Difference Between Look and Find
Look vs Find
“Look” and “find” are two English words which are very close to each other, and people often use them incorrectly in place of one another. “Look” means “to glance at something, to perceive something with one’s eyes or to see.” It may refer to the process of trying to find something. “Find,” on the other hand, refers to the result of looking. When the process of looking is over, one discovers the thing one was looking for. “Look” and “find” have other usages also.
“Look” is used as transitive verb as well as an intransitive verb. Here are some of usages and meanings:
“Look” refers to taking care of something, for example;
“Look to see that the parcel is delivered by 10:00 a.m.”
To see, for example;
“Look how pretty it is!”
To examine, for example;
“Look at the intricacy of the design.”
To expect or anticipate, for example;
“We look forward to having a profitable year.”
A certain facial expression, for example;
“ I did not like the look on her face.”
To have an appearance which fits or accords with, for example;
“He looks his age.”
To have an outlook which is specified, for example;
“The house on the river looked north.”
Likelihood, for example;
“It looks like it is going to rain.”
To gaze or stare, for example;
“He looked hard at her.”
“Look” refers to a particular tendency, for example;
“The evidence in the case looks to a conviction.”
“Look” is also used as a noun. Some of the usages are:
The act of looking, for example;
“She took a quick look around.”
Physical appearance, for example;
“This is the look of the season.”
“Find” is used as a transitive verb, intransitive verb, and as a noun. Some of the usages are:
“Find” refers to coming upon something accidentally, to encounter, for example;
“I hoped to find him here but he isn’t.”
To discover by experimenting or study, for example;
“The scientist found the answer to his query.”
To attain or reach, for example;
“The arrow found the mark.”
To experience, for example;
“Did you find pleasure in the company of people your age?”
To perceive to be in a particular place, for example;
“He found himself standing in the rain.”
To gain power, for example;
“ To try to find someone’s tongue.”
To provide or supply, for example;
“We need to find the right sofa for the room.”
“Find” used as a noun, some usages are:
The act of finding something, for example;
“My find is authentic.”
Valuable discovery, for example;
“The antique jewelry she bought at the flea market was a real find.”
Some person whose abilities are very good, for example;
“Your assistant is a real find.”
“Look” means “to glance at something or to perceive something with one’s eyes” while “find” refers to the result of looking.
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