Difference Between Jewish and Hebrew
Jewish vs Hebrew
Every country and every nation has its own people, language, religion, and culture, and they are called by different names too. Take the case of the Israelites, for example; they are also called Jewish and Hebrew.
“Jewish” is the word used to refer to everything that relates to the culture and religion of the Jews. It includes their nationality, ethnicity, religion, and traditions. The State of Israel is established as a Jewish nation whose people are descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The word “Jew” from which the word “Jewish” is derived, comes from the Middle English word “gyw” which in turn came from the French word “giu” or “juieu.” They all stemmed from the Latin word “Judaeus” meaning “Judean” or “from the land of Judea.” The origin of the word, however, was the Aramaic “Y’huddai” from the Hebrew word “Yehudi” which is the term used to refer to a member of the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob.
The word “Hebrew,” on the other hand, is used to refer to a descendant of Abraham or an Israelite. It is also used to refer to their cultural and religious ties and those who have converted to Judaism. It is more often used to refer to the ancient Canaanite language of the Israelites, though. It is the official language of the State of Israel but is also used by Samaritans and other non-Jewish groups. There are many forms of the Hebrew language: one is classical Hebrew which is used for prayer and study; and the other one is modern Hebrew which is spoken by most of the Jewish people and the official language of Israel.
The word “Hebrew” comes from the Middle English word “Ebreu” which comes from Old French derived from the Latin word “Hebraeus.” They all came from the Aramaic word “Ebrai” and the Hebrew word “‘ibri” which was one of the names used to refer to the Jewish people from “‘eber,” an ancestor of Abraham. It was the term used to refer to the Israelites before the conquest of Canaan after which they were known as Israelites. Although the word “Hebrew” is still used today to refer to the Israelites, it is used to refer to those who use the Hebrew language.
1.“Jewish” is a word used to refer to everything that relates to the culture and religion of the Jews while “Hebrew” is also used to refer to the Jewish people or the Israelites but is also the name for their language.
2.“Jewish” has a more religious connotation while “Hebrew” does not.
3.Today, Israelites are more often referred to as Jewish rather than Hebrews which was the term used before the conquest of Canaan.
4.The word “Jewish” comes from the word “Jew” which comes from the Latin word “Judaeus” meaning “from the land of Judea”; also from the Hebrew word “Yehudi” which is the term used to refer to a member of the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob while the word “Hebrew” comes from the Latin word “Hebraeus” and the Hebrew word “‘ibri” which was derived from “‘eber,” an ancestor of Abraham.
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Hebrew’s are direct blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Yacob (now called Jacob whom Elohim changed his name to Israel, who had 12 sons which became tribes and are called the the 12 tribes of Israel or the children of Israel. Jews are a mix of nations that were placed in the land of the children of Israel when they were exiled. You will find this in the bible in 2nd Kings ch.17 versus 22-30. So no, Hebrews and Jews are not the same people no matter what the world say or think. The real Hebrew Isreal are the inhertors of the covenant that the jews and all other nations can be apart of by keeping Yahweh’s decree’s and statute’s. By doing so they become heirs and joint-heirs but must come throuh the real Israel whom by the grace of Yahwew their remains at this present time a remnant, Romans 11 verse 5.Hallelu-Yah
Shalom thanks for the tip
Hebrews are of the TRUE ancient bloodline of the Biblical Hebrews. Deut. 28 tell you who the true Hebrews (Israelites) are.
Jews (Ashkenazi & Sephardic) in the land of Israel are of the seed of Yepheth. READ Gen. 10. They are spoken of in Rev.2:9 & Rev.3:9.
True Israelites were NEVER called Jews. Jews (ESAU/ EDOM) over ran MANY European countries and blended in with them to keep their identity hidden. They are the ONLY nation of people The Most High, promised complete and utter destruction you their ENTIRE SEED. (Read Malichi).
Thank you Achwath. Shalom
So now I just want to understand why was Yashiya Christ called a jew by the Samaritan woman in John 4
Actually, Jews are the descendants of Judah (which includes Benjamin) the merged kingdom of the South. The other 10 tribes (Levi excluded) formed the North Kingdom of Israel.
All Jews are Israelite’s, but all Israelite’s are not Jews
I like most of the facts in this website and i also like all of the comments but i have a question, where is Mario Judah?
Amen to that! And another problem is, why would a hebrew live in cains land?, well thet wouldnt, when they converted they read our holy scripts and penned themselves in, it speaks of the false scribes. People see the discrepency and use it to deny God, when in fact there is a false god and the true God in the OT, The jews are the caanites and the white race are hebrew, look up old names of Ireland. And its same in NT, You have the true Christ then theres Paul. Our God doesnt ask for blood sacrifice only the blood thirsty caanite god does. Jesus came to give you the truth and faith and the jews murdered him and sacrificed him to there god and thats the truth.
All I can say is Amen. My personal study as a dispensational Christian led me to your comments. I also recognize the position of the Apostle Paul formerly known as Saul and his election by Messiah as the Apostle of the Gentiles. To fulfill the promise made by elohim to Abraham that through his seed, all nations of the earth would be blessed.
Amen hebrews are the true sons of abraham and desendents of the true nation of God… those that are called by my name… Elohim Elah is melech hakavod and he will save the hebrew nation as it is written and give them a new heart and pour out his ruach hakodesh upon them and show them his Yeshua… baruch hashem YHVH YESHUA GADOL ELOHAIM MELECH HA OLAM….jews are different from hebrews.
Wow! Thank you
Do you know if the roma (gypsy) people have any ties to hebrew or Jewish people we have very similar traditions has they do and we was always percucited with the Jewish people???
They are in part but not in whole part of the tribes but not as a whole they are mixed.
You are wrong. Period
Thank you for the clarifications.
Since there is a flood of hatred toward Yahweh’s chosen, why do His people use the transliterations and translations that put twist and turns that cause His people to compromise and take part in with those who hate His people! Why have they veered so far away as to accept the translations and transliterations as their own. The word came to them first and then to the nations. Per example, if Jacob’s name is Ya’avco then why not use it? It seems that the hatred for G-d’s chosen is so deep that the Catholic denomination decided to erdicate everything that means everything, that was holy and divinely given. Yahshua is the name the angel gave to Miriam (not Mary), but Miriam and not Jesus (what I read was created by Catholic monks). And His people know this, but seemingly go along with it just to keep everyone happy. Shouldn’t we keep the original alive? The Jew against the Hebrew (makes no sense), yet it exist. Notwithstanding they too are derivatives in of themselves. There’s enough who are against the people of Adonai wouldn’t you think, but to have His people against His own people is ludicrous, and it goes as far back when Lot decides to go leave with the Sodomics and perplex himself with their customs. They changed even the name of Yahshuah to Yahshua, Yeshua and then Jesus. Which is it? I need to know. I’m looking for a Bible that keeps to the context with keeping names the same as were given at birth for the Hebrews, who are the true descendants of Avraham. If you change one letter to a word, the word takes on a different meaning, so why change the letter to a name (unless one knows it has the same affect to gain the kind of effect we see in the adding to and taking from the Bible as what’s happened over and throughout centuries). You can see the hand of the enemy in all of this, which I would think since others see it too, (especially Yahweh very own); who for thousands of years through all manner of persecution and shading of blood would know best, and reframe from succumbing to the radicals and be the people Yah Elohim chose and called them to be. They are a unique people, set a part people, and should take their place among the nations as they are royality and created into His own image; unlike others. They are meant to lead not follow the dictates of evil and wicked men dressed in simulation of who they are. No other human beings have seen, tasted the goodness of Elohim as you have, and nor experienced what you have (in that He gave Torah to you); (and that the Word, known as the Bible; this most historical book is about the love Yah has shown toward His people; known as His elect) and from you lineage came the Hamshiach, blessed be His name. You are the descendants of Avraham. Take your place…
Since we can see there is Avraham descendants, why only Israelites are meant to be Avraham descendants, what about Ketura six children,Ishmael descendants and Hesau descendant ?
I think we keep forgetting that Ishmael was not the chosen son.
Hollywood Henderson
Amen! I believe! I feel cheated that others chose what We would learn. One of my biggest concerns that led me here is that I truly believe God wishes to keep the SEVENTH day holy as he commanded. And yet with the resurection of Christ on a Sunday, man changed it. But Christ himself spoke of the seventh day as the Sabbath Day. I feel in my heart Christ would not have wanted us to go against his Father’s commandment on His behalf! and when we go to church on the sabbath day (or man-converted Sunday sabbath) are we not requiring the priest/preacher/rabbi to work instead of resting, himself?
The Son, Yahshua/Jesus, kept ALL of the commandments, including the 10 Commandments, and He taught others, as did His Apostles, to keep all of the commandments. Our salvation is through the volunteered sacrifice and shedding of the blood of Yahshua, the only Son of Yahweh, the Creator/Father. We are taught in the Old Testament, the Torah, and in the New Testament that we are STILL to obey and follow the commandment because we love Him and want to please Him. We have never been told, by scripture, that we are to discontinue following His the Law/commandments. Please go online to see 119 Ministries free video teachings. They will help resolve confusion about this as well as about other questions you have regarding scriptural teachings and understanding. There is a multi-series video teaching titled The Pauline Paradox on their site that is most informative, as well as other videos that explain what day is the Sabbath and how we know, and so on.
We can worship Him any day of the week, but we are to keep the 7th day holy, rest, do not cause others or even our animals to work. Per scripture, a day ends at sunset, not by clock time. So, the Sabbath, Shabbot, is to observed from Friday sunset through Saturday night sunset. Beware that many people including religious teachers add to or take away from scripture. This is why it is up to you to seek out His Truth according to scripture teachings. Read all in context, read the entire chapter, NOT just one verse, which will help you a lot. Beware of customs and traditions that man has added and are often presented as scriptural and commandments/Law, but go straight to scripture to weed out the man added to, or man taken away Laws from scriptural Truths. Do. It be deceived or manipulated! The evil one would have you feel confused, if you are confused seek alignment with scripture, not with man. Shalom!
Truth! You won’t find any of this in mainstream Christianity. All the truth you need is in the Bible. Read it slowly and ask Yahweh to lift the veil off your eyes. He will
HOW DID THE FACE OF ISRAEL CHANGE? Historically, Geographically, Biblically?
We KNOW that moses was GOD Chosen!
Thank you for your greatly informative comment.
The sabbath is a Saturday, take your rest on this day.
Jesus said I could turn anyone of these stones into the sons of Abraham, but if you were a son of Abraham you would do the works of Abraham.
Very well stated, your clarification makes a valid point. There has been centuries of confusion caused by Greek, Roman and English translations of the true names and places in the bible, therefore causing doubt as to it’s authenticity. Hebrews became Jews and the dark ages reintroduced. Thank you.
You said a lot of things that made sense, then I realized as I continue to read you was referring to the people who currently resides in Israel…that’s when you lost me. Those people who called themselves Jews, have no blood or spiritual connect to the land of Israel. In Deuteronomy chapter 28, you’ll find where YAH said when he ejects his true people from the land…THEY WILL NOT SEE IT AGAIN. these people are fakes, stole the name and heritage of the scattered people of YAH.
The people over in the land calling themselves Jews are (7th century) converts, they are people of europe, Khazaria is where their lineage can be traced back to….even Hitler knew this, check out the Time Life 1945 edition titled The NAZI. Yahusha (Jesus) knew they were fakes, he called them the synagogue of satan Rev 2:9 / 3:9. If you want to know where a portion of YAH’s chosen people are…they live in the US….let me give you a hint Deuteronomy 28:68.
I agree with u Abt the things u said. It’s truly sad that these so called religion don’t tell the truth.The Catholics did admit that they took the true name of Yahweh and his son’s as well as all the the disciples names out of the Holy Bibles. It’s also disturbing to know that these so called preachers r misguiding society and teaching them the wrong things and no one stands up for the truth. But Yahweh did say it in his holy word. It’s also ashame that Lucifer won’t repent for his sin neither. I find it ludicrous that the general public these so called Christians that claim to b living a supposedly selfless life don’t know the true Sabbath day nor do they celebrate Yahweh’festivals. But they say they r real Christians if that what Christians r like I really don’t want nor do I claim to b a Christian even though I was baptized as a Christian I denounce it I didn’t know the truth at that time. But Yah did say n his word that his children would know his real name and that his name would stand through all eternity forever and ever. He also said that if and when we denounce evil and wickedness we would b hated by our families, friends associates,etc. And I find that to be true. Thank u
What is the difference between the last names Oachs and Harroun but both of these names are known to speak Hebrew? Wouldn’t that make them both Hebrew?
Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine.
An Israeli geneticist challenges the “Zionist” hypothesis that all Jews belong to one race and are intimately related, thus giving them a common ancestor in the Holy Land and a Biblical claim to Palestine.
Scientists usually don’t call each other “liars” and “frauds.”
But that’s how Johns Hopkins University post-doctoral researcher Eran Elhaik describes a group of widely respected geneticists, including Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics at Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine
The debate touches upon such sensitive issues as whether the Jewish people is a race or a religion, and whether Jews or Palestinians are descended from the original inhabitants of what is now the State of Israel.
They are clearly not. But for the whole world they are the Jews and nothing else.
Read, ” The Invention of the Jewish People”, by Shlomo Sands.
To say European Jews are direct descendants of Abraham is like saying Swedish Christians are the direct decendants of the first century Christians. Being Jewish is a religion, just like being Christian is a religion. You can change your religion. So what are Ethiopian Jews Hebrews or are they converts to Judaism? Are these Ethiopians direct decendants of Abraham. Was Abraham Black? How about the small population of Chinese Jews? Was Abraham Chinese? Europeans are trying to reinvent themselves as Hebrews to steal land that they have no right to. End of story. Forgot one thing. Does God have a real estate license?
They could be, Moses married an Ethiopian woman. They have more of a claim then European looking Jews.
Yes..I have done my homework on my DNA. And you’re right 1,000%…
I’m DNA related to Hebrews from Spain , Algeria , morocco, Yemen,Libya.I have Egyptian blood lines, fulani Nigeria which are decendents of Palestinians ..Im also decendent of the Lemba people of south africa and Levent people’s Native to Israel 12,000 to 9,000 years ago…I wonder if that makes me a Hebrew ??just kidding- yes I know I’m descendent of the original Hebrews… I wish those who say they are Jews can get my same DNA results ????
Anybody can be a Jew all you have to do is qualify and pass the test but not everybody can be a Hebrew descendent of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the people of G-d ; that is a test you cannot take, G-d certifies that’, not man..
Yes indeed . !!
DNA testing should clear up most of the details. It does for American Indians.
1948 Was NOT A prophetic fulfillment, it was a political movement. READ YOUR BIBLES. The Most High said when he gathers husband people it will be from the 4 corners of the wored, not just European nations. He also said WHEN HE BRINGS HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE to the land of Israel…there would be peace. There’s no peace there.
The people that calls themselves Jews, are converts, they are Khazarians.
Stop believing everything your told, Israel is Northeast Africa…not middle east.
Look up Israel before the Suez Canal was placed there by the nation’s.
Sorry but 1948 is the fullfilment of the prophecy of daniel the 70 years of the obomination that causes desolation sitting in the holly place 2018 time will be Up for the fake jews as they are called in revelatión read your bible the truth is in their.Dont just read where your told by these religious so called christians all they are is jewish sympathisers wake up ITS all a satanic set up being exsecuted by his children ….Jesús says it best when he tells them you are of your father the devil ….read mathew!!!!
The Sinai peninsula is the NE tip of Africa, historically a part of Egypt, ancient and modern Israel is north of the the peninsula, which is not Africa, the peninsula became an Israeli territory after the Six Days War, countries and territory’s can change, but continents can’t, Israel being in Africa is like,saying the U.S is in Polynesia because it owns Hawaii.
So basically you have never gone to Israel or taken the bus from Israel where the Khazarian people that now deem themselves as “Jew-Wish” aren’t even allowed to cross over into Egypt, because the Assyrian/ Nubian (Original Egyptians) people know they lied. You should physically go to Israel & correction it’s Turtle Island not America. You’re trying to make it sound like the stolen land is the same as inherited land when it will never be. Israel is apart of Alkebulan (Africa) just like India was apart of Alkebulan and split off after the Ice age. They just renamed it…it is no damn where in the Middle East which is really just the Middle Passages (In the Bible) Get out and travel. You will see museums of the Khazarian people holding the heads of the true Hebrew people that damn sure have a whole bunch of dark melanin. You are so far off that you will cry when you actually see it for yourself. They’re European and should be ashamed honestly for being in an unnecessary battle for land that is not even theirs. It’s really disgusting once you start traveling to see the damage done to the actual chosen people by Europeans and Assyrians honestly. It is sickening to see how long they have been lying. I came back to America a different person. So sad.
Maybe you guys should read britanica on journeys of the diaspora and on migrations of ancient migrations. After Roman occupation of Israel and destruction of the bet hamikdash the Sanhedrin worked to preserve tradition and customs. The head of Jewish education moved to Babylon hints the Talmud bavli and remand the center of Jewish education till about 9th century. When moorish occupied Spain became the scholarly center of Judaism till around the Spanish Inquisition for obvious reasons the heads of education had to relocate. Where Amsterdam, vilna, Lithuania and other Eastern European countries became settlements for Jewish families. The holocaust was just the straw that broke the camels back. Jews have been fleeing persecution through out all corners of the earth. The feudal government of Europe made Jewish communites possible till the emancipation and force assimilation into the nations. But Never was the people severed. There is letters after letters responsa upon responsa of great rabies staying in contact refining ways to perform the ways of the temple without a temple and adhering to those customs is Judaism. Hebrew is term used in Egypt loosely translated dusty ones from the east. There was many Semitic tribes referred to as Hebrew. It was the Israelites a select Hebrew group after many scisims who where refined by G-ds law and who later won the conquest of Canaan with His help just for the purpose of performing His laws to sanctify the land for His presence to dwel. And after the conquest and confederacy of the 12 tribes into a united nation divided after Solomon judea the southern nation continue following G-ds law in His temple while Israel (ephraim) worshiped idols (2 bull statues) so Jews (judean) used in the book of Esther to denote the ethni adhering to the customs and observance of judea the nation still adhering to G-ds law…… also in the Torah Deuteronomy 26:5 it says Then you shall declare before the LORD your God: “My father was a wandering Aramean, and he went down into Egypt … Aram was in the land of the Fertile Crescent which stretched north thru Syria. Google Syrians and Persians and people native to that area since ancient times then google Eastern European Jews or Sephardic jews, similar traits given 2000 years of wandering thru nation after nation fleeing persecution. True there has always been converts. Leviticus 24:22 says Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am the LORD your God. and that law includes taking a Jewish wife so while traits of the goyim mix in they eventually mix in with a true descendent by demanded by Jewish law…. Now there is the argument of khazars being the lineage of European Jews. King khazars chose Judaism over other major religions and converted the whole nation according to Halacha. This happened in the 9th century c.e. And was to small of a nation to account for all the Jews already dispersed thru out Europe. jews also settled in North Africa from Egypt to Morocco and down thru Ethiopia. R. Moses Ben Maimonides was a chief rabbi in Egypt and was a physician to Saladin the sultan in the 12th century in Córdoba Spain and wrote letters to Jews who migrated to Yemen after the destruction of the temple….. scattered to the 4 corners of the earth and gathered from the 4 corners…. And Brenda’s comment bout Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews being descendent of yapheth. Ashkenaz was the son of gomer son of yapheth and came to denote Germany. Ashkenazic Jews resided in Eastern Europe but are still descendants of Shem. Like it says Gen 9:27 od will extend Japheth; he will dwell in the tents of Shem; and Sephardic denotes Jews who dwelled in iberian peninsula nada to do with yapheth …
All i know is that Jesús says you shall know them by their fruits what they are doing with the palestinians is not GODLY like actions it looks more like satans children actions to me using their money and power to wage war around the globe through their right hand fire power the other satanic empire which in revelatión is described very well to the detail read something thats not influeced by the pupett másters the only place that GOD allows truth is in the holly book…the ancient spiritual GOD computer….the only problem is you need to be of the correct spirit in order for these ancient secrets to be reveald by the holly spirit of GOD
All i know is that Jesús says you shall know them by their fruits what they are doing with the palestinians is not GODLY like actions it looks more like satans children actions to me using their money and power to wage war around the globe through their right hand fire power the other satanic empire which in revelatión is described very well to the detail read something thats not influeced by the pupett másters the only place that GOD allows truth is in the holly book…the ancient spiritual GOD computer….the only problem is you need to be of the correct spirit in order for these ancient secrets to be reveald by the holly spirit of GOD
Lol nice true but many know that is a false narrative.
Joshua, I reject your argument, you are simply wrong.
Fascinating. I have one question though why were the Ashkenazi and Sephardic people responsible for leasing slave ships throughout slavery? Why in present day are they working right next to Italians (Lombardi tribe) in the music/ media field (mainly being large shareholders in privatized prisons) today?
Hitler literally knew they lied. They were never in bondage and need to stop trying to compare the Holocaust to slavery. It didn’t span centuries and Brown Hebrew people are the only displaced race…that includes INDIA too. It has become a parasite as now China is participating and it’s looking like it just won’t end.
I agree with you that they were converted indeed, but they are definitely not even close to being chosen at all. It’s literally all over Germany. This is why people need to get out and SEE.
All I know is that God does not have a real estate license. Indiginous people of Palestine have a right to live here. If Europeans want to live there because of biblical fantasy, then assimilate and don’t force Indiginous people to assimilate to European Jewish customs.
What would anyone out there do if someone came to your house and said get out, God gave it to me? Honestly? Assuming that it were true that Ashkenazi or any European Jews were direct decendants to the Hebrews it gives them no right to return after 2000 years. How about if a German family moved to the United States in 1776. Then a person from future generations went to Germany in 2015. This person then tells a German family to get out of their house because my forefathers lived here over 200 years ago. That is really idiotic.
Please Keep Me Informed….
There were 12 tribes of which the Jewish were 1 of the 12. The tribe of Gad settled in Germany. Ephraim in the UK. Zebulon in Holland (prophecy was they will find oil!), Benjamin in France. So technically many people have Hebrew ancestors. I have Hebrew ancestors but as far as I could tell no Jewish ancestors for at least a few thousand years. This does not make me a Hebrew nor an Isrealite BUT I do respect everything Hebrew.
Can anyone tell me if Harvey Weinstein is a Hebrew or a Jew? My point is this 2017 not the 19th century
Outsiders want entitlement to Israel, because of the Gaza Strip.
Rightful Jews want entitlement to Israel, because of the Gaza Strip.
Likewise, Palastians want entitlement to the Gaza Strip and sadly, it’s about their homelands—where they have lived for generations.
For the most part, it’s about Natural Gas off the coast of Gaza.
In 2007 a lot of natural gas was found off the coast of Gaza, but Israel had given up and withdrawn from Gaza in 2005.
What to do? What to do?
First, Abraham, Issac and Jacob are not nor have proven to actually have existed and are considered Patriarchal Hebrew Narratives.
Second, Not one Hebrew-Israelites has been able to prove their bloodline as direct descendants of people of Israel or that region.
Third, How is it possible that Hebrew-Israelites use the English language translation of the post Protestant Reformation Christian Church of England King James version of the Bible that was introduced to black slaves when they arrived in the Americas as proof of their lineage. One verse in Deuteronomy doesn’t quite cut it when making such a lofty claim without further evidence.
Seems the following applies: When the slave master’s converted and Indoctrinated black slaves by force three things happened.
The WEAK willfully submitted out of fear.
The SMART pretended but forgot they were pretending.
The STRONG defied to the end through torture and ultimate death.
The Hebrew-Israelite Cult seems to fall somewhere between The Weak and Smart.
All you have to do is get out and travel. They literally show it everywhere from Germany all the way to Israel. Israeli Khazars aren’t even allowed to cross the Egyptian border lol. The first people aren’t even Europeans, so they definitely are not even anywhere close to being chosen and will always be associated with robbery and cultural appropriation. The dark ages were rough and changed European genetics. But there is only adaptation not invention historically from the European side. everybody just wants their land back or at best to be left alone.
Europeans can’t even work in the sun 365 days a year. Just that reality alone is an actual weakness that wasn’t helpful during biblical days. Weak? The day G-D’S chosen people realize that their ancestors broke commandments and actually go back to the original Bible with the Apocrypha and other missing items will be the day we will actually have a real paradise.
It’s common sense at this point. It’s only easy for Esau’s children (The Hunters) because they built a false world that is pretty unsustainable and as the sun gets hotter it really does not favor people with no melanin. The tribes just had to remove stuff and create a world that makes G-D’Souza chosen break the commandments every millisecond of each day.
Lorde said it best “We will never be royals”. You won’t That’s why the world is a mess now and European ancestors had to build all these systems to hold everybody back. The time has come and I don’t know what is going to happen, but the world is not reversing back to stupidity I’ll tell you that much.
After visiting Africa, Israel and Europe which by the way there are no pyramids in Europe….there it is blatantly in your face. America is a big matrix surrounded by lies and omission based off Europeans not being able to hack working in the sun.
I don’t see what is strong about that honestly. Then telling the people that did the manual labor it is not their home when their ancestors already came much earlier and made pyramids clearly from Africa…I mean it’s just bizarre Caucasians just keep this going for centuries honestly lol. Just give it up already. The first servants were the Scottish and Irish. Sounds to me like they learned from Africans, tried to implement these ideas and realized they really had no choice. Ashkenazi people are 36th cousins & really have scientific relations to Neanderthals…just the way Europeans band together and hoard money is not much different than their ancestors. Europeans had no resources and had to figure it out to the point where they robbed the whole world. It’s that simple. It’s just time to give everything back and leave everyone alone honestly.
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 7:9-14
i Want to lerne more
Let’s do a lot of research before commenting things which can misslead our readers, those who have done well God bless you.