Difference Between Marines and Army
Marines vs Army
Every country has its own armed forces whose main function is to defend its sovereignty from other countries and forces that may aim to oust it. It is also designed to uphold is foreign and domestic policies. It involves the use of strategy, operational art, and tactics in the accomplishment of its duties towards its country.
There are three basic armed services in a country; the Air Force which conducts aerial warfare, the Army which is the land-based military force, and the Marines which are an infantry force and a member of the naval forces of a country.
While both the Army and the Marines are deployed on the ground, the Marines are not directly under the Department of Defense like the Army. The Marines are an assault force, and they are trained in amphibious operations. They are also quick, mobile, and ready for action at any time. In offensive military operations, the marines are deployed first to conduct the assault. After the area is cleared, the Army takes over and carries out their tasks as an occupational force.
In terms of logistics, the Army has more resources than the Marines which rely on the Navy. It also has more troops, more aircraft, and more weapons. It is the primary ground-based force of a country with more staff than any other branches of the Armed Forces.
Training in the Marines is more rigid than Army training. This is because they are the first troops which engage the enemy during combat, and they are the troops that are assigned in embassies, especially those located in unfriendly countries.
While the Army has its own medical personnel, the Marines rely on the Navy’s nurses, doctors, and medics. The Army also has two reserve forces, the Army Reserves and the Army National Guard while the Marines do not.
The word “marine” comes from the Latin word “marinus” which means “of the sea” which is from the Proto-Indo-European word “mori” or “mari” which means “lake” or “body of water.” Its first use in the English language to refer to a soldier who serves on a ship was in the late 1600s. The word “army,” on the other hand, comes from the Latin “armata” or “armatus” which means “equipped in arms” or “armed.” Its first recorded use to refer to land forces was in the late 1700s.
1.The Army is the largest military force of a country while the Marines are under the naval force of a country.
2.The Army is an occupational force while the Marines are an assault force.
3.The Army has its own medical personnel while the Marines do not.
4.The Army has more troops, aircraft, ground vehicles, and weapons while the Marines do not.
5.In terms of training, the Marines undergo more rigid training than the Army.
6.The Army is directly under the Department of Defense while the Marines are not.
7.The Marines are the first troops that engage the enemy during combat, and the Army only comes in after the area has been cleared.
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“The Army is an occupational force while the Marines are an assault force.”
The US Army is NOT an occupational force this not true now nor has it ever been true. The mission of the Army is not to occupy nor is does the Army train for occupation. I don’t know where that garbage came from but it is a common thought among those who have never served and have no understanding of the military. The Marines do not clear areas for the Army to take over. That is rubbish.
Then by all means necessary, tell us the correct answer. Don’t leave us hanging by saying what is taught as wrong, provide us with the truth, give us the right answer….
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