Difference Between Ghoul and Zombie
Ghoul vs Zombie
Ghoul and zombie are just folkloric creatures that are seen in literature and, more recently, in films.
Ghouls are creatures related to graveyards and consume human flesh. Ghouls were first seen in the famous book “One Thousand and One Nights.” In English, ghouls were first seen in William Beckford’s novel “Vathek” which has a description of a ghoul of the Arabian folklore.
Zombie is a fictional, undead creature or a person with an entranced state. Zombies are more popular in modern fiction and horror films. Zombies became so famous after George A. Romero’s film “Night of the Living Dead” (1968).
Zombies are considered to be dead people who had come back to life or have a resemblance to it with no intelligence. They are considered creatures who only want to feed or attack unless they are controlled. These are foul creatures created by voodoo or through the bite of another zombie. These creatures are attracted more to human beings.
Ghouls are not humans or were humans but are only transformed ones. They have animal-like or child-like intelligence. These creatures feed on carcasses and dead things and, as such, they generally thrive in cemeteries or graves digging for the dead. Ghouls are created by black magic or possessed by some demon. Ghouls are attracted to the dead, but they may attack living beings.
While zombies are considered to be creatures that have no thoughts, ghouls are considered to have thinking power and can make decisions.
“Ghoul” is a word that has been derived from Arabic “ghul.” The word “zombie” has several etymologies. One such is that the word has been derived from Carribean word “jumbie” meaning “ghost.” Another etymology is that the word has been derived from “nzambi” which means “spirit of a dead person” in Kongo. Yet another version says that the word has come from “zonbi” which was used in Haitian Creole and Louisiana Creole.
1.Ghouls are creatures related to graveyards and consume human flesh.
2.Zombie is a fictional, undead creature or a person with an entranced state.
3.Zombies are more popular in modern fiction and horror films.
4.While zombies are considered to be creatures that have no thoughts, ghouls are considered to have thinking power and can make decisions.
5.Zombies are foul creatures created by voodoo or through the bite of another zombie. These creatures are attracted more to human beings.
6.Ghouls are created by black magic or possessed by some demon. Ghouls are attracted to the dead, but they may attack living beings.
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Ghoul: A ghoul is a desert-dwelling shapeshifting demon that can assume the guise of an animal especially a hyena. It lures unwary people into the desert wastes or abandoned places to slay and devour them. The creature also preys on young children, drinks blood, steals coins, and eats the dead, taking the form of the person most recently eaten, often classified as undead.
Zombie: reanimated human corpse brought back to life by a supernatural force.
Zombie: anyone brought back to life by supernatural means.
Ghoul: every culture has its own depiction of ghouls, in Arabian legend, are depicted as evil spirit or demon that devour corpses, in some they are undead creatures that wander in cemeteries and feed on corpses and in some they are depicted as shape-shifters that can take the form of the most recently person eaten (corpse or living human). But recent depictions have made them animalistic in behaviour and corpse-like in aspects. They are deathly pale as if they have never seen daylight, long arms, sinewy legs, hairless but sometimes do have hairs and they are coarse grey, degenerated and cannibalistic, anaemic, emaciated, bulging yellowish eyes, pale, malnourished and gaunt face and are strictly demonic and incapable of goodness.
this makes nothing clear…
like zombies don’t come out from the graves… and ghouls do…