Difference Between Canon PG 30 and PG 40
Canon PG 30 vs. PG 40
Nowadays, in the realm of digital printing, people opt for high quality printers. Today, we have the so-called ink printers, jet printers and even laser printers, that help to make quality outputs of documents, pictures or any form of data. However, the lifeblood of these printers is the ink that they use. These inks are stored inside ink cartridges that vary depending on the model or the manufacturer of the printer itself.
With regards to Canon printers, some of its models make use of the PG 30 and PG 40 ink cartridges. The differences of these are rather obvious. Foremost, the choice of your cartridge depends on its compatibility with the cartridge slot in your printer. Nevertheless, there may be some printers from the said company that can use either PG 30 or PG 40 cartridges. You can easily check your Canon printer manual to know which is suitable for your printer.
Foremost, it is best to differentiate what a color, and what a blank ink cartridge is. Color Canon ink cartridges are marked with a ‘CL’ at the beginning, whereas the black counterpart is marked with a ‘PG’. There are lots of specific cartridges under the CL series, just as there are many PG cartridges, like the PG 30, 40, 50 and so on. Both the color and the black inks mix in the overall operation of the Canon printer. Hence, there is almost always the need to specify what cartridge is suitable for a particular printer type.
To note, one will be an ink cartridge with a higher yield. In this connection, the PG 40 is said to yield about 450 pages, while it’s only about 200 pages for the PG 30. Moreover, both cartridges work best for Canon’s Pixma printers.
According to Canon, their PG 30 cartridge contains approximately 9 ml of ink, whereas the PG 40 has 12 ml. This means that the latter has more ink content than the first. As the number increases (like PG 50), it is evident that the amount of ink contained also increases. With this, it is an obvious expectation that the PG 30 is priced much lower, as opposed to the PG 40. Some retailers value the first at around US$ 15 to 16, while the PG 40 is more costly at around US$ 19 to 23.
1. The PG 30 has a smaller amount of ink compared to the PG 40.
2. The PG 40 is also more expensive than the PG 30.
3. Generally, the original PG 40 has a higher print yield compared to the PG 30.
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12ml is 33% more than 9ml, yet your write up says Canon says the larger cartridge will provide more than twice as many pages. That is not possible. Somebody is mistaken.
It is possible, because not all ink is always used in the cartridge. The “usable” ink the the PG40 may possibly still be twice as much as in the PG30.
That would mean:
x is the unusable ink in ml.
(12-x) / (9-x) = 450/200
x = 6.6ml of unusable ink in the cartridge if I am doing this right.
That is over half the ink in the largest capacity cartridge.
I am not saying it is impossible, I am not in the ink manufacturing business, but It seems both illogical and irresponsible for a company to manufacture a product with these characteristics.
It is idiotic,to say the least,for Canon to have a pg-30,40 and 50,each with the same containment capability,but differing by having each only filled to a percentage of its capacity.For example,One half full,one 3/4 full, and one full,and each with different prices, and packaging..Why would they not just make one cartridge and fill it to capacity and save on all the documentation and labels etc.Personally it does not matter to me because I refill my own anyway now that I have a few spares.
This is an old thread, but I thought I would add to it in case there is anyone out there who has been misinformed all these years about the difference in the two cartridges and has been missing out on the savings available through buying the HIGH YIELD cartridges, PG-40 and CL-40. First, the information above is wrong according to a Canon webpage. The PG-40 holds 16 ml, while the PG-30 holds 11 ml. Additionally, the page ratio for the two cartridges is 350/220 under the same settings. Using the same approach as logical_skeptic, I find that 2.5 ml is unuseable. 2.5 out of 11 is 23%, much better than 69%, but still significant. However, we don’t know anything about internal design of the two cartridges. Perhaps Canon found a way to reduce the amount of unuseable ink in the PG-40, and that in turn would skew the equations so that the unuseable amount in the PG-30 would be less. As an example, if the amount of unuseable ink the PG-40 was 90% of the unuseable ink in the PG-30, then recalculating would show that the PG-30 unuseable ink would be 2.2 ml, which is 20% of the total ink.