Difference Between Occupation and Profession
The words occupation and profession are interchangeable. Profession and occupation are almost the same, with only minor differences between them.
The difference between occupation and profession can be stated with a simple example: Designing a building would be called a profession, whereas, constructing a building is an occupation.
A profession needs extensive training and specialized knowledge. On the other hand, an occupation does not need any extensive training. A person with an occupation need not have specialized knowledge of his trade.
A profession can be called an occupation when a person is paid for his particular skills, and his deep knowledge. Doctors, engineers, advocates, journalists, scientists, and many others, fall under the professional category. On the other hand, persons engaged in an occupation are not paid for their knowledge, but only for what they produce. Drivers, clerks and technicians fall under the category of occupation.
Unlike a person engaged in an occupation, a professional has to undergo higher education. It is noticeable that a profession tends to be autonomous. When considering responsibilities, a profession demands that the resonsibility lies with the individual. Moreover, only a professional will be able to assess fellow professionals. In regards to an occupation, no one has autonomous power; he or she is supervised by another person. Moreover, any person can make asseessments, as this type of work does not require high degrees of knowledge and skill.
Well, professionals enjoy a higher social status than a person engaged in an occupation. Another difference that can be seen between profession and occupation, is that the former is guided through certain ethical codes, and is regulated by a certain statute.
1. A profession needs extensive training and specialized knowledge. On the other hand, an occupation does not need any extensive training.
2. A profession can be called an occupation when a person is paid for his particular skills, and his deep knowledge. Persons engaged in an occupation are not paid for their knowledge, but only for what they produce.
3. Unlike a person engaged in an occupation, a professional has to undergo higher education.
4. A profession tends to be autonomous, whereas, for an occupation, no one has autonomous power; he or she is supervised by another person.
5. Unlike occupation, a profession demands that the resonsibility lies with the individual.
6. A profession is guided through certain ethical codes, and regulated by certain statute.
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Journalism is not a profession, nor does it require “extensive training.” A four year arts degree hasn’t counted as “extensive training for 30 years. Many technician jobs do, in fact, require extensive training (e.g. nuclear medicine tech, aircraft maintenance tech, machinist, etc.).
To further discredit this retarded definition, there are literally millions of self-employed people, such as plumbers, electricians, computer techs, farmers, grocers, etc., who are not “supervised by another person.”
A much more accurate way to describe a profession is a line of work that REQUIRES a license, certification, or other peer-regulated endorsement to practice. In other words, every profession listed in this article as an example EXCEPT journalist.
thank you for the information, its really helpful for law students about this information..
A profession requires extensive training, and deep, specialized knowledge, whereas an occupation does not. A profession can be called an occupation when a person is paid for his or her skill and deep knowledge. People engaged in occupations aren’t paid for their knowledge, only for what they produce. Professionals undergo years of higher education, while those engaged in occupations do not. Professionals are autonomous, whereas those engaged in occupations are supervised by another person. Professions demands that responsiblity lie with the individual, not the organization or company. Professions are regulated by professional codes of behavior and statutes.
Profession: A number of individuals in the same occupation voluntarily organized to earn a living by openly serving a certain moral ideal in a morally permissable way.
I would not say that there are only minor differences between a profession and an occupation, given the vast amount of time it takes to qualify for and acquire licensure in order to practice a profession.
Those people in an occupation are exceedingly important, as they tend to perform tasks that produce goods and services that most people use with fair regularity; however, the specialized knowledge of a professional is not easily replicated an is certainly not easy to come by.
good job done here, very educative for all aspect of life
Thank you 🙂
well, I was expectin’ more than those difference’s that you guyz’ve urged above.
what the discussions above means is that there is no need debating whether or not teaching is a profession because every thing clear THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR INSIDE
Thanku for information it is very useful for nursing student
Not more worthy.
Thanks for the information it’s very important for the human rights activists
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