Difference Between Certification and Accreditation
Among the recognized standards all over the world include accreditation and certification. These two sets the guidelines under which quality products and services are provided against, hence most organizations and even persons try to get some accreditation or certification. Most often, however, the terms certification and accreditation are used interchangeably, if not together. Despite the synonymous wrong use, the two should not be used as synonyms.
What is Certification?
This is a written assurance by a third party on the conformity of a service, product or process, based on certain specified requirements provided by some form of education, audit, assessment or external review. The third party hence provides certification by indicating full satisfaction by of a service, product or process. Certification relates to all company activities in a given industry. It is important to be certified by an official certification body, which proves the achievement of a worthwhile designation.
What is Accreditation?
This refers to formal recognition on the competency towards specified standards by an authoritative body. These authoritative bodies access organizations also test and supervise organizations tasked with testing, calibrating, inspecting and certifying firms against internationally set standards. Accreditation is based on specific activities and is not based on all activities in an organization.
Similarities between Certification and Accreditation
- Both set the standards under which quality products and services are provided against
Differences between Certification and Accreditation
Certification refers to a written assurance by a third party on the conformity of a service, product or process, based on certain specified requirements provided by some form of education, audit, assessment or external review. On the other hand, accreditation refers to formal recognition on the competency towards specified standards by an authoritative body.
Base activities
While certification relates to all company activities in a given industry, accreditation is based on specific activities and is not based on all activities in an organization
Certification involves the endorsement of a product, service or process by a third party. On the other hand, accreditation involves the endorsement of a product, service or process by an independent third party.
Certification vs. Accreditation: Comparison Table
Summary of Certification vs. Accreditation
While certification and accreditation are two different terminologies, their importance cannot be ignored. While certifications help in gaining a competitive advantage on the conformity of a service, product or process as well as increase the earning potential, accreditation provides assurance on the compliance of organizations to the relevant regulatory bodies, hence reduces the constant need for specialist assessment personnel. It also ensures the provision of a safe working environment. In industries depending on raw materials, quality assurance is guaranteed, as the issuance of counterfeits is cut off. All these sum up to environmental conservation, economic sustainability, risk control and energy conservation.
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[0]Image credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/certificate-certification-certified-1656187/
[1]Image credit: https://media.defense.gov/2015/Jun/05/2001052878/780/780/0/150604-F-FO134-001.JPG
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