Difference Between American bulldog and Pit bull
American bulldog and pit bull are sometimes referred to as the same dog breed. Both the breeds belong to Molosser family and have somewhat the same characteristics. However, when closely watching these two breeds, one can come across many differences between the two.
Earlier during the 1970s, the American Bull dog was called as the American Pit Bull dog. As such there was a bit of confusion between American Pit bulldog and the Pit
Bull dog and so the name of the American Pit Bull dog was changed to American bulldog.
When comparing the two breeds, the American bulldog is larger than Pit bull dogs. The American bulldog comes in height between 24 to 27 inches whereas Pit bulls come in heights between 18 to 21 inches.
In weight also, American bulldog has an edge over pit bull. When the American Bulldog has a weight of 85 to 140 lbs, the Pit bull has just 40 to 60 lbs weight.
The Pit Bull has a muscular body but they are not heavy but sleek and agile. On the other hand, the American Bulldogs are more muscular with broad chest and head.
The Pitbull has almost a block shaped head with a rounded tip towards the muzzle. On the other hand, American Bulldog has a box-shaped head.
The American Bulldogs are known to have descended from Old English bulldogs. The Pit bull was first developed by crossing Bulldogs and Terriers.
In life expectancy, the American Bulldog lives more than the Pit bull. When the life expectancy of American Bulldog is 16 years, the Pit bull has only 12 years.
- The American bulldog comes in height between 24 to 27 inches whereas Pit bulls come in heights between 18 to 21 inches.
- The Pit Bull has a muscular body but they are not heavy but sleek and agile. On the other hand, the American Bulldogs are more muscular with broad chest and head.
- When the American Bulldog has a weight of 85 to 140 lbs, the Pit bull has just 40 to 60 lbs weight.
- The Pitbull has almost a block shaped head with a rounded tip towards the muzzle. On the other hand, American Bulldog has a box-shaped head.
- The American Bulldogs are known to have descended from Old English bulldogs. The Pit bull was first developed by crossing Bulldogs and Terriers.
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i think as well the pitbull is stronger. just look for his body structure. only muscles
I have an american bulldog, and he is WAY stronger than any pitbull could ever be. He’s 95 pounds of muscle. He got into a fight with a real fit looking english mastiff out at the park, and almost killed the poor thing.
Meg, please prevent future altercations. Keep a closer eye on your pet. Educate yourself if you can.
Nicely put…….We don’t want to nor do we care to, here, or “compete” about who’s is “meaner, badder, or a better/stronger fighter”
This is the crap that is making good dog people, fight, to keep “good dogs”, and thus keep them from being labeled!!!!
Just my 2 cents
not true i have a blue fawn pitbull hes 150 pounds, though hes not agresive really hes killed two bulldogs that where full grown when he was only six months old, the dog attacked monster, my dog, out of nowhere
What a crock of b.s. , grow up.
Sheez, what is this, a peeing contest? Who cares about what your dog can or can’t do, or what breed is best at killing another breed, unless you are a scumbag that fights dog (then promptly turn yourself in.) Pit bull/american bulldog owners, do your research, both breeds historically were bred for strength and fighting in a pit, and/or bull baiting in England. There is no definitely answer on who is tougher between the two breeds, strength or agility does not guarantee superiority, training always does, and expert trainers do not brag, their dog’s excellent behavior is enough bragging rights.
Just be proud of your dog, be responsible, and know that there is always some other dog that’s bigger, tougher, meaner, etc regardless of breed; your dog isn’t some special dog like John P. Colby APBT from the mid 1900′s: he’s your pet, relying on you to care for him/her. If you really want to know, any wild Timber wolf would end any domesticated dog regardless of breed, they are very quick, very big, and extremely intelligent.
I own an american bulldog and a american staffordshire terrier, both breeds have strengths and weaknesses, please don’t contribute to the stereotypical ignorant and irresponsible pit bull owner by posting comments like “My pit bull has killed so and so dog/breed” or “My dog is so bad is, he could kill yours” Kids like you give pit bulls a bad rap, and get the breed banned. Grow up, get a life, and get dog liability insurance.
Read more: Difference Between American bulldog and Pit bull | Difference Between | American bulldog vs Pit bull http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-american-bulldog-and-pit-bull/#ixzz2MWWU0Hyr
I agree with you 100%!! Profoundly spoken!!
Sir well said
I have never been a fan of the breed myself. Not because of the hype of the bad owners just everything is not for everybody. Also they are very popular and my taste runs to the unusual. I’m into Australian cattle dogs just a personal preference. A young couple from church got what they call a American Bull dog pup. After having it for ten months the landlord said it had to go. I was asked if the dog could stay at my home for a few months. Well it’s been a year and they signed a new lease. While it’s still not the dog for me I very much see the attraction. He has bonded with my adult step son who lives with me and i kinda consider it his dog. The love this dog shows to everybody and his eagerness to be part of everything amazes me. He can be so stubborn I want to ring his neck but then he will jump on my bed lay his head on my chest and give me ” the look ” . When my stepson comes home he will bounce in the air and go nuts until he gets his daddy time and stays by his side
Loved your short little story as much as I love american bull dogs. (Made me laugh)! Would love to have, or see a picture of the great beast!
I have an american bulldog as well. I’m not sure how less size, mass, and weight contributes to a pitbull being “stronger”. Like the article stated, pits are fast and more agile. As for my bulldog, he’s always had the body structure as if somebody was slipping creatine in his food since birth.. just really big and ripped.
They are both extremely strong, yes if an American bulldog has like 50lbs on a pit he will be stronger, also a fact is (pound for pound) the pit bull is the strongest of all the dog breeds..but I love them both!
i have a american bulldog pit mix.. hes only 14 weeks and already over 20 lbs.. hes the best dog in the world.. still a puppy… but loves everyone… even the cat who he loves to tackle . i think society is the reason these dogs are hated on.. screw ppl love doggies
Sheez, what is this, a peeing contest? Who cares about what your dog can or can’t do, or what breed is best at killing another breed, unless you are a scumbag that fights dog (then promptly turn yourself in.) Pit bull/american bulldog owners, do your research, both breeds historically were bred for strength and fighting in a pit, and/or bull baiting in England. There is no definitely answer on who is tougher between the two breeds, strength or agility does not guarantee superiority, training always does, and expert trainers do not brag, their dog’s excellent behavior is enough bragging rights.
Just be proud of your dog, be responsible, and know that there is always some other dog that’s bigger, tougher, meaner, etc regardless of breed; your dog isn’t some special dog like John P. Colby APBT from the mid 1900’s: he’s your pet, relying on you to care for him/her. If you really want to know, any wild Timber wolf would end any domesticated dog regardless of breed, they are very quick, very big, and extremely intelligent.
I own an american bulldog and a american staffordshire terrier, both breeds have strengths and weaknesses, please don’t contribute to the stereotypical ignorant and irresponsible pit bull owner by posting comments like “My pit bull has killed so and so dog/breed” or “My dog is so bad is, he could kill yours” Kids like you give pit bulls a bad rap, and get the breed banned. Grow up, get a life, and get dog liability insurance.
pitbulls do not weigh 150 lbs you have a bully and the story you are telling is more than likely made up…
I have an American bulldog Doberman mix,and he is awwwes ome!!
I love him and treat him like he’s my son.He has the best of both worlds from his breeds.His keen intellect,playful,inquisitive,very alert,protection duties, twigs and berrys free spirt,cheerful,agile,you can lean on me,strong,sincerely loving personality has made me grow to love and appreciate all dog breeds!!
Aren’t American Bulldogs the sweetest? 🙂
I have a blue-nose u.k.c pitbull” he is 1 year and 7-months old” And he is my best-friend! Smart,loyal,protective,loves people,kids, alil dog aggrresive’ He likes other dogs that r gentle’ If they r males and aggeresive then he is aggressive also’ Hes not to keen on cats or squarrels or birds’ He has so much energy’ loves to play,jump, hike,water, all around hes one of the best breeds around’ I have had a few types of breeds in my life time’ And i will never own another breed then a pitbull! Before this blue-nose i had a rednose’ Although my rednose was a mix he was so smart! He was a mix of a pure-bred rednose and a pure-bred boxer’ My blue is a pure-bred” Both his parents and his grandparents up n down the family tree are pure pittys’ The only diffrence in a mixed pitbull and a pure is u may get more of a pitbulls genatics then u would with a mix…The diffrence in pitbull color is really no diffrence at all’ The only thing i noticed is a blue-nose jumps more and r more stubborn other then that theres no diffrence in any pits colors…People give the pitbull a bad name thats for sure…U can make any breed a mean dog its a fact…
I cannot comprehend your use of punctuation.
Have a female American bulldog. She was rescued and so happy to have a loving home. Shows no aggression. She’s has tried to make a pet of an opossum from our backyard and several kittens. Grooming and caring for them. Her name is Sweetie and every breath she takes reflects it.
After reading this article and its comments I really see how many people actually know there dog breed and truly understand them! Out of the article and comments there was only one comment I saw that this person knew something about there dog and actually knew correct facts about their breed! That’s sad because all I read is you have a badass American Pit Bull Terrier or American Bull Dog that weighs this much and almost killed this many dogs! This is exactly why BSL or Breed Specific Legislation has been brought up in many states and even effective in many states! I have to protect and fight to keep what I consider family from being taken and put to sleep because everyone wants to talk about the aggressive side of these breeds. Enough about the comments, to whom every typed and researched this article go back a double check that research on American Pt Bull Terriers! Its a damn good thing I wasn’t someone who is ill educated in dogs and there breed!
I have a 2 year old female American Pit Bull Terrier and a 5 month old male American Pit Bull Terrier. I have been doing more research to determine if it is possible that he has some American Bulldog or something else in his bloodline. We rescued him from a so called breeder that got rid of the whole litter before the pups were even 3 weeks old. He is already 48lbs and not even 6 months old yet!
I do agree with a few of the comments here, but others I am really questioning how much they have researched the breed. Why would you be arguing about who’s dog is more vicious and could hurt one breed over another?! That is the exact reason why counties are putting BSL into place. If you truly are a bully breed owner you should be fighting for the rights of your dog and trying to prove that they are not vicious. I also have boxers and I take all my babies to the dog park on a regular basis to continue their socialization. Yes, all of my dogs will protect me and if they feel uncomfortable about a situation or an individual they will stay in between me and that person, but there is a difference between protecting their owner and being bred to show aggression. Both of my pits are also amazing with my 6 year old son and will also stay in the middle of him and someone we do not know.
My cousin has a six week old pit bull and American bull mix. He is fawn in color. Our dog died a couple of weeks ago and he wants to give the pup to my 7 year old daughter. Do you think it will be a good idea. The pup is very sweet and came right to me.
My son owns an American bull dog nam d Chuck,at first my wife and myself were concerned about the breed but Chuck has grown up with our grandson Parker and h is the sweetest and most loving dog that Zachary has ever had but when Chuck does not know someone he will sit in front of us and flex his chest and as long as the person does not make a move towards the family he will not move. They are truly a great breed except for the short little hair that he leaves everywhere.
My dog can beat up your dog. Plus he carries a Rocket launcher on his back, hand grenades and a .40 caliber glock. He got in a knife fight with the West siders when he was young and since has become very aggressive and joined the Thunderbird gang. he’s always throwing up gang signs and wearing his leather jacket. I know it sounds crazy but he’s from Detroit.
All of these “bull” breeds get a bad name because of irresponsible pet owners, but the tensile strength of their jaw muscles, along with locking down and not letting go make this a lethal breed as well. I believe that any bull that shows aggression should be humanely euthanized or moved out into a country type setting as soon as possible. You just never know.
And while Chihuahuas might attack as or more often than a bull, it certainly can’t kill an adult.
Scm letting it bull dog fight I have an American bull dog and he is the most gently dog ever good with other dogs and people u should no the breed and respect your dog it part of the faimlyp]