Difference Between Centipede and Millipede
Centipede vs. Millipede
Quite often, centipedes and millipedes are confused for one another. However there are many differences between the two insects other than how many legs they have. Both insects are known for coming out at night or in damp wet areas during the day. Also, they are known to seek refuge in homes during times of extreme cold. The digestion process in both arthropods is similar as they use their mouth for chewing other insects or organic plants. Neither of these two are lethal if they touch you, bite you, or spray you.
Centipedes belong to different classes of arthropods, called Chilopoda. Centipedes have long antennae atop their heads. When looked at under a microscope, centipedes have one set of legs per body section that they have. This means that there are many sections to the centipede’s body. It is interesting to watch centipedes move, as their legs seem to drag behind the rest of their body, they are used for pushing themselves forward. The movement of a centipede is quick and is similar to a running motion for an animal. The disposition of these critters is very predatory. They seek to harm and protect themselves. Because of this demeanor, centipedes are known for biting animals and humans that come too close to them. Centipedes also appear as though they have been squashed as their bodies are flat in shape. Centipedes feed on smaller insects that come out at night, as they prefer cool conditions.
Millipedes are almost the complete opposite of centipedes, even though they look similar. Millipedes are from the genus Diplopoda, which means to have two feet. The antennae on the top of a millipede’s head are short and look cut when compared to centipedes. When comparing the legs of a millipede to a centipede they are not dragging, rather short and barely stick out of the millipede’s body. Additionally, the body of a millipede has two sets of legs per body segment, however the first few segments near the head only have one pair on a body segment. Instead of running, millipedes move at a slow pace, a slow walk is the typical pace for them. The demeanor of millipedes is also related more towards protection and food sources, as they are scavengers and unlike centipedes they do not bite. Millipedes eat leaves and organic material that they find.
1. Centipedes and millipedes are both multi-legged arthropods that hunt during the night and in damp conditions, also they are known for invading homes.
2. Centipedes have antennae that are long, and millipedes have short, chopped looking antennae.
3. The bodies of the two critters are different in that centipedes have two legs per body segment that look like they drag. Millipedes have four legs per body segment and they are short and close to the body.
4. Centipedes are quick and predatory arthropods. Millipedes are slow, scavenger arthropods.
5. Both, centipedes and millipedes eat organic material and insects that are smaller than them.
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mayeb you could haev a thing where you change the size of the font on your articles cause it’s very hard to read, IT’S SO SMALL!!!!!!!!
but you’ve got good info anyway
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
This explanation of differences between centipede and millipede stated that both are insects. Correction: neither one of them are insects; invertebrates-yes, but not insects.