Difference Between Aikido and Pencak Silat
Aikido and Pencak Silat are martial arts from different regions. Aikido is a martial art from Japan and Pencak Silat is from Indonesia.
Morihei Ueshiba conceived aikido after a long penance of martial studies, religious beliefs and philosophy. Aikido has been mainly derived from Aikijujutsu martial art and it was Ueshiba who gave it a perfect form. It is a martial art that focuses on throwing the attacker using his own energy. Aikido looks like a dance choreograph with perfect steps and enchanting style.
Also called skilful fighting, Pencak Silat was initially developed as a weapons-based martial art. This art form had borrowed a lot of techniques and style from the arts of India and China. Pencak Silat is a combination of kicking, striking and weapons.
No one knows the exact origin of this martial art. The art form was orally transmitted from one generation to another. The history of Pencak Silat is known only from archaeological evidence and myths.
Aikido is formed frm three words ‘“ ai, ki and do. Ai mans unifying, joining, combining. Ki means energy, spirit and mood. Â Do means the way or path.
Pencak silat is a combination of two words ‘“ Pencak and Silat. Pencak was used in the Central and Eastern Java whereas Silat was in vogue in Sumatra. The origin of the two words is a bit complicated. Some opine that Pencak has its origins in Pancha, a Sanskrit word meaning five. Some others think that the word has its origins in Pencha, a Chinese word meaning deflect or avert. The word Silat is known to have originated from sekilat that means “as lightning”. There is also another version that Silat has been derived from elat that means to trick or fool.
When compared to Aikido, weapon is more used in Pencak Silat.
- Aikido is a martial art from Japan and Pencak Silat is from Indonesia.
- Morihei Ueshiba conceived aikido after a long penance of martial studies, religious beliefs and philosophy. Aikido has been mainly derived from Aikijujutsu martial art and it was Ueshiba who gave it a perfect form.
- Also called skilful fighting, Pencak Silat was initially developed as a weapons-based art. This art form had borrowed a lot of techniques and style from the arts of India and China.
- Aikido is a martial art that focuses on throwing the attacker using his own energy. It looks like a dance choreograph with perfect steps and enchanting style. Â Pencak Silat is a combination of kicking, striking and weapons.
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No one knows the exact origin of this martial art.
and i’ve answered. i know, origin pencak silat is not different than origin traditional japan martial art
benjang > aikido
but benjang has more variative style from western martial art, from dutch…
I agreee..silat looks exactly as the bokken work in aikido
what makes you think, silat borrowed techniques and styles from india and china, when today martials art incoporate silat techniques in their system, one example the krambit, it coulb the other way round, most martial artist who has learn other arts says, silat is differnt from whatever arts they are learning, infact silat is more deadly