Difference Between Policy and Politics
Policy vs. Politics
Politics is part of the government system, and a policy can be called a plan. Politics can be defined as a science or art of governing or government, especially governing a political entity like a nation. A policy can be defined as an overall plan that embraces the general goals. A policy can also be said to be a course or action that is proposed by a government, an individual, business firm, or any party.
Politics refers to authority and refers to public life. Politics generally revolves round government and its activities. “Politics” is a term that refers to the organizational process. It also refers to the theory and practice of governance. Political parties run the government which all adhere to certain policies.
“Policy” can be termed as a “principle.” It is not that political parties adhere to certain policies, but almost all individuals have certain policies. Most companies follow certain policies. A policy can also be termed as a commitment or statement of intent. It is because of the policy that people, an organization, or a party is held accountable. A policy is a set of rules or principles that guide decisions.
“Politics” is a word that has been derived from the Greek word “politikos,” meaning “an official” which has been modeled on “Affairs of the City” by Aristotle. This book talks of government and governing. “Policy” is a term that has been derived from the Old French word “policie,” from Late Latin “politia,” and ancient Greek “politeia.”
1. Politics can be defined as a science or art of governing or government, especially governing a political entity like a nation. A policy can be defined as an overall plan that embraces the general goals.
2. Politics refers to authority and refers to public life. Politics generally revolves round
government and its activities. Politics is a term that refers to the organizational process.
3. Policy can be termed as a “principle.”
4. A policy can also be termed as a commitment or statement of intent. It is because of the policy that people, an organization, or a party is held accountable. Policy is a set of rules or principles that guide decisions.
5. Political parties run the government which all adhere to certain policies.
6. A policy can also be said to be a course or action that is proposed by a government, an individual, business firm, or any party.
7. Politics refers to the theory and practice of governance.
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