Difference Between Blackberry and Boysenberry
Blackberry vs Boysenberry
Blackberry and Boysenberry belongs to the same family and class. But these two berries have noticeable differences between them, which makes them two distinct fruits.
Boysenberry is a glossy, large, juicy fruit, which has slight relation to North American blackberry. Boysenberries are considered to be a cross section between blackberry, raspberry, and loganberry. On the other hand, Blackberries are considered genuine berries, which are smaller and sweeter than boysenberries.
The blackberry is somewhat shaped like a pine cone and the boysenberry are round like the shape of a marble.
When comparing the colors, the blackberries come in pure black and the boysenberries come with a tinge of purple. When talking about the seeds,the blackberry seeds are larger than the boysenberry seeds.
Blackberries were known from very ancient times. It was in the 18th and the 19th century that blackberries got such popularity. On the contrary, the credit for developing boysenberry goes to Rudolph Boysen. In the 1920s, his experiment of crossing blackberry, raspberry and loganberry became successful and by 1930s, the berries were marketed.
The boysenberry is more fragile than the blackberry. The boysenberry plants grow horizontally, when compared to the erect type of blackberry.
When comparing the nutritional content, some say that boysenberry has more nutritional value than the blackberry. A 100 gm of boysenberry comes with 50 calories to the 43 calories of a 100 gm blackberry. The boysenberry fruit also comes with less fat than the blackberry. The carbohydrate value present in 100 gm boysenberry (12.19 g) is more than what is present in 100 g blackberry (9.61 g).
1. Blackberries were known from very ancient times. The credit for developing boysenberry goes to Rudolph Boysen whose experiment of crossing blackberry, raspberry and loganberry became successful by 1930s.
2. Boysenberries are considered to be a cross section between blackberry, raspberry, and loganberry. On the other hand, Blackberries are considered genuine berries.
3. Blackberries are smaller and sweeter than boysenberries.
4. The blackberries come in pure black and the boysenberries come with a tinge of purple.
5. The boysenberry is more fragile than the blackberry.
6. The boysenberry plants grow horizontally. On the other hand, the blackberry plants grow straight.
7. When comparing the nutritional content, some say that boysenberry has more nutritional value than the blackberry.
8. The blackberry fruit is somewhat shaped like a pine cone. On the contrary, the boysenberry fruit comes round like a marble.
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The proper term would just be “cross,” not “cross section,” since “cross section” just refers to the shape or surface made by cutting something perpendicularly. 🙂
Odds are that the person who wrote this article never grew a blackberry in her/his life. I would bet they are a writer/researcher
writing for a living.
We been growing both and somehow they crossed with our wild blackberries and now we have part of our propperty with huge blackberry and boisonberry crosses! These cross bread berries are not like a pinecone shape or tapered they are the same size from top to bottom and about the size of my thumb. I had no idea that they did that but now i have an acher or so of them. I now pick them a couple times a year and have more than i can handle.
Feel free to send some my way!
Where do you live?
I’d buy some from you… they sound yummy! If you’re close enough, we’d even pick them ourselves! Lol
You’re very fortunate!
You have it backwards in the 6th paragraph. The thick boysenberry vines grow upright, the much thinner blackberry vines hug the ground.
Boysen berries are more sour than the sweeter black berries.
I bought what said “Boysenberry thornless vines.Delicious, large berries. Third year and much more fruit this year.