Difference Between Boxing Day and Black Friday
Everyone enjoys a great sale. For this reason, specific dates have been selected to allow retailers to sell goods at discounted prices. The most notorious days for sales are Boxing Day and Black Friday. While Black Friday was originally enjoyed mainly in the American states, it has evolved to become a worldwide event. Boxing Day is also mainly enjoyed in Canada. While people get to enjoy amazing discounts on products during this period, the practices among the two can be different.
What is a Boxing Day?
This is a secular holiday that originated in the United Kingdom and is celebrated a day after Christmas day, usually on 26th December. It is celebrated as a public holiday or a second Christmas holiday in most countries, while others including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Tobago celebrate it as a shopping day. This is followed by a drastic reduction of prices on most items hence long shopping queues may be witnessed. Some countries, however, incorporate sports including football leagues, rugby leagues, and cricket matches.
What is a Black Friday?
This is celebrated on the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America. It has been the biggest Christmas shopping season in America since 1952. Many stores offer highly discounted sales with most shoppers starting the shopping spree early in the mornings to avoid the much-witnessed overcrowding in the past. Among the countries where Black Friday is most popular include the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Romania, India, France, Switzerland, and Germany, just to mention a few.
Similarities between Boxing Day and Black Friday
- Both are annual events
- Both involve major discounts on items
Differences between Boxing Day and Black Friday
Date celebrated
While Boxing Day is practiced on 26th December, Black Friday is celebrated on the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America.
Boxing Day originated from the United Kingdom. On the other hand, Black Friday originated from the United States of America.
Countries celebrated
Boxing Day is celebrated in countries majorly the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Tobago. On the other hand, Black Friday is celebrated in countries majorly the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Romania, India, France, Switzerland, and Germany.
Activities carried out
While Boxing Day involves shopping and sports activities such as football leagues, rugby leagues, and cricket matches, Black Friday is mainly a shopping day affair.
Boxing Day vs. Black Friday: Comparison Table
Summary of Boxing Day vs. Black Friday
While both Boxing Day and Black Friday involve massive discounts on products, Boxing Day is practiced on 26th December while Black Friday is practiced on the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America. These two days could be life-changing for persons who enjoy great discounts.
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[0]Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/47514124@N02/31517978180
[1]Image credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/black-friday-offer-black-sale-shop-2970820/
[2]Mogelonsky L. Llamas Rule. Author House Publishers, 2013. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=La7ZAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA141&dq=Difference+between+Boxing+Day+vs+Black+Friday&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-5PzgyLbhAhV0AGMBHdemAeoQ6AEISDAG#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20Boxing%20Day%20vs%20Black%20Friday&f=false
[3]Reppen Randi. Grammar and Beyond Level 2 Student's, Book 2. Cambridge University Press, 2012. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=d71jMl0N-ZEC&pg=PA386&dq=Black+Friday+shopping&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRytSzybbhAhUSAGMBHTczAgQ4ChDoAQhCMAY#v=onepage&q=Black%20Friday%20shopping&f=false
[4]Helterbran V. Why Rattlesnakes Rattle: ...and 250 Other Things You Should Know. Taylor Trade Publications, 2012. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=7cLARzbA5bMC&pg=PA105&dq=Difference+between+Boxing+Day+vs+Black+Friday&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-5PzgyLbhAhV0AGMBHdemAeoQ6AEIMTAC#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20Boxing%20Day%20vs%20Black%20Friday&f=false