Difference Between Spotify and iHeartRadio
In recent years, the number of music streaming platforms has increased. And if you are a music lover, you probably have one on your gadget. Spotify and iHeartRadio are some of the most commonly used music streaming platforms globally. The variety of music in these platforms caters to the needs of all music lovers, though audiences vary. Yet, some people prefer Spotify. And others iHeartRadio. Let’s see the variance between the two platforms below.

What is Spotify?
Founded in 2006 by Martin Lorentzon and Daniel EK, Spotify is a media services and audio streaming service provider. With over 365 million active subscribers monthly, the platform is the largest music streaming service provider globally. It is also a public trading company in the audio streaming and podcasting industries. The platform allows users to search for music based on the album, artist and genre. Users can also edit, create and share playlists.
Spotify is available in the Americans, most of Europe, Asia, Oceania and even Africa. It is even expected to expand further to other countries.
Here are some features that Spotify users enjoy:
- Curated playlists- Spotify curators provide a huge number of playlists that cover songs from different genres. And with constant updates, the music does not get outdated, ensuring users get new experiences.
- Connection with multiple devices- Spotify supports control and playing of music on multiple devices. Users can control the volume and playback from multiple devices.
- Discover weekly- This is a playlist that is available every Monday and is curated by the platform’s algorithms.
- Video podcast- Spotify users can now access video podcasts on mobile apps and desktops.
- Autoplay- With the Spotify autoplay feature, users get endless playlist recommendations based on the similarity of songs that they play.

What is iHeartRadio?
Founded in 2008, iHeartRadio is an internet radio, music recommender system and podcast publisher owned by iHeartMedia. It is the largest radio broadcaster in the U.S, with its main competitors being Sirius XM, TuneIn and Audacy. It is available in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and Canada.
Here are some features that iHeartRadio users enjoy:
- Live radio- iHeartRadio is one of the best radio stations in Mexico and the United States.
- Entertainment updates- If you want to keep tab of the entertainment sector, you will get regular updates daily, be it celebrity news to the latest viral shows or music.
- Custom radio stations- iHeartRadio users get to enjoy a wide selection of radio stations. These can be customized based on individual favourite genres.
- Live events- If you can’t physically attend a concert, what better way to catch it than via iHeartRadio? The platform sponsors various events globally ensuring you get live videos and news on the events.
Similarities between Spotify and iHeartRadio
- Both offer music streaming services
Differences between Spotify and iHeartRadio
Spotify was founded by Martin Lorentzon and Daniel EK in 2006. On the other hand, iHeartRadio was founded by iHeartMedia in 2008.
Spotify is available globally in the Americans, most of Europe, Asia, Oceania and even Africa. On the other hand, iHeartRadio is available in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and Canada.
Music variety
Spotify has over 50 million songs in the library, making it the perfect music streaming platform for music lovers. On the other hand, iHeartRadio has approximately 30 million tracks, which may be limiting for music lovers.
Extra features
Spotify users can enjoy offline playback, unlimited skipping, on-demand play and ad-free listening depending on the subscription. On the other hand, iHeartRadio has extra features such as live radio, offline listening via song download, custom radio stations and unlimited song skips.
Subscription plans
Spotify has student, free, family and premium subscription plans. On the other hand, iHeartRadio has Plus, free, family and all-access plans.
Supported platforms
Spotify is supported on macOS, iOS, Windows, Windows Phone, streaming boxes, Android, Linux and game consoles. On the other hand, iHeartRadio is supported on Windows, macOS, FireOS, iOS, smart TVs and Alexa.
Music quality
Spotify users enjoy 320 kbps and 96 kbps for premium and free subscriptions consecutively. On the other hand, the music qualify on iHeartRadio is 128 kbps.
Spotify vs. iHeartRadio: Comparison Table

Summary of Spotify and iHeartRadio
Spotify is available globally in the Americans, most of Europe, Asia, Oceania and even Africa. It has over 50 million songs in the library, making it the perfect music streaming platform for music lovers. On the other hand, iHeartRadio is available in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and Canada. It has approximately 30 million tracks, which may be limiting for music lovers. However, the platform has extra features such as live radio and custom radio stations.
Which music service is best?
Spotify is the best music service given the wide variety of songs in the library and the music quality.
Is iHeartRadio considered Streaming?
iHeartRadio offers free radio-style streaming services on a range of platforms.
Is iHeartRadio better than Pandora?
Some would say iHeartRadio is better than Pandora since iHeartRadio offers free offerings.
Is iHeartRadio really free?
iHeartRadio offers a free service. However, if you want access to all services, you will be required to pay $9.99 monthly.
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References :
[0]O’Rourke M & Cohen J. Copyright in a Global Information Economy. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2019. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=_mnBDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA450&dq=Difference+between+Spotify+and+iheartradio&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5l7zi96jyAhXMhv0HHQBYBtEQ6AEwCXoECAQQAg#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20Spotify%20and%20iheartradio&f=false
[1]Kim Gilmour. Spotify For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=eYHL7q13N4cC&pg=PT215&dq=Difference+between+Spotify+and+iheartradio&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5l7zi96jyAhXMhv0HHQBYBtEQ6AEwB3oECAYQAg#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20Spotify%20and%20iheartradio&f=false
[2]Vonderau P & Eriksson M. Spotify Teardown: Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music. MIT Press, 2019. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=jsaFDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Spotify&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Spotify&f=false
[3]Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IHeartMedia_Heart_Logo.png
[4]Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spotify_Badge_White.svg