Differences Between Hindi and Arabic
Hindi vs Arabic
If you are unfamiliar with languages, especially new ones, this question would certainly create confusion. When we talk about Hindi and Arabic, we are talking about apples and oranges, to that effect. But to an unfamiliar mind, the two can be quite similar and thus very confusing. So what are the differences between Hindi and Arabic?
To differentiate the two languages, we have to define each one first. By doing so we will understand the glaring difference between the two and not be confused. So, let us take a look first at the Hindi language.
Hindi is a language, a dialect from the vernacular of Delhi. It is basically spoken in the areas of Delhi, India, Western Pradesh, and south region of Uttarakhand. During the reign of the Mughal Empire, it was known as Urdu or the language spoken at the empire’s courts. Basically, India and Pakistan speak this dialect, and history separated it as the sole dialect apart from Urdu. There were standardizations made and done so as to make it a legitimate dialect and not just a vernacular spoken by some. Thus it became official in 1881 and India adopted Hindi.
Hindi was based on the Khariboli dialect and became standardized to take form as one of the official languages of India. There became a distinct difference from its mother dialect Urdu at the time of standardization. Hindi is mainly spoken in India.
The source of confusion is the Persian and Arabic influence on Hindi. The history of India had centuries where the Persian language was used in the Indian continent. Thus, it is safe to say that it was greatly influenced. Also, Arabic has influenced the Persian language, thus intertwining these three languages in that course.
So, let us take a look at the Arabic language at this point in time. Arabic is the language spoken by the Arab people starting in the 6th century AD. There are two types of Arabic, the modern standard and the classical. Both of these were spoken, but the classical was used in literature more often, while the modern one is the official language used in formal conversations and documents. There are multiple variations due to ethnicity, but the modern standard form of Arabic made good progress towards uniformity.
Basically, spoken Arabic can be heard and found in the Middle East and northern part of Africa. There are a lot of variations, and with its age, Hebrew, Hindi, and even Egyptian languages are greatly influenced by the classical Arabic language form. Certainly, it has influenced a lot of regional dialects during the time. Even Europe had literary Arabic used in the studies of science, math, philosophy, and more. Borrowed words from this historical language still exist, and with its prestige, it is still very alive today. Also, Arabic is not primordial in the sense that it had also influences from the Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac languages, but this proves that it has a strong foundation making it unique to this present day.
Both are written without our alphabet but inscribed with their own unique characters. If one should study the languages of Arabic or Hindi, then one must learn how to read and write the characters. This makes things very classical, unique, and scholarly to study at the same time. If one has the time to browse through books and even the Internet, one can surely spot the differences between the two languages. From their history and topographical location of use, you can conclude that these languages are unique and different from each other. To really learn the differences, one must look at their history too, like what we did, and start from there to really appreciate them.
- The Hindi language originated from India, while Arabic is from the Middle East.
- Since Persians also influenced India long ago; the Arabic language also influenced Hindi.
- Both the Hindi and Arabic languages have distinct characters symbolizing their alphabets.
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Hindi is not derived from urdu.
Please do more research before putting anything in your blog.
Hindi is derived from Sanskrit an ancient language of aryans.
Sanskrit is no way related to Aryan …. Persians are aryans and they dont speak sanskrit ….
Hindvi was constructed largely from Sanskrit loan words that had been ‘softened’ for ‘bol-chal’ (common speech). It also absorbed Persian, and through Persian, Arabic loan words, and developed as a mixed or broken language of communication between the newly arrived immigrants and the resident native population of North India. It travelled south and west as the Sultanate expanded beyond the Gangetic plains. It developed into a national language during the colonial period when the British began to cultivate it as a standard among government officials. From the eighteenth century Hindvi began to flower as a literary language. In the course of another century it split into Hindi and Urdu, the former representing a Sanskrit bias and the latter a Persian one. Today, Hindi is written in the Devanagari script while Urdu is written in the Perso-Arabic script.
Background: The period of Prakrits and Classical Sanskrit (dates are approximate):
750 BCE: Gradual emergence of post-vedic Sanskrit
500 BCE: Prakrit texts of Buddhists and Jains originate (Eastern India)
400 BCE: Panini composes his Sanskrit grammar (Western India), reflecting transition from Vedic to Paninian Sanskrit
322 BCE: Brahmi script inscriptions by Mauryas in Prakrit (Pali)
250 BCE: Classical Sanskrit emerges. [Vidhyanath Rao] 100 BCE-100 CE: Sanskrit gradually replaces Prakrit in inscriptions
320: The Gupta or Siddha-matrika script emerges.
Apabhranshas and emergence of old Hindi:
400: Apabhransha in Kalidas’s Vikramorvashiyam
550: Dharasena of Valabhi’s inscription mentions Apabhramsha literature
779: Regional languages mentioned by Udyotan Suri in “Kuvalayamala”
769: Siddha Sarahpad composes Dohakosh, considered the first Hindi poet
800: Bulk of the Sanskrit literature after this time is commentaries. [Vidhyanath Rao]
933: Shravakachar of Devasena, considered the first Hindi book
1100: Modern Devanagari script emerges
1145-1229: Hemachadra writes on Apabhransha grammar
Decline of Apabhransha and emergence of modern Hindi:
1283: Khusro’s pahelis and mukaris. Uses term “Hindavi”
1398-1518: Kabir’s works mark origin of “Nirguna-Bhaki” period
1370-: Love-story period originated by “Hansavali” of Asahat
1400-1479: Raighu: last of the great Apabhramsha poets
1450: “Saguna Bhakti” period starts with Ramananda
1580: Early Dakkhini work “Kalmitul-hakayat” of Burhanuddin Janam
1585: “Bhaktamal” of Nabhadas: an account of Hindi Bhakta-poets
1601: “Ardha-Kathanak” by Banarasidas, first autobiography in Hindi
1604: “Adi-Granth” a compilation of works of many poets by Guru Arjan Dev.
1532-1623: Tulsidas, author of “Ramacharita Manasa”.
1623: “Gora-badal ki katha” of Jatmal, first book in Khari Boli dialect (now the standard dialect)
1643: “Reeti” poetry tradition commences according to Ramchandra Shukla
1645: Shahjehan builds Delhi fort, language in the locality starts to be termed Urdu.
1667-1707: Vali’s compositions become popular, Urdu starts replacing Farsi among Delhi nobility.
It is often called “Hindi” by Sauda, Meer etc.
1600-1825: Poets (Bihari to Padmakar) supported by rulers of Orchha and other domains.
Modern Hindi literature emerges:
1796: Earliest type-based Devanagari printing (John Gilchrist, Grammar of the Hindoostanee Language, Calcutta) [Dick Plukker]
1805: Lalloo Lal’s Premsagar published for Fort William College, Calcutta [Daisy Rockwell]
1813-46: Maharaja Swati Tirunal Rama Varma(Travancore) composed verses in Hindi along with South Indian languages.
1826: “Udanta Martanda” Hindi weekly from Calcutta
1837: Phullori, author of “Om Jai Jagdish Hare” born
1839,1847: “History of Hindi Literature” by Garcin de Tassy in French [Daisy Rockwell]
1833-86: Gujarati Poet Narmad proposed Hindi as India’s national language
1850: The term “Hindi” no longer used for what is now called “Urdu”.
1854: “Samachar Sudhavarshan” Hindi daily from Calcutta
1873: Mahendra Bhattachary’s “Padarth-vigyan” (Chemistry) in Hindi
1877: Novel “Bhagyavati” by Shraddharam Phullori
1886: “Bharatendu period” of modern Hindi literature starts
1893 Founding of the Nagari Pracharni Sabha in Benares [Daisy Rockwell] 1900: “Dvivedi period” starts. Nationalist writings
1900: “Indumati” story by Kishorilal Goswami in “Sarasvati”
Aryans are indians not Persian please get some correct knowledge
My point is it is no where emerge from Urdu as written in this article.
I have a notice here about Arabic Language. Arabic Language is older than mentioned in the above text( 6 century A.C ?!!) at that time It was well developed ,dependent and unique language ( Quran was complete and kept in Muslims minds and hearts by thet centuty ;this is enough to prove that) and the ancient Arabic poems and history also illustrate this point. As well as the first Arabic scientific rules and medicines that were written down on old papers and on stones or wood which are still used to date are another proof.
The 6th century is the from 500-599, the Quran wasn’t revealed until a few years after that century in the early 7th century. (I don’t know how developed arabic was, but I imagine it’d be fully developed by then
6th century? dude, no. Arabic was well into standardisation in the 2nd-3rd centuries. That means it existed even before that lol. In the 6th century the alphabet was more or less uniformed, and by the 7th century it was yippie with the vowels and dots on the letters. In simpler terms, people DID NOT start talking Arabic in the late 6th century, they talked Arabic way before. Classical Arabic is the form of Arabic that came before/during Islam, excluding MSA and the dialects, and it is very advanced. Before it there were less developed forms of the language, but they were there. So it’s wrong to say people started talking Arabic as late as the 6th century, when by then it was already a very developed language.
What the hell is Western Pradesh?? There is no state/province in India called Western Pradesh. This article is full of mistakes, inaccuracies and anecdotes treated as facts.
Hindi is derived from Khari boli which in turn is distorted version of 5000 year old Sanskrit. Many languages in India and Europe are derived this way and belong to the Indo-Aryan family of languages. Hindi’s grammar is taken right from Sanskrit’s grammar. Few other languages from this family that are still spoken in India (but didn’t become as popular as Hindi) are Avadhi, Bhojpuri etc. Punjabi, Rajasthani, Gujarati, Bangali, Oriya are also from the same family with heavy regional influence.
Urdu originated during Mughal period when the Muslims started conversing with the locals. They used Hindi’s grammar and fitted words that were known to them – Persian. So Urdu is nothing but Hindi grammar with Persian vocabulary.
As said above hindi is not emerged from urdu…like every language do, it has also adopted some arabic words during mughal period…the author needs education..
Arabic Hindi are different yes! Hindi and Urdu derived both from (their mother language) Khariboli (while Sanskrit is their great-grandmother)!
Classic Arabic existence was only since the end of the 7th century, never before, and maybe even since the 8th century because that was the time when they started writing books in Arabic!
1. Sanskrit is a central/south Asian language (area of southeast of Afghanistan, Pakistan (except Balochistan) and northwest India).
2. The word -Stan/-Sthan is Sanskrit, not Persian or Arabic…
3. Parsi and Pali, Prakrit etc… were derived from this language (Sanskrit)
4. After this (#3), crazy Mongols came and
5. After them, the crazy Islamic terrorist/jihadis came (with the sword…)
5. The muslims brought the Persian sound into Delhi with some Arabic words but the pronunciation of those words was derived from Parsi…
6. The locals were still speaking the old Hindi which was derived from Sanskrit…
While the muslims spoke this language but used some of their own words. This newly developed language is called Urdu and was used in the Mughal court by the rulers.
Bu the end of the 18th century Sikhs(/Punjabis) and Maharashtras destroyed almost 80% of the Mughal empire and central north (Uttar Pradesh and area) India was using by that time for Hindustani language: Kayastha (script)
7. The English people came after this and played the game divide and conquer. Muslims wanted this because they always want their religion and culture to be number one… So they adopted for Hindustani again their Perso-Arabic scripture (like during the peak of the Mughal empire).
Whereas Hindus and Jains/Buddhism used again Devanagari script!
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was being egoistic and ignorance, “you have thrown us to the wolves” (said, Bacha Khan). Secular Pakistan was created because the muslims demanded their own country. Quran forbids muslim to work under a Hindu/Dharmic or any other religions rule, Muslim can work only for/under a Muslim boss.
Pakistan is now an Islamic Republic, which failed as a secular state to provide minorites to be safe.
Lahore and Karachi were so developed because more than 70% of the shop, land, real estate was in hands of Sikhs or Hindus.
8. Sanskrit/Hindi and Indian languages influenced English, during colonial time.
9. I don’t know much about Arabic but I know Hebrew and Sanskrit are much older and both influenced Arabic.
Also, don’t forget, Arabic is not a science language like Latin or Sanskrit. Arabic stole the numerical system, and the world thinks it is Arabic… This is also the same for Math, Physics, Chemistry… While Parsi influenced Arabic with art and poetry… Latin contributed with Biology and Greece with Geography.
Actually, the right word isn’t influenced, everyone knows Islam came with the sword… Killed people and burned books and stole their knowledge and wealth.
There is no evidence of Arabic science from the year 100.. While there is more than enough evidence of the other 4 languages. This is also the reason why Persians/Iranian people are very proud of their culture (history and culture).
And Hebrew/Egyptian.. was way before Arabic, so you can bet that the muslims also stole the words/knowledge from these people.
Why do think else that they want to kill all the Jews and Hindus (Pakistan did this from 30% minorities in 1948 to less than 4% in 60 years time)?
I studied history and besides that I studied several languages (Spanish, Latin, French, English, Dutch, German, Hindi, Greece, Maya, Inca, Egyptian < which I also studied).
Sanskrit words can be found in almost every language (Americas, Europe, Arabic countries and Asia), even in Japanese and Russian which was never colonized by Sanskrit speakers or other people.
This language is not really a language but a scientific ordered way of writing a word with letters instead of numbers.
Even today it is used… By Nasa, Microsoft, Google, and other big companies to program their software.
And if you don't believe this…. Do you know why Hitler used Swastika? He was fascinated by Sanskrit and the knowledge that was researched and written with this language. Even today, Germany has the most universities outside India which provide you Sanskrit classes.
Best part, to give Yoga to other people you need to read the Bhagavad Gita, but Nazi Germany wanted to highest ranks officers/soldiers to read this book…
Nowadays, even Muslims from Pakistan are going back to their roots and are attending yoga classes instead of going to the Mosque/Masjid.
Next language will be Sanskrit, Classic Chinese/Mandarin, Japanese and Mranmabhasa (Myanmar).
PS Never say something that you don't know for 100% sure 😉
Listen to the facts of Satya Sheel and what I wrote, or find it out yourself.
You will find that the Muslims did not study any field of medicine except Ayurveda and translated it into Arabic!