Difference Between Middle Ages and Medieval Ages
Middle Ages vs Medieval Ages
History is the uncovering of past events and their compilation, organization, and publication in order to provide knowledge and understanding about them. The word “history” came into the English language in 1390 from the Greek word “historia” which means “to inquire.”
It is based on oral and written accounts that have been passed down from generation to generation. Monuments such as ruins of buildings, inscriptions made on tombs and other surfaces, pictures, and drawings also form as a basis of history.
History is divided into three periods, namely; Classical, Medieval, and Modern. The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages. Although they are used to refer to the same period in history, they are different in how they are used since the term “Middle Ages” is a noun while the term “Medieval Ages” or “medieval” is an adjective.
The term “Middle Ages” is used when referring to the period between the 5th and 15th centuries of European history. It first appeared in Latin to specify the period as the start of the departure from Classical learning towards the Renaissance. It is also referred to as the Dark Ages.
It is called the Middle Ages because it happened in-between two other historical periods, the Classical and the Modern. The Middle Ages is the period in history that is between classical antiquity and the Italian Renaissance period.
The end of the classical period was marked by the deposition of the last Roman emperor in 476AD, and the start of the Italian Renaissance was marked by the fall of Constantinople in 1453. It is further classified into three parts: the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages.
The term “Medieval Ages” or “medieval” is used to refer to people, places, things, and events that happened during this period. It comes from the Latin words “medium” and “aevum” which mean “the middle age” and it relates to the Middle Ages.
Thus it is apt to say medieval furniture, medieval art, medieval philosophy, medieval history, or medieval scholar rather than Middle Ages furniture, Middle Ages art, Middle Ages philosophy, Middle Ages history, or Middle Ages scholar.
1.The Middle Ages is a noun that is used to refer to the period between the 5th and 15th centuries while the Medieval Ages or “medieval” is an adjective that is used to refer to the people, places, things, and events of that same period.
2.The Middle Ages is also known as the Dark Ages while the Medieval Ages or medieval is also used to refer to old fashioned and unenlightened times.
3.The Middle Ages is the period in history between the Classical period and the Renaissance period while the Medieval Ages or “medieval” is used to describe things and events of the period.
4.The term “Medieval Ages” or “medieval” comes from the Latin words “medium” and “aevum” which means the middle age while the term “Middle Ages” comes from the Latin words “media tempestas” which means “middle times.”
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