Difference Between Milk and Evaporated Milk
Milk vs Evaporated Milk
Evaporated milk is one of the various types of milks available on the market. Evaporated milk is the milk that contains almost no water content.
Regular milk may contain about 85 per cent water in it. In evaporated milk, about 50 to 60 per cent of the water content has been removed. The water content is removed through the evaporation process and thus the name “evaporated milk.”
Unlike regular or normal milk, evaporated milk is thick. The thickness of evaporated milk is because of the removal of the water content. More and more manufactures now sell milk in the form of evaporated milk as this milk can be stored for a longer period without refrigeration. The evaporated milk can stay as it is until the cans are opened. But in the case of regular milk, it can get spoiled even if it is inside a can and not kept in a refrigerator. This means that evaporated milk has a longer shelf life than ordinary milk.
When compared to regular milk, evaporated milk also has higher calories and vitamins.
When buying evaporated milk, you also have the option to convert it into regular milk if you want. Just pour half the amount of water into the evaporated milk and you get regular milk.
As evaporated milk is thick, it is used more in cookies. Regular milk can just thin out the cookie batter as it is watery. In taste also there is a difference. Evaporated milk has a richer taste than regular milk. Moreover, evaporated milk is creamier than regular milk.
Evaporated milk is used more in desserts and also in baking as it comes in a sweet flavor.
1.Regular milk may contain about 85 per cent water in it. In evaporated milk, about 50 to 60 per cent of the water content has been removed.
2.Unlike regular or normal milk, evaporated milk is thick.
3.The evaporated milk can stay as it is until the cans are opened. But in the case of regular milk, it can get spoiled even if it is inside a can and not kept in a refrigerator.
4.The evaporated milk also comes with higher calories and vitamins.
5.Evaporated milk has a richer taste than regular milk. Moreover, evaporated milk is creamier than regular milk.
6.Evaporated milk is used more in desserts and also in baking as it comes in a sweet flavor.
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Thanks. Good info.