed to wander around in caravans, though maybe they were settled in houses before communism arrived (I don’t know the history). I have only seen Roma areas in one east european town, and they were certainly living in bad conditions, in poverty. So the presence of Romanian Roma is the outcome of serious discrimination, and often of exploitation of Roma by Roma.
i will name them gypsies because im old already and that is the only denomination they were known here for centuries.
all gypsies came from india. it is presumed that the mongol conquest made them flee. another hypothesis is that mongols (or tatars?) enslaved them and brought them here.
they arrived in 2 or 3 waves. some lived in russia for several centuries and were driven to our border . of course , russian admixture made them blonde. yes , many gypsies are blonde.
the caste system of india is apparent even today in gypsy traditional families. to them clean and “unclean” has nothing to do with hygiene…but things are very complicated. centuries of self-segregation made them split in small groups , following their trades( similar to the indian caste). some were slaves while others were free to roam the country. (talking about medieval romanian lands). they were slaves of nobility and clerics. ordinary citizens and peasants did not own slaves , so i can not blame my people for the past. nobility and clerics really did not represent the masses.
so , centuries ago , gypsies mastered skills and worked for a living. things changed a lot…freedom and industrialization moved many of them in urban areas , the old trades were in demand no more , forced settlement did not help them either. by the way , S FOREMAN , their kids are not put in schools for disabled children. you can find gypsy kids in any schools , most of the times they form a MAJORITY. a birth ratio would be probably 6 to 1 (gypsy/romanian newborns).
they marry inside the group , inbreeding , children forced to get married very young. marrying that young lives them with no skills, no jobs and a hoard of hungry kids. of course , they try to feed their kids , mostly by theft and all sorts of felonies. oh , but there are the very rich gypsies . search on youtube gypsy weddings and you will be astonished by the opulence , the Ferrari , Mercedes cars , the heavy gold blings , the extreme bad taste and , of course , the age of the groom and bride . do these rich gypsies help their community ? no, that wouldnt be in gypsy stile .
edit : horde of kids.. well , this is a foreign language after-all…
All gipsy must to go in western europe to be civilized . We romanian will not upset if you integrate this flies into yours civilised countries. Keep them. We will appreciate if you take them all, but all. Gipsy be your gold treasure, not ours.
We once had an American volunteer present a movie for us in college (Political Science Faculty, English section). She had been in Romania for 5 years and the result of her labor with gypsies was a movie on their struggles. She had done a very poor job in those 5 years as she never really learnt any Romanian and was mislead by what those people were saying. We all laughed when the gypsies she was filming were openly cursing her and laughing and when one man particularly said, and I quote: “The worst thing about Communism was that they were so strict back then that we could not steal”. She was enraged and offended because she had set off to make a film about how we mistreat these people that she managed to do the exact opposite and make a fool of herself. Look for the stories of people making more than one trip to Romania and you will see that even your own agree with us after a while. What is more, we call them gypsies (tigani derived from “atinganos” term meaning untouchables and used for the first time by a Byzantine priest who disapproved of their magic “tricks”) and they are gypsies; they themselves call each other that.
So let me make you understand. Romania is actually România. The inhabitant/s of this country is/are Romanian/s or Român/Români.
Ok. Done with that.
Gypsies are ţigani or rromi. They speak rromani.
So for those who say that this country was left or made by the people of Roma…. We call the inhabitants of the Roman empire Romani. So lexically speaking romani and români do indeed seem to resemble!!!
You all have problems understanding. I must admit that there are some gypsies that conquer their condition and integrate into society. I admit as well that there are Romanians that turn bad. That is absolutely true. Not all Romanians are model citizens. But in some areas of România we have big problems with the Rromi/gypsies. They steal. Kill. Threat. They do not know about hygiene, how to be polite. They do not work. But they drive expensive cars, live in big ugly villas filled with gold and silver. They do not go to school. They get married at 10 years and are engaged by their parents from the moment of their birth. They multiply like rabbits. No studies means no interest or knowledge in using contraception. We have Români/Romanians similar to that but not at this level. Trust me, I never met a gypsy that was nice to me. Not ever. If you are Român I know you see that I am correct. If you are not born and raised in this country just chat with more than three Romanians or visit Bucharest. It is a big ass city that encompasses Romanians, gypsies (from beggars in front of a mall, a Kfc or McDonald’s or in the middle of the city’s busiest intersection -kids, asking for money and washing your windshield even if you want it or not; if they get money
Seems like the truth hurts to me. A lot of gypo’s here for sure