Difference Between Sunni and Ahmadi

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (seated centre) with some of his companions at Qadian
Sunni vs Ahmadi
Sunnis and Ahmadis are two sects of muslims.Though the two sects believe in Quran and Mohammed, the two sects are different in many respects, inluding their beliefs. Sunnis, also known as Ahl as-Sunnah or Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’h, are the largest denomination of the Islam community.
When compared to the Ahmadis, the Sunnis are considered to be more orthodox. One of the major differences that can be seen between the Sunni and Ahmadi is in the prophethood. Ahmedias do not believe that Mohammed is the last prophet. They believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian is the prophet who is supposed to come. This is a great violation of Islam, which considers Muhammed as the the last prophet. On the other hand, Sunnis believe in Prophet Mohammed.
While the Sunni sect has a long history, the Ahmadia movement was founded only in 1889. The Sunnis believe that Prophet Muhammed did not appoint any successor to lead the community before his death. After Mohammed’s death, a group of his prominent followers elected Abu Bakr Siddique (prophet’s father-in-law) as the first caliph.
The Ahmadia movement was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He claimed to be the promised Mahdi awaited by the Muslims and the Messiah of Christ. The Ahmadis believe in the revival and propogation of Islam.
Sunni is a word that is derived from Sunnah, which means teachings of Prohet Mohammed. This means that Sunni is a word that refers to the followers of Prophet Mohammed. Though Ahmadia was formed in the 19th century, the name was only adopted a decade later. Ghulam Ahmad in a manifesto of 1900 said that the name was not a reference to him but refered to Ahmad, another name of Prophet Mohammed.
1. Sunnis are the largest denomination of Islam community.
2. Ahmedias do not believe Mohammed as the last prophet. They believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian is the prophet who is supposed to come. Sunnis believe in Prophet Mohammed.
3. When compared to the Ahmadias, the Sunnis are considered to be more orthodox.
4. While the Sunni sect has a long history, the Ahmadia movement was founded only in 1889.
5. The Ahmadia movement was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He claimed to be the promised Mahdi awaited by the Muslims and the Messiah of Christ.
6. Sunni is a word that is derived from Sunnah, which means teachings of Prohet Mohammed. Though Ahmadia was formed in the 19th century, the name was only adopted a decade later.
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Shoaib is quite pathologically deceitful Not against others but to himself. The hate he feels towards others must be crushing his soul in weight. Please don’t be fooled by the “righteous” acts.
Shoaib is a cowrd.
This seems a very bias review, especially the summary. I would kindly ask for more research to be done and mabey even ask an Ahmadi for their beliefs aswell as a Sunni not ex
You can ask me anything about our beliefs in Islam I would be happy to answer
Can we connect on Instagram please! I wanna ask you something in private about ahmadi muslim jamat.@RHRakibRocky its my intagram and Facebook account name.i will be very glad if you response.
Assalamo alaikum wr.
May peace and blessings of Allah the almighty be upon you.
I would like to clarify here, as I am an ahmadi muslim, AHMADIS BELIEVE THAT THE PROPHET MUHAMMED (PBUH) IS THE LAST OF ALL PROPHETS. You should read more about them before you publicly spread info which might not be quite true. Furthermore, we believe that the messiah who was promised to come (by prophet Muhammad) is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani.
I request you to read info about ahmadis from their own websites or books and not from any other sources. Thanks a lot and I pray that if I am on wrong path, God grant me the right one and if you are on the wrong one, God grant you the right one. Ameen.
I guess y’all ahmadii’s are going astray cuz once upon a time we were all Sunna. Now Mirza Ghulam as you said is a messiah shouldn’t be taken that hard cuz alot of caliphs did more than him but none has form a new religion.
Mirza Ghulam is not even a Wallillah cuz he is just misleading the umma. You people should wise up cuz Ghulam is causing destruction, he brought. …..
If you read the Quran properly it says ‘the messiah who is promised to RETURN’ not to come. Also if you see the meaning of Messiah it means Christ. That phrase means Jesus will return to Earth. This Mirza guy made some things up and you all decided to follow him? My husband was an Ahmadi and thank god he has seen the light and converted to Sunni! Ahmadis need to open their minds and read the actually Quran for themselves. Not what some random guy has told you to believe.
Do not believe his lies.
If he can confuse his lust for love then anything is possible in his “fair” world.
Oh My, Could it be Miss Sidra ??
@ Beyonder or Shabi.
Nice try buddy.
Do what you are really good @ lying, cheating and all the others things that I don’t feel comfortable discussing here.
Fool her, not me. IF she had the brains then she would have figured out some things by now.
Go learn to be a MAN first, let alone a SUPERMAN.
@ Beyonder or Shabi.
Go and check your emails that you sent me saying you are “beyonder”.
I am not stupid like Amara. I knew it was you who was looking for a way to talk to me. Goal accomplished?
Oh, and could this be SHOAIB???
As-salaam-o-alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa baraka tuh.
Let me clear that we Ahmadi Muslim believe that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last of all the Prophets (Khatamun Nabi).We first believe on Prophet Muhammad (SAW) so that we follow the right path of Islam (in Holy Qur’an it’s states that He the Messiah will come in very weak situation to revive Islam when the followers will tends to wrong path to control to guide them He [Allah] will send the Messiah . You have to follow Him . Messiah has came . Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib qadiani A.S he is the masseih of the age. the promised masseih who is long be awaited by not only Muslim, but also Christian, Hindu . And other religions . He is the promised masseih as per the great prophecy of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa SAW to revive the faith of the Muslim Ummah who get influenced by other religions . there was only name of islam had left but they didn’t follow the real teaching of Islam .
No it is wrong . Ahmadiyya Muslims believe that prophet Muhammad (SAS) is the last prophet.And mirza ghulam Ahmed qadiyani(as) is the massih moaud.
Its hard to choose between being the right Muslim……I do have a sect too but prefer saying that I am a Muslim. I think that none of the websites are giving the right info, we should look in the one book that will ead us to teh right path. I have looked at different websites and read different perspectives but still the only thing I am finding is perspectives. I wish we all find the right path way and read the Quran to find all our questions.
Its hard to choose between being the right Muslim……I do have a sect too but prefer saying that I am a Muslim. I think that none of the websites are giving the right info, we should look in the one book that will ead us to teh right path. I have looked at different websites and read different perspectives but still the only thing I am finding is perspectives. I wish we all find the right path way and read the Quran to find all our questions AMEEN.
Please I want the name of the one who wrote this article. Any help please. Please very urgent. Using it for academic work
He gave a very wrong description of ahmadies. Go to alislam.org to learn what ahmadies really called themselves
I’m not convinced with your instinct summary
If you want to share inappropriate pics and videos of your mother, wife, sister or daughter. Feel free to send them to SHOAIB ABAIDULLAH.
I am sure that will be more than happy to share them with his beloved wife, who obviously doesn’t have a mind of her own. why else would she believe all the lies of her husband.
No matter how many times a snake sheds it skin, it will always be a snake.
Please, explain what is the differences between Sunni and Ahmadiyya.
No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and live the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon.
2009 – 2019
Shoaib Abaidullah’s words are nothing but a lie from the DEVIL.
You can hurt her but it will be temporarily.
She knows how to love, but she also knows how to love herself. And if you cross that line where she has to choose, understand you will lose.
Just a reminder you are whole without someone else. You are not a fraction. You’re a complete master piece all by yourself and you do not need anyone else to validate your existence.
When love is real, it doesn’t lie, cheat, pretend, hurt your or make you feel unwanted.
So, pay close attention and be well my friends.
SHOAIB ABAIDULLAH, It goes without saying,
There are two spiritual disease which steal every moment of happiness
Hope you get my point.
What’s yours will always find you.
I deserve the love I give.
I don’t miss YOU.
I miss the person I thought YOU were.
I did not love YOU.
I loved the person YOU pretended to be.
YOU gave ME the COURAGE 🙂
It took me years to figure out what was your purpose to come in my life. You came when I needed help the most, you came to show me the path of life. The Path, that I have to walk alone.