The Difference Between ‘Bare’ and ‘Bear’.
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There is a very distinguished difference between the words bare and bear. You would not want to become confused between the two as the differences are so profound that you would only create chaos in trying to get to the point in what it is that you are trying to say. Using the below definitions and examples, discuss the distinctions between the two words so that you can speak clearly and comprehensively. It is recommended that you practice the examples of each definition vocally so as to hear the information as well as visually receive the information as you do while reading this article. Have fun, stay focused, smile and practice. Remember to drink lots of water too, that will help you in all ways to be healthy and hydrated so that you can clearly study and comprehend the material.
A) Bare: Primarily used as an adjective
1. Unclothed or uncovered (part of the body or of a person).
“She was completely bare.”
2. Without the appropriate, usual, or natural covering.
“A bare beech tree.”
3. Without the appropriate or usual contents.
“A bare jail cell with just a mattress and four walls.”
4.Unconcealed; without disguise.
“An assault that would lay bare his very psychological makeup.”
5. Without addition; basic and simple.
“To go on this camping trip, you need more than just the bare minimum.”
6. Hard, brutal, harsh.
“The bare truth.”
7. Only just sufficient.
“A bare minimum.”
8. Surprisingly small in number or amount.
“All you need to get started with this modelling contract is a bare bikini.”
B) Bare: Also used as a verb
1. To uncover and expose it to view ( a part of a person or thing).
“He bared his bulging biceps.”
C) Bare-Assed: Slang: Adjective
1. Having no clothes on.
“The gentleman was nothing but bare-assed, and it was obscene.”
D) Bare-Back: Adjective/Adverb
1. Horseback riding; horse without saddle
“We are going to ride bare-back out to the creek tonight.”
E) Bare Bones: Noun
1. The absolute minimal of what is needed in order to achieve.
“We are down to the bare bones of our budget, and we are going to keep spending until it’s at zero.”
F) Bare-Bones: Adjective
1. The most basic of necessities, qualities, things etc., that are required.
“Our staffing is at its bare-bones.”
G) Bare Faced: Adjective
1. Clear; without confusion and omits no offence.
“It was obvious- she was making a bare faced lie, and no one seemed to care.”
H) Bare Foot: Also Bare Footed Adjective
1. Feet that have no shoes on them.
” We walked bare foot through the sand.”
I) Barely: Adverb
1. Happening with minimal occurrence, with minimal expectation.
“They just barely got hit by that semi-truck.”
J) Bare:
Linguistically can be represented or argued by numerous other similarity defined words such as:
Synonyms: naked, stripped, hardly, showed, empty, show, reveal, basic.
Antonyms: clothed, embellished, completely, fully, hide, conceal, and lush
The above was a descriptive example of how the word bare can be and is used in the English speaking language. There are many different ways that the word can be used, these examples are just some of the multifaceted ways you can use bare through English. The synonyms and antonyms should assist with your basic understanding of the word, and should remove any obstacles in clearly identifying the true definition of the word.
Moving now onto the examination of the word bear.
A) Bear: Noun
1. A large carnivorous animal, with thick fur. The bear eats flesh, fruits and nuts/seeds. The bear is a common mammal found in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and a small portion of the Southern Hemisphere. Particularly in continents such as North and South America, Asia and Europe, you will find the bear in one of his eight breeds. The bear belongs to the family of Ursidae and are classified as being dog-like carnivores, with the seals being their closest relatives.
B) Bear: Verb
1. To hold up, to,support the weight of.
“To bear the weight of the roof.”
2. To hold, or remain firm under.
“The camel will not bear the strain of her weight.”
3. To bring forth, to give birth to.
“She was to bear a child.”
4. To produce by natural growth.
“The apple tree bears it’s fruit.”
5. To hold up under; be capable of.
“She fails to bear close examination.”
6. To carry or to hold.
“To bear ones own flesh and weight erected.”
C) Bearable: Adjective
1. Harshly acceptable; beyond the limits of what is normally acceptable, but accepted nonetheless.
“This music is just barely bearable.”
D) Bear Claw: Noun
1. A delicate pastry filled with fresh fruit.
“This bear claw is delicious.”
E) Bear:
Represented by various other terms found in the English language with parallel meanings such as:
Synonyms: teddy bear, support, carry, birth, shows, grows, hold, capable, stand-up.
Antonyms: collapse, drop, die, death, destroy, wilts, incapable, unworthy.
Again, as above with bare, the word bear had been demonstrated to have many different usages, and as you can see, two completely different definitions. The examples exemplified for bear should show you just how different the word is from bare. The synonyms and antonyms provided for demonstration for the word bear should allow you to comprehend with distinction and ease the very root definition and usage of the word. Being able to use synonyms and antonyms is a sign of intelligence and understanding within the study of the English language. It is recommended that you not only become familiar with the word in question, but also its synonyms and antonyms. It is a foolproof way of making sure you really do understand and know what you are talking about when you utilize the word in your everyday or studious life.
As you can see there are wide differences between the words bare and bear. One is primarily an adjective, while the other is primarily an animal or a verb. Knowing the distinctions between the definitions and the usage of these two words will help you along in your comprehension of the English language experience, and your journey through English speaking countries and territories, whether that be through books, movies, TV, travel, employment or education. It is with the intention that your understanding becomes clarified with regards to the two words and their very different usages and definitions. If you’re having difficulty remembering the differences and the hows, whys, and whens to use each word, it is suggested that you study, memorize, and practice vocally, situationally, and contextually. It’s easy once you get into the flow of success of all the hard work put into studying each word.
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Ewan, D. (2016, June 8). The Difference Between ‘Bare’ and ‘Bear’.. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.
Ewan, Dart. "The Difference Between ‘Bare’ and ‘Bear’.." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 8 June, 2016,
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Written by : de. and updated on 2016, June 8
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See more about : Bare, bear, ESL, words