Difference Between GPA and Weighted GPA
GPA vs Weighted GPA
GPA is Grade Point Average, which is the representation of a student’s grades during his academic years. The GPA and weighted GPA come into focus when the students reach the senior years in school. GPA and weighted GPA are important when coming to scholarships, employment, and admissions.
The GPA reflects a student’s motivation and his or her ability during his academic year. Most of the master programs require a minimum GPA of 3.0 or 3.3. And the Ph.D. programs require a GPA of 3.3 or 3.5. Unlike the normal GPA, the weighted GPA is considered to be more accurate.
The Grade Point Average and the weighted Grade Pont Average is based on points. In regular GPA or general GPA, four points is an A grade, three points is a B, two points is a C, one point is a D and zero points means an F grade. In the weighted Grade Point Average, an A grade has five points, B four points, C three points, D two points, and E zero points.
The weighted GPA is more accurate in the sense that it is only related to a special course. On the other hand, the normal GPA reflects the average of all the courses that are taken.
When normal GPA is the regular grading point that one gets, the weighted GPA is the one that one gets for taking more difficult classes than the normal ones. Though the colleges may want to know the weighted GPA as it reflects the relative rigor of the courses that you have taken, it is not used for comparing with other applicants. Most of the colleges will only look at the weighted GPA as a reflection of your performance only. The normal GPA is only a reflection of the overall performance of all the courses that you have taken.
1.The GPA reflects a student’s motivation and his or her ability during his academic year.
2.When normal GPA is the regular grading point that one gets, the weighted GPA is the one that one gets for taking more difficult classes than the normal ones.
3.The weighted GPA is more accurate in the sense that it is only related to a special course. On the other hand, the normal GPA reflects the average of all the courses that are taken.
4.In regular GPA or general GPA, four points is an A grade, three points is a B, two points is a C, one point is a D, and zero points means an F grade. In the weighted Grade Point Average, an A grade has five points, B four points, C three points, D two points and E zero points.
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