Difference Between Rural and Suburban and Urban
Rural vs. Suburban vs. Urban
There are three different ways one can describe the area they live in as it pertains to population amounts. You can live in a city; however, the city could be spread out and very small. One can live in an area that is extremely populated like New York City and would have to describe their city in a larger context as “city” does not do the population justice. These population descriptors are: rural, suburban, and urban areas. Depending on the areas that are being described, each one of these three words can explain the surrounding area and the amount of people in any given area.
Rural areas are referred to as open and spread out country where there is a small population. Rural areas are typically found in areas where the population is self-sustaining off of natural resources of the land, or they work in coal, copper, and oil. Suburban areas are references to areas where there are residences. These areas have a larger population than a rural area; however, they are small and typically outlying from a larger city. Suburban areas are also known as “burbs” for short. And if they are their own city, they are limited on resources and have little political autonomy and representation. Finally, urban areas refers to areas of high population that is both for living and working purposes. These communities do have political autonomy and are typically a hub in their area where all resources are available for the outlying rural and suburban areas.
Typically, those that inhabit rural areas of the country must travel to the nearest large town or city for medical care, schools, and even shopping. Forest areas, wetlands, and mountainous areas are not necessarily considered rural. In comparison, most often, suburban areas refer to single-family homes or housing divisions that are relatively close to one another rather than apartment or condominium homes. Depending on the size of the urban area, there can be extreme overcrowding, and the city might not be spread out geographically but is only considered urban because of the population. In the United States, urban areas are defined by a population of more than 1,000 people per block of area. Rural areas are the least populated areas. Suburban areas have a larger population than rural areas; however, urban areas have a larger population than both.
These three living areas are very different from one another and are a great way to explain a geographic city or town you are unfamiliar with.
1.Rural, suburban, and urban are three different ways of explaining a geographic area based on the population that live there.
2.Rural areas are open and spread out. This is countryside where farming and natural resources are predominantly used for family income. These people travel to cities for medical care and any other basic living needs.
3.Suburban areas are outlying single-family housing areas that are surrounding larger cities and metropolitan areas. 4.Typically, they don’t have a system of politics; however, some do have medical services and smaller shopping areas.
5.Urban areas contain a high population where there are more than 1,000 people per block. Urban areas are very congested and have political autonomy along with any living resources needed.
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Rural Urban Suburban are also general designations given by the US government agencies (often used for determining grants and tax incentives). Not all agencies use the exact same population break downs or terms (exam. some may use Metropolitan Areas). Furthermore, agencies who use Rural, Urban, and Suburban data, sometimes define the boundaries different than other agencies. This link gives a pretty good explanation as to why (don’t miss the detail tab at top): http://greatdata.com/rural-urban-data
I think they need better definitions of areas because not one of these describe my city.