Difference Between Nazi and Neo-Nazi
Nazi vs Neo-Nazi
“Nazi” is a term that was associated with Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. “Nazi” is a term that is an abbreviated form of the first words of “Nazional Socialistische Demokratik Arbeiter Parte,” a party that was so popular in Germany. Nazis were considered to be fascists. Neo-Nazis are related to Nazis in the fact that they have adopted the fascist ideology and also think that their political system is superior to any other political system or ideology.
One cannot come across many differences between Nazis and neo-Nazis. The Nazis were fanatics and believed in racism. They favored a military dictatorship and used it to suppress all political opponents.
The term “neo-Nazi” was formulated after the Second World War. It consists of political as well as social movements that want to review Nazism or some other variant of it. Neo-Nazism borrows almost all the elements from Nazism like fascism, militant nationalism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and racism.
The Nazis believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race, and they claimed that Germans were the pure Aryans. The Nazis believed that the Jews were the largest threat to Germany and the Aryan race. It was this theory that the Nazis used to attempt to eliminate the Jews from the face of the Earth. The neo-Nazis think of white power or the power of the white-skinned people.
When talking about the terms, “neo-Nazi” is just an extension of “Nazi.” They are almost the same in their ideology and theories. Neo-Nazis are just the latest version of Nazis and nothing else.
1.Nazis and neo-Nazis are almost the same in their ideology and theories. Neo-Nazis are just the latest version of Nazis and nothing else.
2.“Nazi” is a term that is an abbreviated form of the first words of “Nazional Socialistische Demokratik Arbeiter Parte,” a party that was so popular in Germany.
3.Neo-Nazis are related to Nazis in the fact that they have adopted the fascist ideology and also think that their political system is superior to any other political system or ideology.
4.The Nazis believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race, and they claimed that Germans were the pure Aryans. The Nazis believed that the Jews were the largest threat to Germany and the Aryan race. The neo-Nazis think of white power or the power of the white-skinned people.
5.The Nazis preferred a military dictatorship and used it to suppress all political opponents.
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I think it is important to note that Nazism is banned in present day Germany and hence, the formulation of Neo-Nazism in reference to the “newer” Nazis that can’t officially be Nazis. That they can only carry the elements of Nazism but not implement Nazism practically by having a political party etc.
Actually, there is a political party following the ideology of the NSDAP called the NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschands/national democratic party of germany, probably where the article got the democracy from).
It is, however, correct that publicly supporting nazi ideology can lead to legal prosecution on grounds of Volksverhetzung (wikipedia: incitement of popular hatred).
The NPD would also probably have been forbidden, had it not been for members of the Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) having infiltrated it to the point that the party could not credibly be accused of doing anything unconstitutional out of its own volition.
Absolutely ignorant. This is an idea based off primitive beliefs fueled by nothing else but emotional imbalance. It is a cynical view on a Utopian Society that has a “50,000 year Reich” in order to sustain a foundation or keep a foothold in life and future as we know it. The numbers are obsolete and the challenge lays in the form of segregation which is obviously promoted and valued in the eyes of these racists. Now, while some ideas are positive and target the traumatic areas of life In a “neutralize and seize” sort of fashion, I still see a complete disregard for realistic outcomes due to a lack of nurture in the areas of numbers, population and society. There’s a reason the past wars finished the way they did and it’s honestly hilarious to see a second motion towards a moronic attack. Once again, they bite the hand that feeds. Who’s hungry now?
It should also be noted that it was the “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei“. No “Demokratische” or “Demokratik” (where did that come from?) included.
The whole point of Nazism is a dehumanization of outgroups. Other twisted ideologies share this up to a certain point, but if a political statement classifies someone as subhuman being, the term “neo-nazi” is hitting the bulls eye. Pro-tip: read “LTI – Lingua Tertii Imperii”.
Here we have again, someone who completely doesn’t understand what nazism (or neo-nazism, as if there is a difference) truly is. Firstly nazis (or neo-nazis) do not support the idea of “white power”. They hated more than half of the ethnicities living in Europe who were white including (but not limited to) Slavs, Roman decsendants, (even though they colaborated with Italians they would have stabbed their backs like they stabbed the USSR’s back if they won wwii) Greeks, Finno-Ugric peoples, Celtic peoples and many more. In fact you can finish my list by just thinking of any ethnicity that is not Germanic. The nazis killed off a lot more Slavic populations than they ever killed Jews, which unfortunately is seldom mentioned in the american education system. In fact the way the american education system makes it sound, wwii was simply a worldwide antisemitic operation by the nazis, and they had no other reason to go to war with the world other than to search out all the Jews and kill them all. The fact is the nazis weren’t just going after the Jews. In fact they mass murdered 30 million Russian civilians that were unlucky enough to be under nazi occupation, as opposed to 6 million Jews.
The nazis were not fascists. In fact their ideologies go completely against what fascism teaches. Fascists believe that the state should be all encompassing, that it should bring all the people no matter what race, religion, or economic status under one banner to work as one organic people. Nazis however believe in complete eradication of major member of their own nation simply because they dont conform to the nazi “aryan” standard. In fact, contrary to how nazis behaved, the majority of fascist countries never even got involved in war. Neither fascist Spain, nor Portugal, nor Argentinia fought in wwii, nor got involved in any war after that. The only fascist country to ever get involved in a war was fastist Italy during wwii, who joined the axis because fascist Italians practically had fascism handed to them and didn’t want to fight Germany to maintain their fascist state. This however didn’t maintain their fascist state, and Germany used military presure to nazify Italy, eventually getting rid of most of the top fascist officials for reasons such as not being either Germanic or Italian, political, or religious reasons. The Spanish on the other hand fought a bloody civil against a communist government to get a fascist state, and were willing to fight even nazi Germany if that was what it took for them to have a fascist country. One thing the nazis did copy from fascists was their economic system, which is seperately known as corporativism. Only under fascist corporativism neither your religion, nor your ethnicity could hold you back in the buisness world, while in nazi corporativism you better hope the nazis dont discover that bible under your floor tile (yes contrary to what liberal school systems teach, nazis persecuted ALL religions except for this artificial religion set up by the nazis themselves. Germany being a Christian country naturally had Christianity as the most persecuted religion during this time).
Before you go on comparing fascists to nazi scum I highly suggest you read The Doctrine of Fascism to better understand what fascists truly believe. It is less than ten pages long, from what I remember around five pages. One thing that jumped out at me was this quote: “The Fascist loves his neighbor, but the word neighbor does not stand for some vague and unseizable conception. Love of one’s neighbor does not exclude necessary educational severity; still less does it exclude differentiation and rank.”. If you happen to be a believer in the republic you probably wont find any difference whatsoever between fascism and other totalitarian governments, however focus on the philosophy of fascists by reading The Doctrine of Fascism, and compare that by opening a random page of the Mein Kemph and for some reason accidentially landing on a page full of rascist BS (actually the whole book is full of it. It was no accident you landed on that page). Have a good journey, if you wish to embark on it.
That’s a nice amont of bullshit you just spouted
Really? What difference?! Both are contemptible, murderous, self righteous, idiotic groups. Just one decided to form after WW2 finished.
Note to Eric – Could you’ve made your contribution any longer? 🙂
Sheep cunt. Neo Nazis are White Supremacists like the KKK. German Nazis are Anti-Masons And Anti-Zionists
Actually, there are a lot of differences between the Nazis of the WWII era and today’s neo-Nazi groups. The main differences are that the Nazis were Germans that were dedicated to other Germans, not white people in general. So, neo-Nazis are a joke unto themselves to embrace an ideology that would have never accepted them as equals or brothers, but would have gladly killed them in mass if given the chance. Secondly, Nazis believed in German supremacy over all other peoples, including all other pale, blond haired and blue eyed folks. They murdered many millions of such non-German “white” people without any remorse, and they murdered countless Germanic / Nordic people that didn’t agree with or align with the German government (Dutch, English, Norse, Austrian). So, to say that the confused and ignorant “neo-Nazi” of today is the same as those in Germany’s 1930″s – 1945 is not factual. Instead, it should be said that they are inspired by and copy-cat certain ideas of the Third Reich, but are not the same brand.
It’s “National Sozialistische DAP”, not “nazional”. The article also says ‘review’ when I think you meant ‘revive’, as in “bring back”.
Lol @slavic countries pushing for right-wing movements in Western Europe. They’re all going to end up getting gassed by the very movements they enabled. Already they’re whining about being discriminated in the UK. Wait till AfD gains power in Germany…
“Neo-Nazis are just the latest version of Nazis and nothing else.” This is false for a variety of reasons. However, the primary and most significant reason is that the Nazis were unified whereas the Neo-Nazis aren’t. There are rival Neo-Nazi gangs.
The neo-Nazis or new Nazis are a simple postwar manifestation of the Nazi Party of Germany and the government of the Third Reich, including the SS and Gestapo. Therefore, they are Nazis, but without political, governmental, military or police powers. In fact, they are tracked down in today’s Germany and Austria. The old war criminals are dying off, but there are still even today several ongoing trials of ex-SS war criminals.
The authoritarian Proud boys of today’s nazism movement with its clean cut look,wouldn’t be accepting of the neo nazis with their Mohawk hair,tattoos and shaved progressive looks ,maybe the neoliberal would be more acceptable to them with their system of beliefs,even though they have similar ideals