Difference Between Lust and Infatuation
Lust vs Infatuation
Lust and infatuation seem like two sides of the same coin. They are two different faces of the coin; each is unique and has its own status in society.
The dictionary meanings of lust are:
Intense or acute sexual desire or appetite.
Illicit or uncontrolled sexual desire or appetite.
An overmastering or passionate desire or craving.
To have intense sexual desire.
To have a desire or yearning to have an excessive craving or strong craving.
We need to understand that lust is not just used for sexual desire; it is used for intense hunger, passion, or craving for things which are considered materialistic in our society. For example, someone’s lust for power, meaning their intense desire to be in power.
Someone’s lust for life, meaning intense passion towards living your life, doing things you love not just existing or surviving or dragging on in your life but living your life to the fullest.
Lust for money, meaning a huge appetite for gathering money in one way or another.
In our daily life we hear the word “lust” and relate it to someone’s sexual desire towards someone, but the core of this word refers to an intense craving for something or someone. The hunger is so strong that one wants to achieve whatever they desire with or without rules. Morality, legitimacy, and appropriateness do not figure or mean much, when one lusts after something or someone. This is the reason why lust is considered one of the seven sins.
Lust for someone can be mistaken for love very easily as the object of a person’s desire might consider lust of someone for them as intense love. But, as we all know, love is virtuous and only inspires people to do positive things whereas lust can be a result of a negative inspiration. It might be a selfish act to please only oneself and not care for the feelings or pleasure of another. It is absolutely conditional; the condition being attaining something or someone at all costs.
The dictionary meanings of infatuation are:
State of being infatuated or the act of infatuation.
Extravagant or foolish passion.
Infatuation refers to momentary emotional or physical attraction towards someone you like, their mannerisms, their physical appearance, the way they talk, walk. Infatuation can be towards someone you don’t know at all, such as towards celebrities. It is for a very short period of time and is almost erased from the memory after you find someone else to direct your feelings towards. Once infatuated, a person might get the same feeling as being in love. But, again, love is not conditional whereas infatuation is all about liking some particular features of a person; lose the features and it’s over. This word refers only to the attraction of one person towards another.
1.Infatuation refers to momentary attraction of one person towards another; lust refers to intense desire for something or someone.
2.Infatuation is between two people. Lust is not only for a person. It could be for power, money, life, etc.
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good information
I believe one of the main causes of failed relationships is people not knowing the difference between love and infatuation. Both parties may genuinely and sincerely believe their infatuation is love only to find after a year or so that there’s no longer mutual attraction in their relationship.
Agree!, people need to step back a bit in the beginning and let those feelings calm down. It’s hard but people that get infatuated too fast are the ones who suffered the most. In the other hand is the other person feel something real for the infatuated person, they can ended up hurt, when the infatuated met someone else and change all the attention to other person