Difference Between Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
According to scientists, there are six differentiated kingdoms into which living things can be divided. The eubacteria and archaebacteria are probably the least known of this categorization. Eubacteria and archaebacteria are two very different kinds of bacteria, each with their own identities and use in our daily lives.
Archaebacteria are one of the oldest of organisms found on planet earth. They are composed of a single cell and are called prokaryotes. Interestingly, archaebacteria are usually found under extremes of conditions. This is not surprising considering the fact that they were one of the first organisms on earth- at a time when earth was a planet with poisonous gases and unbearable heat. The archaebacteria was one of the only organisms that could survive in that unfriendly condition.
The Eubacteria are the common ones we refer to when we are generally talking about bacteria. They are complex in structure and are found under neutral conditions. You can find Eubacteria in a variety of conditions, for instance, you can find them in the human body, in some foods (yikes!) and practically everywhere around us.
Archaebacteria are usually categorized into three groups. In the insect kingdom, these groups are called phyla. The phyla under Archaebacteria include methanogens, the halophiles and the themoacidophiles. Methanogens harvest energy by changing H2 and CO2 into methane, hence the name. The second category, the halophiles, also has a reason behind the names. Did you know that these bacteria thrive in salt? Most bacteria die off under salty conditions, but that helps the halophiles thrive and prosper. Themoacidophiles thrive under acidic conditions. They also like high temperatures and can happily survive in areas that have 230degrees Fahrenheit temperatures and low ph.
Eubacteria has four phyla (groups, silly!). These are:
The cyanobacteria are bacteria that are photosynthetic in nature. This means that they can use the suns energy to prepare their own food. They also release oxygen as a byproduct. These are usually found in water.
Spirochetes are usually called gram negative bacteria. They may be parasites, living off the host or they may live in a symbiotic relationship with the host. Spirochetes can also live by themselves.
The other group is the gram positive bacteria. This includes your friendly neighborhood bacteria producing that delicious yogurt and the not so friendly one that gives you a sore throat!
It is a fact that the eubacteria have been studied more extensively by human beings. There a two main reasons behind this. Archaebacteria usually live in the most hostile of environments, even in volcanic vents. For this reason, it is less practical to study them. Moreover, all the pathogens we know of are under the group called eubacteria. Also, some of these eubacteria have economic importance-for instance the lactobacillus. This has made it a more interesting subject of study.
1. Eubacteria live under neutral conditions, while archaebacteria live under extremes
2. Archaebacteria are single celled creatures, while Eubacteria are more complex in nature
3. Eubacteria has been studied more by human beings because they are found in greater numbers in their environment. They have also been studied more extensively because some have economic importance.
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i am doing a bit of a review for one of my biology tests and your site has been a great help to fill me in a little more i can finaly understand what the teacher is talking about now thanks for the help and info. Canadian Student
I liKe men
Thanx,yar.u’ve saved me
Wow dude, stop being gay.
i hate my school
cool story bro
Once upon a time
1. Eubacteria live under neutral conditions, while archaebacteria live under extremes
2. Archaebacteria are single celled creatures, while Eubacteria are more complex in nature
3. Eubacteria has been studied more by human beings because they are found in greater numbers in their environment. They have also been studied more extensively because some have economic importance.
I disagree with all 3 of these points. Archaea are not only found under extreme conditions but also found almost everywhere, from soil to skin flora. Archaea are also believed to make up almost 20% of the biomass of the earth.
Archaea are not just single celled organisms. For example, Deinococcus radiodurans is an archaeon made up of 4 cells to form a tetrad structure which helps it to resist up to 1000x the amount of radiation that would kill a human.
While it is true that Eubacteria have been studied more, this is not because they are found in greater numbers but because archaea were only found around 40 years ago (a tiny amount of time compared to the time that bacteria have been known about) and archaea are much harder to find so less people will research it. Archaea also have a lot of economic importance, from providing new antibiotics to fight off resistant bugs, to clearing up large scale incidents such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. They have also revolutionised food processing techinques by providing enzymes that work at above 100 degrees.
Cool website…its made my bacteriology research really easy.
Nigerian student..
ya… i got it,with helo of google search. i understood what is EUBACTERIA? and what is ARCHEA BACTERIA….. heartly thanks for microbiology scientists…….
wow!! u just made my life so much easier!! no more being confused in biology:)
It really cleared my doubt about the difference between archaebacteria aud eubacteria….it was really helpful for me……but according to me i think archaebacteria was not the first organism on this earth….
im still confused
can someone unconfuse me????
Yah whts ur cnfusn.
Please update your information, not all of your resources/ notes are not exact and not up-to-date ! Other then that very informative.
This site is amazing…!!!!
It helps me a lot in solving my queries…..nd moreover i get a good explanation to my each nd every query….so m vry vry thankful to it….
The difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria.Tanzanian student