Difference Between Piano and Harpsichord
Piano vs Harpsichord
The piano and harpsichord are string instruments, and are widely used in orchestral music and opera. One can come across many differences between the piano and harpsichord.
The main difference that can be seen between the piano and harpsichord is in the use of their strings. While hammers are used to strike the strings of the piano, the strings are plucked in a harpsichord.
When comparing their origin, the harpsichord was the first instrument that was used in the musical circles. The harpsichord became popular in the 14th century, but with the introduction of the piano in the 18th century, the harpsichord slowly disappeared from the scene. It was in the 20th century that the harpsichord again resurrected in the musical circles.
The sounds produced from a piano differ from the sounds produced from a harpsichord. While the harpsichord comes with five octaves, the piano has seven octaves. Unlike the piano, the harpsichord’s dynamic is softer, which means that the notes sustain very little. Moreover, ascents, decrescendos and crescendos are not possible with the harpsichord.
When comparing their keys, the harpsichord’s keys are slimmer. While you can throw your fingers on the piano keyboards, it cannot be done with the harpsichord. With the harpsichord, each note has to be played separately. On the other hand, the keys of a piano can just be banged.
Another difference that can be seen between the piano and harpsichord is that the latter one has more resistance. One can also see that a tone can be sustained in a piano, while it cannot be done with a harpsichord.
In comparison, a piano player will have full control over the volume of sound produced, whereas a harpsichord player does not have such control. With a piano, one can play soft and loud sounds.
1. While hammers are used to strike the strings of a piano, the strings are plucked in a harpsichord.
2. The harpsichord became popular in the 14th century, but the piano was only introduced in the 18th century.
3. While the harpsichord comes with five octaves, the piano has seven octaves.
4. When comparing their keys, the harpsichord’s keys are slimmer.
5. A tone can be sustained in a piano, while it cannot be done with a harpsichord.
6. A piano player will have full control over the volume of sound produced; one can play soft and loud sounds. On other hand, a harpsichord player does not have such control.
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