Difference Between BFA and BA
BFA and BA are both undergraduate degrees that are awarded for arts. BA is Bachelor of Arts, and BFA is Bachelor of Fine Arts.
One of the main differences that can be seen between BA and BFA, is that one is a general degree and the other a professional one. While the Bachelor of Arts is only a general degree, the Bachelor of Fine Arts is a professional degree.
While the BFA underlines specifically to the subject of fine arts, the BA is not like that. Where the BA is more flexible, the BFA can be termed as more rigid. The BFA is a degree that is given for certain performance fields, like theatre and music. On the other hand, BA is a degree that is generally given for subjects other than performing arts, like theoretical science humanities and education. Although, a BA can be given for certain performing arts as well.
When comparing the two courses, the Bachelor of Fine Arts has more course work than the Bachelor of Arts. It is true as well, that the BFA comes with more practical classes than general classes. Unlike the BA, the BFA involves more participation in the arts, rather than in academics, but there are hardly any practical classes in the BA course.
It can also be said that the Bachelor of Fine Arts consists more of studio-oriented classes. The difference between BA and BFA also differs from one university to another.
When comparing the two degrees given for performing arts, one can see that the Bachelor of Arts is only conferred for certain generalised programmes. On the other hand, the Bachelor of Fine Arts can relate to specific fields, like acting, direction, specific dances, specific music and other similar activities.
1. BA is Bachelor of Arts, and BFA is Bachelor of Fine Arts.
2. While the Bachelor of Arts is a general degree, the Bachelor of Fine Arts is a professional degree.
3. Where the BA is more flexible, the BFA can be termed as more rigid.
4. BFA is given for certain performance fields, like theatre and music. On the other hand, BA is given for subjects other than performing arts, like theoretical science humanities and education.
5. When comparing the two courses, the Bachelor of Fine Arts has more course work than the Bachelor of Arts.
6. BFA involves more participation in the arts, rather than in academics. The BFA consists more of studio-oriented classes.
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Dear Sir
Am Raghu D C am passed B.F.A In 2009 can I conduct the IAS or KAS like any exams for my future please guide me sir
Thank you sir
What and how many career fields can you choose after finishing BFA?