Difference Between M-commerce and E-commerce
M-commerce vs E-commerce
M-commerce and E-commerce refer to the field of marketing –buying, selling, distributing and servicing different products through commercial transactions on theIinternet with the use of specific devices or computers.
M-commerce stands for Mobile Commerce wherein commercial transactions are done using cellular or mobile phones that have access to the Internet. Before there was no M-commerce because phones with Internet capability were not yet available; however, when mobile phones with Internet capability were invented, marketing has expanded more. Not only are business transactions done outside and through the Internet, but also through mobile phones has sky rocketed. Today, many phones have access to the Internet. With the rise of such technology, M-commerce is becoming more popular.
E-commerce stands for Electronic Commerce wherein business transactions are done over the Internet. Usually transactions are done using a computer or a laptop. This has become very popular now because computers with Internet capability have become very accessible to people.
M-commerce is very portable because mobile phones are very easy to carry. You can do your business transactions anywhere you go as long as you can access the Internet on your phone. Unlike E-commerce, you have to do your transactions on the computer. Laptops are also portable but not as light as mobile phones. Then you still have to look for a place to do your transactions because it would be uncomfortable using your laptop anywhere or while you are standing.
M-commerce is usually charged through the caller’s premium rates, charging the user’s bill, or reducing the caller’s credit, and also through mobile banking. E-commerce is charged through the use of swipe machines where you swipe your credit card. You can also transfer money through online banking and pay for products you have bought on the Internet using your credit card number.
M-commerce is available anywhere you go even if there is no Internet because the Internet is available in your mobile phone, while for E-commerce it is not available everywhere because not all places have an Internet connection.
In conclusion, M-commerce means doing business transactions on the Internet through the use of mobile devices, while E-commerce means doing business transactions on the Internet using computers or laptops.
1. M-commerce and E-commerce are business transactions done online.
2. M-commerce stands for Mobile Commerce while E-commerce stands for Electronic Commerce.
3. M-commerce uses mobile devices for commercial transactions while E-commerce uses computers.
3. M-commerce is available anyplace you go, even if there is no Internet. For E-commerce, you still need to go to a place where there is Internet to access your online transactions.
4. M-commerce is very handy and easy to carry while E-commerce you cannot always bring with you your computer or laptop anywhere.
5. M-commerce is charged through the caller’s rate, deduction of user’s credit, and mobile banking. E-commerce is charge dthrough the use of credit cards that are swiped in credit card machines.
6. In conclusion, M-commerce uses mobile devices for business transactions while E-commerce uses computers or laptops for business transactions.
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Hi, it’s a very informative website and I found it very useful. I am a bit confused while reading this topic of M-Commerce and E-Commerce regarding the use of internet, earlier you explained
“In conclusion, M-commerce means doing business transactions on the Internet through the use of mobile devices, while E-commerce means doing business transactions on the Internet using computers or laptops.”
Then later you said,
“M-commerce is available anyplace you go, even if there is no Internet”
Please explain. Thank you.
Mr.Arif Mir,
That was a nice question .We can say that m commerce is available without Internet as we can also do or perhaps order anything without Internet by calling to the m commerce shop
Difference between m commerce and e commerce